Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


Active Member
Thanks for the words everyone. My idol is doing very well... it has acclimated very well and is settled in extremely well. Thinking about adding a new fish in the next couple of weeks.
Aptasias are starting to grow in the tank. I may try to pick up a large copperband angel, if I can find one.


Active Member
bump, an crimzy, check out the set up im lookin at puttin together an let me know what ya think its in the fish only section :p


It's been a long time since I've been on here but your tank has come a long way. Great Job getting it all set up. LOOKS AWESOME!


Active Member
Originally Posted by raedyaghnam
The tank looks awsome....any new additions?? How is the idol-ray??? any issues??
Thanks everyone. No problems at all with the idol and ray at this point. I will probably get something new in the next week or so. I was waiting because I added about 50 lbs of LR a couple weeks ago. Wanted to make sure everything is stable.
Depending on what I can find, I am interested in adding another ray (blue dot), a tang (maybe Dussimier, Vlamingi, Bartiene), or a large copperband butterfly. I am starting to get quite a bit of aptasia. It will pretty much depend on what I can find. There is a nice, very healthy vlamingi at my LFS but I'm not sure if that's what I want.


Active Member
As promised, here are some pics from tonight (scraped some algae
It probably would be a bit more exciting if I had something new but not quite yet.
Can you see the ray in this pic?

Thanks for looking!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
dude that tank just keeps getting better and better, have u decided on what ur next addition is gonna be?

Originally Posted by crimzy

Depending on what I can find, I am interested in adding another ray (blue dot), a tang (maybe Dussimier, Vlamingi, Bartiene), or a large copperband butterfly. I am starting to get quite a bit of aptasia. It will pretty much depend on what I can find. There is a nice, very healthy vlamingi at my LFS but I'm not sure if that's what I want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
I really love the moorish, hope he continues to do well.
I'm pretty optimistic at this point. I have a large tank, the idol gets along with everyone. I feed it a variety of foods and it eats pretty much all of them. I also stay on top of maintenance and water changes. I don't see how any of this would change at this point.
The potential issues I see are whether this idol gets stressed as fish are added, or if there is a random disruption of the tank (such as a power outage). But so far, it seems to be extremely strong and healthy.


Active Member
"That place" where you got your Idol from has 2 different sizes of Dussumier Tangs in stock....We are all ready for new stuff.

Oh yeah, and Copperband Butterflies.


Active Member
man why is that ray so friggen sweet? def get another one i think your tank would look so debo with 2 blue spotted rays. god i am so jealous

your tank is great man. picture of filtration please?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
"That place" where you got your Idol from has 2 different sizes of Dussumier Tangs in stock....We are all ready for new stuff.

Oh yeah, and Copperband Butterflies.

PM sent... I want the Dussumier.

Originally Posted by premilove

man why is that ray so friggen sweet? def get another one i think your tank would look so debo with 2 blue spotted rays. god i am so jealous

your tank is great man. picture of filtration please?
I don't have any current ones, these are older. The water is clear and the fuge is now full of algae and life. The skimmer is also full of foam and skimmate. The sump is much more full than in the pic. I generally keep it about 3/4 of the way full.
