Israel Now Listed As A Terrorist Nation By Obama Administration


Active Member
Will Jewish Americans finally wake up to this guy? He is absolutely anti-Semitic. I hope the libs here won't try to cover for him this time. This list is made by the State Department and it goes through the executive branch. This is Obama's doing.


Active Member
I found the list on the ICE web site, but there was no date showing when Israel was added. From the google list, it appears they release a statement about the list every May or June. I went back as far as 2008 and each year it's about this time they post statements about the list.


Looks like May 10th.
Here are the countries and territories on the “specially designated country” list published on May 10, 2011 by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General. Except for Somalia and Yemen, the CIA’s World Factbook is the source for each country’s Muslim population percentage. For Somalia and Yemen, the source is the Pew Research Center’s 2009 report, “Mapping the Global Muslim Population.”
Country or Territory                 Muslim Population
Mauritania                                  100 percent
Saudi                                          100
Turkey                                        99.8
Gaza Strip                                  99.3
Yemen                                        99.1
Afghanistan                                99
Algeria                                        99
Morocco                                     98.7
Somalia                                     98.5
Tunisia                                      98
Iran                                          98
Iraq                                          97
Libya                                        97
United Arabs Emirates             96
Uzbekistan                              96
Djibouti                                   94
Pakistan                                  95
Jordan                                     92
Tajikistan                                 90
Egypt                                       90
Bangladesh                              89.5
Turkmenistan                           89
Indonesia                                86.1
Kuwait                                     85
Bahrain                                    81.2
Qatar                                       77.5
West Bank                               75
Oman                                       75
Syria                                         74
Sudan                                       70
Malaysia                                   60.4
Lebanon                                   59.7
Kazakhstan                              47
Eritrea                                      36.5
Israel                                        16.9
Philippines                                5
Thailand                                   4.6


Active Member
"I don't know what weapons will be used in world war 3, but world war 4 will be faught with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
"World war 3 will not be fought over land, or territory rights. We will be fighting over who the 'real' god is. What a silly reason to fight." - several people


Active Member
Originally Posted by cgibson505 http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394782
Looks like May 10th.
Here are the countries and territories on the “specially designated country” list published on May 10, 2011 by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General. Except for Somalia and Yemen, the CIA’s World Factbook is the source for each country’s Muslim population percentage. For Somalia and Yemen, the source is the Pew Research Center’s 2009 report, “Mapping the Global Muslim Population.”
Country or Territory Muslim Population
Mauritania 100 percent
Saudi 100
Turkey 99.8
Gaza Strip 99.3
Yemen 99.1
Afghanistan 99
Algeria 99
Morocco 98.7
Somalia 98.5
Tunisia 98
Iran 98
Iraq 97
Libya 97
United Arabs Emirates 96
Uzbekistan 96
Djibouti 94
Pakistan 95
Jordan 92
Tajikistan 90
Egypt 90
Bangladesh 89.5
Turkmenistan 89
Indonesia 86.1
Kuwait 85
Bahrain 81.2
Qatar 77.5
West Bank 75
Oman 75
Syria 74
Sudan 70
Malaysia 60.4
Lebanon 59.7
Kazakhstan 47
Eritrea 36.5
Israel 16.9
Philippines 5
Thailand 4.6
You do realize that just because you're a Muslim, you're not automatically deemed a terrorist, correct? You could put practically every single country in the Middle East on that list if you ask me. You think terrorism recognizes boundaries of countries? Who knows where terrorist lurk and hide over there. Some Glenn Beck wannabe posts some tripe on a blog, and that's all it takes to get you to stir the pot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394815
You do realize that just because you're a Muslim, you're not automatically deemed a terrorist, correct? You could put practically every single country in the Middle East on that list if you ask me. You think terrorism recognizes boundaries of countries? Who knows where terrorist lurk and hide over there. Some Glenn Beck wannabe posts some tripe on a blog, and that's all it takes to get you to stir the pot.
Maybe you should tell YOUR president that. His administration is the ones who published that list with the Muslim populations on it.


