Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
....I hope he looks like that one....Did you get the little one or the medium sized?
Large... the guy said he was about 5". But I just got a call a short time ago and the guy wasn't sure if mine went out for tomorrow or if it will come next Saturday. He's supposed to confirm and get back to me.


New Member
Just stumbled across this thread. Your tank looks awesome! Can't wait to see more pictures as you add to your livestock.


cant wait to see that dussumier in your tank, i live in australia so im always ordering dussumiers for people, they are a faviourite here especialy the large ones and they are always in perfect condition cos they dont have to travel far


Active Member
Originally Posted by -Tara33-
cant wait to see that dussumier in your tank, i live in australia so im always ordering dussumiers for people, they are a faviourite here especialy the large ones and they are always in perfect condition cos they dont have to travel far

Really?? That's awesome. What do they usually go for around there?


well for me wholsale so im lucky, but for an XL about $170 to $200 retail, the young ones-ugly brown by the way lol about $35-$75 depending on size.
this is in australian dollars, so i dont know what it would be there


New Member
Originally Posted by -Tara33-
well for me wholsale so im lucky, but for an XL about $170 to $200 retail, the young ones-ugly brown by the way lol about $35-$75 depending on size.
this is in australian dollars, so i dont know what it would be there
In US dollars that would currently be about 110-130, or 25-50 for the young ones.


i wish they looked like that photo, even the big ones arnt that colourfull, the photo has been very digitaly inhanced it sucks its a great pic too. but your will be gourgus.


Active Member
Have you thought at all about keeping any particular species of shark in there? the tank is large enough to house some kind of shark, right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Have you thought at all about keeping any particular species of shark in there? the tank is large enough to house some kind of shark, right?
Yeah, I've thought about it and I do think the tank is large enough for a benthic shark. I had an epaullette for about 3 years and he was very cool. I've also thought about a horn shark or a Japanese or Wards Wobbegong. But I will only do 2 bottom dwellers in the tank and I think I'd rather go with a blue dot ray.


Active Member
Well, I "accidentally" bought a fish today. The Dussumier tang is ordered and will be coming on Saturday. This evening, I stopped at the LFS to get some food and encountered this guy. He was from someone who was breaking down his tank and looked perfect. I broke a couple of my cardinal rules because I took him while they were acclimating them for their tank so I never saw him eat, and I still have a fish coming Saturday... not quite sure how to handle that yet.
Put him in the tank and fed the fish about 10 minutes later to try to cut back on the aggression. This guy actually ate tonight... it was pretty amazing. Here you go:

I just absolutely couldn't resist this guy. Now I'm debating on whether I should put the Dussumier in the display when he comes on Saturday or in the fuge. I don't want to completely stress out my existing fish. Hmmm... any opinions?


Active Member
crimzy your tank is hideous. give me directions to your house so i can take it off your hands. thanks chief
what ever happened to getting another blue dotty? i love that ray he's so awesome. he looks like a pranker to me. i can just picture him sittingin the sand waiting for a fish to come by scaring the crap out of the fish and the ray running away from the scene of the crime lol.