Is this a teardrop maxima?


I still haven't figured out why some people on this site always focus on the negative part of the situation. I thought we were here to help.:help:

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by s3aL
But like I said before, LFS is going on two and a half years in there display tank under VHO lighting.

Might I add that it isn't exactly businesslike for a LFS to hold clams for two and a half years each. Maybe the setup is 2.5yrs old, the clams probably come in and go out weekly.


No it was there display tank. You know, just about every fish store has there "all mighty" reef tank on display where they sell nothing out of it. But yeah, I did ask about the clams in there display tank and asked what type of lighting they were running on it. The lady said VHO lighting. So I asked to see under the canopy and saw 6 VHO bulbs in there and thats it. I was abit surprised also. :)


Active Member
So where was this clam kept in the display tank, or did you buy the rock that the clam was attached too.


The clams in there display tank are about 7-8 inches away from the lights up on some rockwork. The clams they sell are in the sandbed in a very shallow tank. I think its only 12 inches tall.


There is no point in arguing anyones point, because in every tank there are variables that help/hinder what the so called "norm" is.
I know people who swear by this and it works fine, swear by that and it works fine and vice versa.
My favorite is and always will be the great crushed coral vs. dsb debate that has been raging on since people first decided to snatch marine life from the wild and put them in glass tanks.
Nothing is absolute (well, except some of the chemistry, most of which I'll stay away from understanding to the degree of those that enjoy that stuff) and everything is for the most part what works for each individual ecosystem.


I agree about being able to keep clams under VHOS.... the ONLY differences between URI VHO lighting and MH lighting.... is of course, shape..... and type of lighting... however ... arent the white bulbs still 10,000K?... and isnt the Actinics still... well, actinics?..... the only difference also between these lights is the MH's are higher watted.... while the 4 foot bulbs are 110Watts and the MH come in 175Watts and 250 watts, 500Watts, ect....... if you still have enought WPG... I PERSONALLY dont see why you cant have these corals, clams, organisms.... why? just WHY!?.....
I have digitats and Caps under VHOs, YES ALL YOU SPS PEOPLE... I know that these sps corals are easy to grow... and CAN be kept under VHOS, but even then, people would say that you cant... Mine are growing good and I have fraged mine 2 times.... MANY people DONT believe this... I dont personally care... because I know in my heart that I do have frags... but anyway!
I have kept many corals and marine creatures under VHOS that people say you cant... including the sps that I have mentioned... I HOWEVER have NOT tried Clams... but would like to very much!!!... I may try a Der... or a Squ.... but I would prefer the Max or a Cro.
I know the Ders and Squs like it on the sandbed... and the Maxs and Cros like it on rockwork....
I am willing to find a good deal on a Cro or Max to try... if it dies then it does.... however I still would like to try...
Im one of those .... NEVER GIVE UP people...
I first before I go and jump into the Clam Bucket , so to speak, am going to replace my 2 year old VHO bulbs LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
that would help!! HAHA
Any comments on this that I have mentioned about VHO and MH comparing would greatly be appreciated!!


Active Member
this is me after biting my tongue...
All I will add is that no one says not to keep Croceas and other light loving clams under fluorescents to be mean, rude or to try to be superior with their MHs... they say not to because it HAS been tried, the after effects have been shown.
PLEASE do not kill critters just because you have a chip on your shoulder. That is not what this hobby is about. Anyone that truly loves this hobby wants to see their critters grow and flourish...
FWIW, here's a Crocea after spending some time under VHOs... he was placed high up on the rocks in a 55g under 440w of VHOs. In this picture he is on the sandbed being acclimated to MH. But of course yours will not do this... right??


Thats how I see this situation. If the clam dies, well then I will learn myself that I can not keep a crocea clam under my PC lighting. Then I will not buy another one. I lose 30 bucks and a clam but I also learn something. Im the type of person who will try it myself and see if it works out, not read hundereds of posts and go exacally by what everyone says.

nm reef

Active Member
A wise man once said....~your tank...your choice~
Why get all keep sps and plan to keep clams under VHO's.....thats of luck to you and your creatures.


Active Member
Im the type of person who will try it myself and see if it works out, not read hundereds of posts and go exacally by what everyone says.
Why?? Just curious why you wouldn't want to gain knowledge from others??
As the wise NM pointed out it's your choice. Hopefully all will work out, even if it hasn't hundreds of times before.

tony detroit

Active Member
If 10 people tell me don't jump in the river and each one knows one that drownd
"I wouldn't tell them, Hey, I'm a good swimmer."

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by shawnts106
I have digitats and Caps under VHOs, YES ALL YOU SPS PEOPLE... I know that these sps corals are easy to grow... and CAN be kept under VHOS, but even then, people would say that you cant... Mine are growing good and I have fraged mine 2 times

Any full tank pics, before and after growth sequence pics?


The reason is because there is to many Possibilities in this hobby. Thats what makes this hobby so fun and interesting. Just because something died in ones tank doesnt mean its gunna happen in yours. Its nature, anything can happen. I see that your clam didnt do well under your VHO lighting. On the other hand, my LFS has them under VHO lighting and are doing great. "Melevsreef's" clam looked very very healthy under PC lighting. THAT right there should tell you that there is no right answer to " can clams do well under anything other than MH?" I do read posts and get knowledge but I am still gunna try myself for the fact that anything is possible. Understand now? :)


Active Member

Originally posted by shawnts106
I have digitats and Caps under VHOs, YES ALL YOU SPS PEOPLE...

We're all still waiting for you to stop posting like you said you would:rolleyes: I don't recall anybody here telling you you couldn't keep Digs and Caps under VHO's, just Acros, like you asked about.

yosemite sam

Active Member

Originally posted by s3aL
The reason is because there is to many Possibilities in this hobby. Thats what makes this hobby so fun and interesting. Just because something died in ones tank doesnt mean its gunna happen in yours. Its nature, anything can happen.

This is really only a half-truth. I am always a little confused by this argument even though it is a fairly common one that I see on the board at least once a week. There are a couple different things that I don't understand.
First, the chances of your clam surviving in your tank are much less than 50/50. This is not a toss-up 'maybe it will make it, maybe it won't make it'. I believe that there are some right answers in this hobby. These answers have come from people that have been doing years and years of research with this. While we are all learning new things all the time, that does not mean that all previous experience and knowledge is useless. You cite melevsreef a few times as an example where someone kept a high light clam under VHOs. There are, however, dozens of examples to the contrary. You focus on the one positive, because that is what you want to hear. Would you, for example, buy a car that got one good review and dozens and dozens of bad reviews? Of course not, that would be crazy.
Secondly, and more directly relevant to the quote above, do you understand why the clam survived in melevsreef's tank? What similarities does your tank and his have that make you think this is worth the risk? I could make the argument that I could take a little sports car up a rough 4x4 road because my friend took his big jeep up the same one. They are both cars, with 4 wheels, doors, and a steering wheel. But obviously, they are very different cars, and my little car probably isn't going to make it up the rough road. We all have tanks, but they are different. Using the logic that because one person had success where most others didn't, you might too makes no sense if you don't understand why that person had success.
Just my $.02


Aparently you dont get it. I never said im gunna have success in having the clam for 20-50 years. I said I am going to try it out myself and see the results instead of just going by what people say. Me mentioning melv is just telling you people that it IS POSSIBLE! Buying a 30 dollar clam is a big difference than buying a POS 20k ford
. Thank you and have a nice day.


Active Member

Originally posted by Yosemite Sam
Using the logic that because one person had success where most others didn't, you might too makes no sense if you don't understand why that person had success.
Just my $.02

And mine! :D