Well-Known Member
According to an ICE spokesperson, “Countries may have been included on the list because of the backgrounds of arrestees, not because of the country’s government itself.” It is undeniable that many terrorists in the past have come from Israel (including Gaza, West Bank, etc.), so it does make some sense to be extra sensitive to persons coming from that country. This does not mean that Israel supports or trains terrorists, only that many terrorists in the past have come from Israel. In fact, the US considers Israel to be a partner in the global war on terrorists. This is a very small tempest in a very small teapot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394834
According to an ICE spokesperson, “Countries may have been included on the list because of the backgrounds of arrestees, not because of the country’s government itself.” It is undeniable that many terrorists in the past have come from Israel (including Gaza, West Bank, etc.), so it does make some sense to be extra sensitive to persons coming from that country. This does not mean that Israel supports or trains terrorists, only that many terrorists in the past have come from Israel. In fact, the US considers Israel to be a partner in the global war on terrorists. This is a very small tempest in a very small teapot.
I hadn't seen that ICE statement but thats what I was thinking. I suspect Israel has been on the list a very long time.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394830
Maybe you should tell YOUR president that. His administration is the ones who published that list with the Muslim populations on it. are not an American? Because last I checked, he is the President of the United doesn't matter if you voted for him or not, he is YOUR President too...LOL
I'm not into politics, I did not vote because my vote does not count and it's just a waste of my time. I am entitled to my opinion as an American. Isn't that wonderful...I have that right. So whoever is in office, I did not make or break. I don't care who the president is.
However I do get tired of the silly games the politicians play, and sling mud.... and that one was lame. See the pretty number beside the country?..that is how many Terrerists our government keeps an eye on in that country. That many in that country are on a watch list percentage wise. America supports Israel, Israel is in the middle of Muslims...they also watch for the crazy suicide terroists that bomb their cities..


Active Member
Interesting issue raised...
Personally, I am not thrilled with Obama's position on Israel, specifically his position that the Israeli borders should revert to the pre '67 boundaries without any real prospect for peace even after that land is given back. However I don't know that I would go so far as to call him "anti semitic". Is there something else that leads people to believe that the guy is a bigot, and not just a politician?
As far as the list goes, I think it's unfair to label Israel as a a nation that "promotes, produces or supports" terrorists, however I can definitely understand why they are on the list. The muslims in Israel, the Palestinians, etc have carried out terrorist attacks. In terms of US national security, it makes sense to give someone some extra scrutiny if they came from that region. Doesn't really bother me...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394842 are not an American? Because last I checked, he is the President of the United doesn't matter if you voted for him or not, he is YOUR President too...LOL
I'm not into politics, I did not vote because my vote does not count and it's just a waste of my time. I am entitled to my opinion as an American. Isn't that wonderful...I have that right. So whoever is in office, I did not make or break. I don't care who the president is.
However I do get tired of the silly games the politicians play, and sling mud.... and that one was lame. See the pretty number beside the country?..that is how many Terrerists our government keeps an eye on in that country. That many in that country are on a watch list percentage wise. America supports Israel, Israel is in the middle of Muslims...they also watch for the crazy suicide terroists that bomb their cities..
I didn't vote for him, I don't claim him, I don't want him but if I knew someone was going to shoot him in the head I'd alert the authorities cause he is our president.
"Those who don't vote shouldn't bitch". You are your own worst enemy. If every person who felt the way you do would get out and vote it would strike terror in the hearts of politicians on both sides. With around half of the people participating it is pretty easy to keep the good ol boys and girl's club in place, and they do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394847
Interesting issue raised...
Personally, I am not thrilled with Obama's position on Israel, specifically his position that the Israeli borders should revert to the pre '67 boundaries without any real prospect for peace even after that land is given back. However I don't know that I would go so far as to call him "anti semitic". Is there something else that leads people to believe that the guy is a bigot, and not just a politician?
As far as the list goes, I think it's unfair to label Israel as a a nation that "promotes, produces or supports" terrorists, however I can definitely understand why they are on the list. The muslims in Israel, the Palestinians, etc have carried out terrorist attacks. In terms of US national security, it makes sense to give someone some extra scrutiny if they came from that region. Doesn't really bother me...
I don't know about anti Semitic but he does favor the Muslim position over that of Israel. I would guess it's more about his leftist politics than bigotry but you never know. He's the guy who talked of the typical old white person attitude of his grandma.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394830
Maybe you should tell YOUR president that. His administration is the ones who published that list with the Muslim populations on it.
MY Presuident? I thought the President represented ALL citizens. If you disagree with his policies, fine. If you hate him so much, there's always a plane ticket to fly you to a more "Conservative friendly" nation of your choosing.


