Is this a teardrop maxima?


heh yeah, I guess in some way im wrong for wanting to experiment with the clam and risk his life. Forgive me for my own curiosity.
I'm feeling ya.. I understand what your saying.... Everyone is just giving thier opinions, thats what we do here. Don't let it get to ya. Hopefully you will enjoy your clam for some time.
I really want one too but I have PC's., I have been a member here for a while and have not heard positive things about clams and pc's.. So, Im kinda interested in your experiment. I was told that if I wanted one, I could set up my 15H(make a nano reef) with VHO's and it would work. Maybe someday I will try it, I love clams. But for now... NOPE.
Good Luck, Kim


Hey, enough of all the ******* pointless arguing...
If it doesn't make it, then at least you can have clam on the half shell...
get some tabasco and lemons, and if it doesn't live, at least it will be yummy.


Active Member
FWIW, there are clams that will do fine under strong fluorescents, the same as there are sps corals that will do ok under strong fluorescents. T. derasa, T. gigas, H. hippopus and T. squamosa have all been successfully kept under fluorescent lighting.
ctgretzky9, it isn't BS to me. That CLAM should be taken care of, as should anything we buy for our tanks. It's sad to see a fellow hobbyist with that kind of outlook.



Originally posted by ophiura
Obviously you have never smelled a dead giant clam.

Yes, I have smelled dead clams etc before, obviously I wasn't was mean to be a joke



Originally posted by ReefNut
ctgretzky9, it isn't BS to me. That CLAM should be taken care of, as should anything we buy for our tanks. It's sad to see a fellow hobbyist with that kind of outlook.

Oh my g...chill out! it was a joke...geez, you guys get too serious!


Active Member

Originally posted by ctgretzky9
Yes, I have smelled dead clams etc before, obviously I wasn't was mean to be a joke

So you've smelled them, and would still eat it? Well, tabasco kills a lot of stuff.
DISCLAIMER: both of my replies were also sarcastic and not to be taken seriously either. Granted, not the same talent as your original comment, but I try. Sometimes at least. :)
But there is also that fine line in this sort of "joke" because to some extent, it can be interpreted as a "So what" about the animal. Obviously not that it will be eaten. But the "so what" can get people going.....


Active Member
Oh my g...chill out! it was a joke...geez, you guys get too serious!
I guess I just don't find humor in killing clams... sorry.



Originally posted by ReefNut
Oh my g...chill out! it was a joke...geez, you guys get too serious!

I guess I just don't find humor in killing clams... sorry.

Okaaayyy...then you dont find humor in ANYTHING? Almost anything that is funny is simply funny BECAUSE it is not reality based.
It was a joke, granted not hilarious or momentous in any way, but a joke.
Ok, for the record (and for anal rententive people) i wouldnt eat the clam, i wouldnt want it to die in the first place, and i do care about the well being of any creature that is on this planet.


Active Member
OK everyone, how about this. Lets say you HAVE metal halides AND a fantastic clam but there is no food left and you're starving. Would you eat it then? Would you feel guilty? Would it taste better than if you had kept it under PC lights? If it would taste better after being kept under halides, would you then admit, after eating it (and thus causing its death because you were starving), that it would be better to have kept it under halides and lesson learned for when there is more food and you can buy another?
I think this is the heart of this thread, finally!


Active Member

Originally posted by ctgretzky9
Okaaayyy...then you dont find humor in ANYTHING? Almost anything that is funny is simply funny BECAUSE it is not reality based.
It was a joke, granted not hilarious or momentous in any way, but a joke.
Ok, for the record (and for anal rententive people) i wouldnt eat the clam, i wouldnt want it to die in the first place, and i do care about the well being of any creature that is on this planet.

Man, take the chip off your shoulder...


I would think that the clam would probably taste the best if it were kept under plain non VHO tubes. Why? Well, in my opinion, all animals taste better, when put in situations that are abnormal for them. Hence, corn-fed beef, chickens pumped with growth hormones, and farm raised jumbo crawfish. So it would only seem appropriate that if you were starving and the clam was the only thing for you to eat, you should keep it under the least amount of light possible, feed it something wholesome like partially digested steamed rice and lentils (but you have to force feed it), and just see how delicious it becomes. Glaze the clam in a special sauce made with skimmer juice and activated carbon, and enjoy. Pair this delicious delicacy with a fine sparkling wine such as Boone’s Farm, and you’ve got a winner. So, Ophiura, wanna come over for dinner Friday? :joy:


Active Member
Well, it would basically be fish....and that would fit the bill. I'll check the ole black book and see.


Active Member
I wanted a clam but me as well only had pc lights so i did some reading and alot of reading and my reading lead me to a squamosa as far as my lighting i had telling me a better chance to live i to love the t-max and crocea clams but buy reading they do very poor under pc lights so i went with the better chance and got the squamosa clam since it had a better chance to live for me i do the reading before i buy i dont like to kill and wast money...If i cant house it in my tank i dont try it by some kinda hunch it might work are not...but hey good luck on your clam i hope it works out:D


mola and oph...
Youre both wrong...clam would taste better just as is, with just tabasco and lemon, served with a warm guiness.
i do like the idea of adding some skimmer foam, that would give it a nice texture


Active Member
I'm hoping that Molamola will also serve chips off shoulders so that we can all be friends again. I'd be willing to eat lots of chips, so everyone hand them over.
and well said! :D


How about some cornfed cowchips? Mushrooms and moss are an extra charge. As for tobasco and warm guinness, which are both quite tasty, I fear it may be a lethal combination when paired with a clam of such enormous proportions. Your GI track would not thank you. :scared: