Is Tap Water Bad?

bang guy

OK, so where are all the fish that you've put in there since then? Since they didn't die, perhaps they grew legs and crawled out.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
OK, so where are all the fish that you've put in there since then?

the ones I have put in there are still there. except for the madrain. also took back some mollies and damsels.

bang guy


Originally posted by beaslbob
the ones I have put in there are still there. except for the madrain. also took back some mollies and damsels.

Are these the Mollies you took back?
Originally posted by beaslbob

My cycle molies appeared to be almost indestructable. 5 adults in 55g plus 20-30 babies. They only died when ammonia pegged the charts after i removed dead anemonies.

The LFS must have been thrilled to receive them.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Are these the Mollies you took back?

my original cycle mollies did have 10-20 babies. At about a 4-6 weeks the tank crashed due to going too fast and all the original mollies were lost when ammonia pegged the chartes. they survived cycles where nitrItes pegged the charts for days however. I introduced a second batch of mollies to reestablish the tank. the babies from that batch of mollies were eaten by a hog fish. The hog fish was one of the first to develop ich and slowly waste away. About 3 months into that cycle was when it was impossible to add new fish. Then I discovered the ph had fallen and macros. The addition of macros raised the ph and ich was a thing of the past. But some mollies had survived all that. Along with a couple of dasmels. Those mollies and dasmels were sold back to LFS bout4 months later.
The LFS must have been thrilled to receive them.

Actually there were happy. Customers were surpised to see the mollies in the saltwater. And the fish remained healthy and ich free.

bang guy


Originally posted by beaslbob
I used plain ole frewhwater mollies- 5 of them. The were cheap (about $2.00 each), had a mix of black and silver colors, and had babies in the tank. got tired of them 3 month later so gave them to the LFS and added marine only fish.

But here you say you just got tired of them and gave them back to the LFS??? :confused: I'm all confused. Is there another Beaslbob using you account or something? Is he the one that has the 3 Flame Angelfish?
Or did you give the dead Mollies CPR and bring them back to life so you could take them to the LFS?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
I used plain ole frewhwater mollies- 5 of them. The were cheap (about $2.00 each), had a mix of black and silver colors, and had babies in the tank. got tired of them 3 month later so gave them to the LFS and added marine only fish.

Originally posted by Bang Guy
But here you say you just got tired of them and gave them back to the LFS??? :confused: I'm all confused. Is there another Beaslbob using you account or something? Is he the one that has the 3 Flame Angelfish?
Or did you give the dead Mollies CPR and bring them back to life so you could take them to the LFS?

this is totally consistant with:
my original cycle mollies did have 10-20 babies. At about a 4-6 weeks the tank crashed due to going too fast and all the original mollies were lost when ammonia pegged the chartes. they survived cycles where nitrItes pegged the charts for days however. I introduced a second batch of mollies to reestablish the tank
Two batches of mollies two different situations. as I stated above. Yes I did lose three flame anglefish. As I have stated fish were dieing. Those deterioriated and developed ich as the others that died did. And that all stopped after I added plant life. My current coral beauty of the same size has none of those problems for four months. He was added about 4-5 months after adding the plant life.
Again entirely consistant.
Yes I have lost fish. Fish do die in my tanks. Fish will die in the future in my tanks. But it now is a rare event with plant life has been added, ph is up, carbon dioxide is down. And because of the systamatic method I approached the problem with, I am absolutely sure it was the plant life and nothing else that changed. ICH is undoubatly still in the system. Just that now the fish are not affected. Where as without plant life they died.

bang guy

LOL you're really warped. First you traded the original mollies, then the original mollies died, then you traded them again.
You added Macro to the display and a few months later you added 3 Flame angels, all of which died a few months later but they didn't die after you added the algae because of some Beasl time-warp that allowed you to take back live mollies to the LFS after they died.
Sorry pal, I'm not buying it.
You've made every newbie mistake in the book and yet you've kept saltwater since the 70's. That's likely.
You're a saltwater expert except you can't spell snail.
You're a "plant" expert but you can't spell Caulerpa.
I think you're just an attention seeking wannabe that has absolutely no clue.
I also think you're a disgrace by trying to convince legitimate hobbiests to do things your way when you know darn well they aren't working for you. And to be honest, that's the only problem I have with you.
I think you need to back off giving advice and start listening. Perhaps you'll save the few remaining animals in your tank if you do.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
He's going back and editing his posts too