Active Member
So if I have a negative response to all things pertaining to a particular religion or nation, that is bigotry. And Obama takes everyone else's side over Israel every time. Since several of the subway bombers were from England itself and so were most of those arrested for the plot to hijack all those airplanes a couple years ago, why not list England as a sponsor of terrorism? I am sickened by this attitude. Israel, our best ally, is listed as a terrorist nation and all the liberals shrug. One pick at a time, one shovel at a time, the foundation is being laid. The Nazi's didn't start by rounding up Jews. It started just like this, one step after another to poison the minds of the people against the Jews. But we have nothing to worry about. We have The Chosen One as president. He'll make sure everything is alright.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394848
I didn't vote for him, I don't claim him, I don't want him but if I knew someone was going to shoot him in the head I'd alert the authorities cause he is our president.
"Those who don't vote shouldn't bitch". You are your own worst enemy. If every person who felt the way you do would get out and vote it would strike terror in the hearts of politicians on both sides. With around half of the people participating it is pretty easy to keep the good ol boys and girl's club in place, and they do.
LOL...There was a lawyer who lived and worked in a small town..he almost straved to death, he didn't have enough work to be able to eat...Then another lawyer moved into the same town..they are both very rich now.
The politicians and the world are going to do what they do, they feed off each other...God will someday wipe it all away....I vote for him to win.
I am not smart enough in the way of the world to make decisions on who is best suited to run it. I live my life like most old Flower children and enjoy my life. My days of caring about the government are over, it was futile then, and it's futile now.. I abide by the laws of the land, and treat my fellow man with respect. I don't belly ache about the decisions they make, I do shake my head at the dumb mud slinging, and for people gullible enough to pay attention to it...I sometimes get a feeling of temptation to vote for the guy that does not sling passes.


Active Member
I think portraying Obama as the next Hitler, and his "radical anti-semitism (a phrase you've used before) and that his next step is to start rounding up the Jews is a bit of a stretch.... If known terrorists have come from Israel, or are hiding out in Israel then that's a problem, that doesn't mean he's sending the drones over to wipe it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394855
So if I have a negative response to all things pertaining to a particular religion or nation, that is bigotry. And Obama takes everyone else's side over Israel every time. Since several of the subway bombers were from England itself and so were most of those arrested for the plot to hijack all those airplanes a couple years ago, why not list England as a sponsor of terrorism? I am sickened by this attitude. Israel, our best ally, is listed as a terrorist nation and all the liberals shrug. One pick at a time, one shovel at a time, the foundation is being laid. The Nazi's didn't start by rounding up Jews. It started just like this, one step after another to poison the minds of the people against the Jews. But we have nothing to worry about. We have The Chosen One as president. He'll make sure everything is alright.
Are you suggesting that anyone who isn't convinced Obama is an anti-semite is a "Liberal"? Possibly because you seem to also be suggesting that he is the modern Hitler and the new Holocaust is starting... sounds like slippery slope-ish propoganda to me but that's cool.
As to your point, you equate Israel's presence on the list as a dislike of Jews in general. Does that mean that you would prefer that they are not on the list, and travelers from Israel not pass through heightened security? Israel is the holy land for Jews, Christians and Muslims. In fact, the "Old City" in Jerusalem is half Arabic. In my humble opinion, travelers from the middle east should go through tougher terrorist screening, but this is not a prejudice, it's just for safety's sake.
So based on the above, am I now the world's first Jewish anti-semite?