JaxFishGirl's 75 Gallon

gill again68

Active Member
NOt sure yet. Will just have to see what he has. There is a guy fixing to move to Michigan and he is selling everything he has. I may want to go check him out first?


Active Member
Definitely do check him out. Could get some good deals.
meowzer, here is the picture of the algae. It's only on the new rocks


Active Member
Diatoms. Will go away as the silicates from the rock, their food source, is used up. Get some more flow to that area. JMO


Active Member
Yes mike, I have thought of taking it out and scrubbing it. But like Spanko said it would go away once the silicates are used up. I will just siphon it out when I do a wc and change my phs around the get more flow there. hopefully it won't be too long, it is so ugly. thanks guys for the info

gill again68

Active Member
Retarded snails LMAO how much do those cost I may be interested in a couple. I currently have pure breads with papers.

gill again68

Active Member
Check out my clam! I went back and was really a great visit. I got an orange monti as well as a green monti attached to some pulsing xenia that I was buying. For an added bonus I got some green eyed polyps as well on the same frag. Im going to cut that thing up. WOOOO HOOOOOO.

gill again68

Active Member
So the LFS guy took me back to the owners tank in the back to show me a couple of corals. They were Blastos. I asked him how much, now they were probably about 10 heads on it, he said $175.00. I choked. He had another really nice coral that looked like a sun coral but you can keep this one in the light. He said it was $50.00 A head. Im going to get me some of those.

gill again68

Active Member
Its not a Sun Coral. It LOOKS like one though. I did read about them and your right, you have to feed each individual head. More than I need right now.


Originally Posted by Gill again68
Its not a Sun Coral. It LOOKS like one though. I did read about them and your right, you have to feed each individual head. More than I need right now.
LOL...that's why I don't have one....

gill again68

Active Member
Well after doing some hard searching on the net, I have decided that your going to have to mail me a Blasto. Everything I am finding is around $100.00 or higher. You say you got yours for 20.00?


Active Member
Yeah, $20 for 2 heads and 2 baby heads. How about this, when it gets bigger and I can frag it I will send you and meowz one. You pay for shipping and it will be all yours


Sorry to interrupt but, jax those corals look great. On the powerbrites can you turn the 10k off at night and leave the actinic on or is it all on one power? Thanks