If he was being honest why would he do that??

because i can't spell

Yes you are absolutely correct. I made every newbie mistake when setting up my current 55g. And I made those mistakes because of the advice given to newbie me that did not jibe with my experience from long ago.
Dispite your efforts I have never posted I traded in the original mollies that died. I did trade in the cycle mollies from the setup after the crash. I did have three flames die but now have a coral beauty thriving. I have kept aquariums since the late 70's but always stated my salt experience was for only 10 years.
Meanwhile you remove 5 gallons of caulpera each week.
But then I don't have your experience. I don't have to take three weeks or longer to establish sand costing $100s because common play sand will do the same thing. I do not have to hide my tap water source and recommned ro/di because I know tap water is fine. I can use plain old construction limestone rock at $/ton because I know it is same rock placed in the ocean and being harvested as Live rock and sold for $/pound. I know that skimmerless tanks build up enough bacteria and plant life to fully process any bioload. I know that calcium sources like tap water, CC, and oyster shells buffer calcium and alk levels.
Finally I know that all the work, expense, and possibilities of failures are not necessary. Because every successful reef tank posted here is teaming with plant life and several systems look great even with tap water.
Something to think about the next time you, kip, reef, beck, and others are harvesting from your fuges.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by AustinReef
The last couple of exchanges between Bang and Bob, still have me laughing:D Now thats some funny stuff



Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Beckzilla
I dont think he has spoken an honest word in quite sometime after reading his comical posts.

Just to keep the joke going Show me which one of my posts is not honest? :D


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
Again entirely consistant....
...Yes I have lost fish. Fish do die in my tanks. Fish will die in the future in my tanks.

HERE'S a statement We can ALL agree on...


Active Member
Well, I really don't know what to type. WOW.:thinking: I think Bob should start posting newbies to check their water before using it. Is that fair Bob?
My water was checked and I KNOW it has high iron and magnesium. FACT.
I can't use it. Most newbies don't know whats in it and you tell them "it's OK if you add plant life". Sorry, that wont cut it. I think 90% of tap water is unuseable in salt water tanks. (Thats just my theory so don't jump on me.)
Bang: take a deep breath, exhale, in, out.....:D J/K


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
I don't have to take three weeks or longer to establish sand costing $100s because common play sand will do the same thing. I do not have to hide my tap water source and recommned ro/di because I know tap water is fine. I can use plain old construction limestone rock at $/ton because I know it is same rock placed in the ocean and being harvested as Live rock and sold for $/pound. I know that skimmerless tanks build up enough bacteria and plant life to fully process any bioload. I know that calcium sources like tap water, CC, and oyster shells buffer calcium and alk levels.

OOH...OOH...and you can save money by using table salt...cause it came from the ocean too...

bang guy


Originally posted by beaslbob
Yes I did lose three flame anglefish. As I have stated fish were dieing. Those deterioriated and developed ich as the others that died did. Yes I have lost fish. Fish do die in my tanks. Fish will die in the future in my tanks.

So why are you preaching your methods to new hobbiests?
You say money is not a problem and yet to continue to torture your animals. Why not jump into the 21st century and you too can have a thriving reef aquarium where corals grow and fish live to a ripe old age.
Please, join us, you'll be welcomed. You have things to share, I've seen it. It's just clouded over by this hardheaded arrogance that you can throw all type of pollution at your plants and they'll handle it. Just listen to yourself, they are not handling it. Your animals are dying. They don't have to. You can stop it.


Originally posted by beaslbob
Because every successful reef tank posted here is teaming with plant life and several systems look great even with tap water. [/B]
Every successful reef tank? Hey beaslbob, check this pic very carefully and SHOW ME THE PLANT LIFE! BTW- used RO water and Southdown sand. All parameters are perfect and everything is thriving wonderfully.