Israel Now Listed As A Terrorist Nation By Obama Administration

darthtang aw

Active Member

See you hit the nail on the head. Israel cannot afford to give the Palestinians a "fair shake" because the UN screwed up so badly when they created Israel. Most of the Palestinians are from Jordan from what I understand. If they need more room the land should come from there.
What is so comical is we have a similar situation here in the u.s. how many of you would be up to give 25-50% of our country back to the native americans?


Active Member
Yes it was the 1948.
I originally was going to post the first partition, which was the foundation for the Jewish state, but it was finalized May 14, 1948.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration#post_3394852
I don't know about anti Semitic but he does favor the Muslim position over that of Israel. I would guess it's more about his leftist politics than bigotry but you never know. He's the guy who talked of the typical old white person attitude of his grandma.
Barak Obama is 100%, a Muslim/Arabic name....He was born in good old USA, and he claims Christianity as his chosen religion...if ever a man was on a fence trying to be neutral....I would think it is he. He can lay claim to being the first dark skinned Pesident. (African American...not in my opinion)
He was elected by the majority that voted, he is our President, and thus far, I really think he is doing his best. That's all we can ask of any man. He has done some good, and he has made some mistakes...I guess that makes him human like all the other Pesidents. I hope as I have hoped with every Pesident, that he is not the one to push the button in world war 3.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394929
Yes it was the 1948.
I originally was going to post the first partition, which was the foundation for the Jewish state, but it was finalized May 14, 1948.
This was only the reestablishment of the historical territory of Israel, or perhaps I should call it a botched attempt.
The "Palestinians" were squatters on that piece of land because the arab countries didn't want them either. They are now pawns in a proxy war against the Jews.
Originally Posted by Kiefers
The UN "created" Isreal.....?
Israel was "created" ~1406BC. Things went to snit ~721BC (first major conquest by foreign nation) and have been screwed up ever since.


Active Member
True I guess you could say Abraham founded the state of Israel way back then. But for modern purposes, it was the UN in 1948. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394936
This was only the reestablishment of the historical territory of Israel, or perhaps I should call it a botched attempt.
The "Palestinians" were squatters on that piece of land because the arab countries didn't want them either. They are now pawns in a proxy war against the Jews.
Israel was "created" ~1406BC. Things went to snit ~721BC (first major conquest by foreign nation) and have been screwed up ever since.
Not to break out a new debate (pls) but if this is indeed God's chosen land, aw nevermind. I do agree that it's rather messed up but there is nothing we can do about that or the UN for that matter. This war is between the palastines and the isrealites, I know the u.s. supported Isreal for decades but they pretty much need to fight there own war which has been going on for oh about decades now. It is clear that neither country wants to be "Diplomatic".


Active Member


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394938
Not to break out a new debate (pls) but if this is indeed God's chosen land, aw nevermind. I do agree that it's rather messed up but there is nothing we can do about that or the UN for that matter. This war is between the palastines and the isrealites, I know the u.s. supported Isreal for decades but they pretty much need to fight there own war which has been going on for oh about decades now. It is clear that neither country wants to be "Diplomatic".
I believe we are all God's chosen.
But I'm his favorite....

I'm out, have a great weekend!

darthtang aw

Active Member

Difference being the Indians had a real claim to this land. The Palestinians really don't.
True..just putting it into percpective on what isreal is asked to give up each time.


Well-Known Member
LOL...The indians did not lay calim to the land, any land for that matter. When they sold the land to the white man for some fire water, a few horses and some blankets, it was the equivalent to selling someone the Brooklyn bridge. No doubt they laughed at the stupid white man who thought he could own land, sky and water...until he came with an army to take it as his own, and push the Indian off. Indians occupied the land, lived off the land, but never claimed to own it. I was told this by an old indian lady.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394964
LOL...The indians did not lay calim to the land, any land for that matter. When they sold the land to the white man for some fire water, a few horses and some blankets, it was the equivalent to selling someone the Brooklyn bridge. No doubt they laughed at the stupid white man who thought he could own land, sky and water...until he came with an army to take it as his own, and push the Indian off. Indians occupied the land, lived off the land, but never claimed to own it. I was told this by an old indian lady.
Yet they would kill other tribes who entered "Their" land......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394964
LOL...The indians did not lay calim to the land, any land for that matter. When they sold the land to the white man for some fire water, a few horses and some blankets, it was the equivalent to selling someone the Brooklyn bridge. No doubt they laughed at the stupid white man who thought he could own land, sky and water...until he came with an army to take it as his own, and push the Indian off. Indians occupied the land, lived off the land, but never claimed to own it. I was told this by an old indian lady.
Yes, I too believe everything old lady's tell me...
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394936
This was only the reestablishment of the historical territory of Israel, or perhaps I should call it a botched attempt.
The "Palestinians" were squatters on that piece of land because the arab countries didn't want them either. They are now pawns in a proxy war against the Jews.
Israel was "created" ~1406BC. Things went to snit ~721BC (first major conquest by foreign nation) and have been screwed up ever since.
oh come on, If you wanna go there, then you'd have to say, joshua lead the people of Israel from Egypt, and they went to war, killed everybody (for the most part) then laid claim to the land...
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
What is so comical is we have a similar situation here in the u.s. how many of you would be up to give 25-50% of our country back to the native Americans?
I think a better example would be Mexico coming to the USA and demanding that the USA return all of the SW, from California to Texas... They were living there, they lost it in war. Then to top it off, find the dependence of the original landowners from when these states claimed their independence, forcing everyone already there off the land and giving it back to the original landowners...
That would be a better parallel


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///forum/thread/386459/israel-now-listed-as-a-terrorist-nation-by-obama-administration/60#post_3394974
Yet they would kill other tribes who entered "Their" land......
I would assume indian wars had something to do with hunting territory and protecting the women. The concept to OWN land never occured to them. Indians worshipped the spirts of the land around them. That's where you got the term Mother earth. The animals share the land with us, they live there but they don't own it. A bear can say who hangs in his hunting area...
Also indians traveled from summer to winter areas for hunting. They never settled into an area and called it home and stuck it out through thick and thin. They had Teepees that they broke down and moved the whole camp with them. If they ate a fish, the bones they buried thanking the fish spirit for giving them strength. They believed in returning to the earth what you took from it.
The indians were willing to share the land with the white man as long as he respected the tribes of the land...The white man bargained for land and the indians snickering no doubt sold it to them. They were very surprised to be told to leave, and freaked out that fences were put up. That was their mind set, who could blame them.... I wouldn't think anyone owned the sunshine, and yet our government has found a way to tax those who use solar heat.