Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


Active Member
lol this has become one of those threads i keep checking on almost daily LOL i cant wait til me an my girl can get our tank, but its not gonna be anywhere near that big, no room, no experience, so on and so forth LOL but, one day, prolly in 15 years or so, we're actually looking at doing an absolutely HUGE tank, but, its gonna cost us for just the tank alone prolly 20-30k, ive done some preliminary pricing, and its friggin ridiculous LOL


Active Member
Nice tank! I followed your Idol thread and am glad the remaining one is eating well and putting on weight.
Did you put lipstick on that tang?
beautiful fish and it's great that you give those tangs so much room. How big is the Naso tang now?


Active Member
not a problem man, if you want, check out my post in the FOWLR section, i listed what id liket o have, well, i konw i cant have em all lol but a general idea, and would love some input from people who know a whole lot more than i do LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
That is an amazing tang!! Looks like a Dussimiere (sp?). OK, that one just made the running. I'll check the other site and take a look at that. Thanks.

I had the Bariene/Blackspot Tang on order and changed my order last second, I was afraid if I didn't get the Sohal I would regret it
I knew I probably couldn't have both, so I have the Sohal.
The Bariene come in from Australia (i.e. they are captured properly), and from what the guys (at that other website) said do very well in captivity. Less aggressive than the Sohal, and get more and more beautiful with age.
I think Goodwin has one in his huge tank.


Active Member
dude, did u ever get another fish? if so which one did u decide to get? i kinda hope u got the ray, 2 rays would be really cool and would look awesome in that tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
dude, did u ever get another fish? if so which one did u decide to get? i kinda hope u got the ray, 2 rays would be really cool and would look awesome in that tank

I am going to get one of those 3 fish but I'm not quite ready yet. I've had the idol for 3 weeks now and I have a rule that I never get 2 fish in a month, (unless I get them at the same time). Since my last purchase was an idol, I'll probably wait another 3 weeks before adding another fish. But at that time I will probably get one of those.


Active Member
i definitely like the rays man, when we do our dream tank, we're doing rays and sharks, i think, if they can even be put in the same tank LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i definitely like the rays man, when we do our dream tank, we're doing rays and sharks, i think, if they can even be put in the same tank LOL
Yes they can be in the same tank, provided that neither is large enough to eat the other. If I can find the ray, that may be the smartest choice. It would probably be better to add the ray earlier, rather than adding it after I have a tank full of fully established, territorial tangs.


Active Member
well, our wish tank, lets just say, its gonna be ginormous LOL im talkin well over 1000 gallons lol, but again, that one is like 15 years down the road, but, we're already designing the tank, stand, and whatnot, so we know what we want, how we want it done, and so on, so hopefully by that time, we'll at least know what we're doing with fish LOL. and yeah, ive heard tangs can get nasty, but those blue spot rays, those guys are gorgeous man, you cant go wrong with one of them


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
SWEET tank!!
Wish I had a huge tank.
Can someone ID the fish on the first pic?! I knew what is was when I was a kid but totally forgot its name..