Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


such a beautyfull blue spot ray, i was going to save one from another friends tank, but then i dicided i diddnt have enuff room,
so i found it a new home with another couple of rays, and now its happy. and thats such a bummer about the idol


Active Member
crimzy yes 2 rays!! i have been waiting for this!! man this just makes me want to get a huge tank.
when are you going to bring that 450 to NJ and set it up in my house? you told me that you didnt want it


I know that I'm on here alot...I hope nobody would get mad at me but I really think thats sad that you have that sting ray.. He really needs to be in the ocean, I mean look at him, he's so beautiful and to keep him in that "small tank" is a shame. He really shouldnt be there and it makes me sad to see those pics! Hate me if you will, I really dont care but thats the only fish on here that I ever felt really sad for. That fish truly belongs in the ocean ...not a house! Well I'm sure I'll here it soon..


Active Member
Originally Posted by cristiangarcia
I know that I'm on here alot...I hope nobody would get mad at me but I really think thats sad that you have that sting ray.. He really needs to be in the ocean, I mean look at him, he's so beautiful and to keep him in that "small tank" is a shame. He really shouldnt be there and it makes me sad to see those pics! Hate me if you will, I really dont care but thats the only fish on here that I ever felt really sad for. That fish truly belongs in the ocean ...not a house! Well I'm sure I'll here it soon..

Arggg...Do you feel sad when you eat fish from the Ocean?
Do you even know what the mature size of the Blue Spot Ray is???? I'm guessing no. 12 inches long! I have 5 fish in my 240 that will outgrow that Ray, I guess I'm evil too.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. Mbos, I wouldn't start a new setup just for the idol because I believe that they probably should be in tanks no less than 180 gallons, just for water stability alone. And I'm not setting up another large tank... just don't want one.
Originally Posted by cristiangarcia
I know that I'm on here alot...I hope nobody would get mad at me but I really think thats sad that you have that sting ray.. He really needs to be in the ocean, I mean look at him, he's so beautiful and to keep him in that "small tank" is a shame. He really shouldnt be there and it makes me sad to see those pics! Hate me if you will, I really dont care but thats the only fish on here that I ever felt really sad for. That fish truly belongs in the ocean ...not a house! Well I'm sure I'll here it soon..
Cristian, I don't hate you. But you are a hypocrit.... that is, if you have an aquarium. I'll take your argument a step further... ALL SALTWATER FISH BELONG IN THE OCEAN. To differentiate between your tang and my stingray is pretty arbitrary. None of these animals are domesticated. We are all keeping fish based on our own self-interests and not to provide a service to the animal. And we are not environmentalists... our hobby does far more harm than good. But how is it any more of an injustice to keep a 12" ray versus a 12" lionfish?
Do you take up for the cause of the ray and not a captive angelfish because you just think the ray is cute? Now, if you are arguiing that keeping saltwaterfish in aquariums is entirely wrong, then you have a much better point, IMO.


I guess your right..good point with the lionfish. I know I'm at fault to but I guess it was odd to see a nice sting ray in a tank. Well I'm just gna drop it, I'm guilty to. Thanx for the kind feedback. laaaater.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bioneck47
Man crimz, I'd love to take the idol, but you just live a little too far.
He'd be a good fit in that new monster tank that you're getting. Thanks though, it looks like he is going into a local guy's 600 gallon tank.


Active Member
On another note, the blue dot began eating this evening.

The rays seem to just ignore each other... they show no affinity, nor any aggression to one another.


Active Member
thats a good thing though, isnt it crimz? hey man, im gonna toss ya a pm with the idea for the tank me an jess, my gf, are thinking about, the aquascaping that is LOL


Originally Posted by crimzy
On another note, the blue dot began eating this evening.

The rays seem to just ignore each other... they show no affinity, nor any aggression to one another.

That's really good to hear! Hope they live a long and prosperous life!


Originally Posted by crimzy
It has been awesome keeping this idol, especially since it's doing so well. But the main reason that I have this large tank is for the rays. Anyone want a moorish idol?

I'd love a moorish idol! I think my tank is too small for him and my orbiculate Bat.
Mind if I ask what you feed him?


Active Member
Just an update on my tank...
The blue dot is eating, though I am feeding it everyday with a feeding stick. As of now it is reluctant to compete aggressively for food. I'm pretty sure that this will just be a matter of it becoming more comfortable in the tank.
The copperband is also doing well. It is eating well... seems interested in nori but not yet ready to eat it. I would also like to see the copperband start attacking the food like my other fish do. This is probably also something that will improve with time. On a lighter note, my tank is virtually clean of aptasia.

My immediate plans are as follows. I am having the electricity in my house upgraded and will have the tank stuff put on dedicated circuits. My house is older and I keep blowing the circuits when I turn on too many lights. When the electrical is fixed, I will add a couple more fans and will start using the other two metal halides. At that point, I will probably get a clam or two.

I probably won't add any fish until after the first of the year.

And I almost forgot... the idol is being picked up tomorrow to go into a 500 gallon tank.


Wow dude, that is amazing. Your 450gal. makes my 45gal look tiny!!! Yet again, being a college student, I have a budget. Makes things a bit harder.
I just got into the hobby and bought my first tank (45g) and spend over 500$ so far!

I bought 26lbs of LR. 1 Power Head. A Fluval 305 filtering system and 2 False Clown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Wow dude, that is amazing. Your 450gal. makes my 45gal look tiny!!! Yet again, being a college student, I have a budget. Makes things a bit harder.
I just got into the hobby and bought my first tank (45g) and spend over 500$ so far!

I bought 26lbs of LR. 1 Power Head. A Fluval 305 filtering system and 2 False Clown.
I remember those days.
Just wait til you get a house and some money to spend on a setup. You'll see what happens.


Active Member
Figured I'd bump this thread with some new pics. No new fish, but I did get a new camera. Let me know what you think.
