I would think that the clam would probably taste the best if it were kept under plain non VHO tubes. Why? Well, in my opinion, all animals taste better, when put in situations that are abnormal for them. Hence, corn-fed beef, chickens pumped with growth hormones, and farm raised jumbo crawfish. So it would only seem appropriate that if you were starving and the clam was the only thing for you to eat, you should keep it under the least amount of light possible, feed it something wholesome like partially digested steamed rice and lentils (but you have to force feed it), and just see how delicious it becomes. Glaze the clam in a special sauce made with skimmer juice and activated carbon, and enjoy. Pair this delicious delicacy with a fine sparkling wine such as Boone’s Farm, and you’ve got a winner. So, Ophiura, wanna come over for dinner Friday? :joy: