JaxFishGirl's 75 Gallon


Active Member
So, I was under the impression that torch coral and frogspawn could be close to each other. Since they are in the same family. But, my 2 apparently had a battle last night. I just turned my light on and they were stinging each other. I moved them further away from each other. Here are pictures
the torch and it's crippled looking tentacles

the frogspawn tentacles look deflated. it's not happy at all

I hope they heal up soon =(

gill again68

Active Member
They will heal pretty quick. I accidentally vacuumed my FS and I thought OMG I killed it. It came back in just a day or 2.


LOL...NO, they really can not be close....they both have sweeper tentacles that will reach out and sting eachother


Active Member
that's so crazy. at my LFS they have multiple tanks where torches, FS, and hammers are touching. I guess the FS will be banished to the other side of the tank since the torch is attached to the rock.


Active Member
hmmm glad to see you got the rock in your tank. Odd there are diatoms that stuff was sitting in a tub forever but then it was covered so no light to grow any hope it goes away soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by robertmathern
hmmm glad to see you got the rock in your tank. Odd there are diatoms that stuff was sitting in a tub forever but then it was covered so no light to grow any hope it goes away soon.
Oh, I am sure it will go away soon. I am sure the lights are what's making it grow. I tend to leave my lights on a little too long. lol. I haven't used it all, I am reaquascaping this week since I am on vacay. I may add more.

gill again68

Active Member
Really, you got a new tank some free rock a damn nice camera and you cant seem to update this thread?????? <

thats negative reinforcement. This will get short term results but will often leave the recipient in a less than desirable motivated state.


Active Member
Finally a full tank shot!
You need some sand.
But it's looking great! Do you have a plan for the kind of aquascape you are after?
I actually just finally (after a year and a half) got my aquascape looking good enough that I (probably) won't mess around with it anymore. It is full of caves and arches I (and the fish) really like it.


Active Member
Haha Mike be quiet! I keep forgetting about my thread. I get distracted with other peoples threads. I will try to update today, I don't have to rocks where I like them yet. It's irritating! haha.
Yanni, I still don't have sand. I don't know if I ever will. Its growing on me. I was planning on 2 islands, but I have such large and odd shaped rocks it's difficult to pull that off. I don't know what I am after now. I would really like to see your aquascape :D


Active Member
I don't have any pics of mine, and my tank isn't photo worthy right now, I'm at war with algae.
Okay, no sand works too.
You just have to keep moving it around until you like it. A pain, yes, but worth it once it looks nice. Islands are really nice. I had islands, but don't have enough rock to make it work right, so I went to three piles connected by arches. You should be able to make a really nice island type aquaspace though.


Active Member
Just a few updated pictures. I had a death.... the emerald crabs killed my toadstool. They knocked it off it's rock a few times and it never recovered. I never got the hint to glue it down. Anyway, onto the pictures.
my fat LMB and my dirty glass

my clowns

and a FTS. Still not happy with the way it looks, the rocks. Will fix that soon I suppose.My coraline has finally decided to take off, can't really tell by the picture but it's there! And I really need to clean the glass....