Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MrineLfRlz

can we get some pics of your lighting system?
Thx... I don't have any pics of the lights but I'll try to take some later. I have 5 x 400 watt MH lights, though I only use 2 of them right now. I also have a 72" VHO and 72" T5 lights in there. The T5 won't show in pics because it is mounted behind the other lights in the canopy.
Originally Posted by DoggiePuffer

AWESOME tank.. love you Vilotan and rays....


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
CB looks nice and fat. Good job so far!!!
Thanks man. I have been doing the unthinkable and intentionally adding aptasia to the tank. The CB goes after them right away. Soon I will be out of aptasia, which used to have a stronghold in my fuge. I'll have to get some more.


Active Member
Kee's has some in the $15 frag tank. The triangle ones, the one closest to the front of the store.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
lookin good crimz, im always in awe of your tank man
Thanks bro...

What do you all think of the shots? I like the new camera. Found it much easier to get clear shots with moving targets... especially the closeups. Personally, I love the last shot.


Active Member
i love em man, that is one nice camera ya got there, what is it anyway? lol
oh, dude, i havent been able to get into portland yet to get my tank, but, hopefully by tomorrow, im getting a 20 long with an aquaclear 70 hob filter that i can mod into a fuge


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i love em man, that is one nice camera ya got there, what is it anyway? lol
oh, dude, i havent been able to get into portland yet to get my tank, but, hopefully by tomorrow, im getting a 20 long with an aquaclear 70 hob filter that i can mod into a fuge

It's the Nikon Coolpix (or something like that).
Good luck with your tank. Hope it all works out well.


Wonderful tank! Love the rays and with that size tank the options are unlimited to what you can do. I haven't read the entire thread so I hope I am not repeating a question but could you give me any advice on keeping a miniatus. There is one at my lfs that is only $30 and is decent sized. My tank currently is a 150g with some smaller fish in it(2 dwarf angels, 2 damsels, some clowns, psuedo cromis, green chromis) as well as larger fish. What are the odds this thing doesn't eat my smaller fish if well fed? I figure pretty slim but I figure I would ask. Also how is their temperment? Will they basically harrass every fish in my tank? Thanks for any info you can throw at me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sean48183
Wonderful tank! Love the rays and with that size tank the options are unlimited to what you can do. I haven't read the entire thread so I hope I am not repeating a question but could you give me any advice on keeping a miniatus. There is one at my lfs that is only $30 and is decent sized. My tank currently is a 150g with some smaller fish in it(2 dwarf angels, 2 damsels, some clowns, psuedo cromis, green chromis) as well as larger fish. What are the odds this thing doesn't eat my smaller fish if well fed? I figure pretty slim but I figure I would ask. Also how is their temperment? Will they basically harrass every fish in my tank? Thanks for any info you can throw at me.
Miniatus can be very difficult. If they are one of the larger fish in your tank then they will try their best to beat up everything and/or eat smaller fish. Groupers are beautiful fish that you will probably hate one day. Mine is a pussycat, but that's only because he's among the smaller fish in the tank. When I got my lion, the grouper stopped being the dominant fish.
That all being said, they are great fish. Miniatus have amazing color, don't grow excessively large and will NEVER die. Just make sure the other tankmates can handle themselves.


Thanks for the info. The one at the lfs is about 5" and has been there for about 3 months which is surprising since he so cheap. He does look mean as all get out but I don't if I can resist. I might have to set up a smaller tank for the little guys. What about my tang? Would he be alright with them? I have a naso, hippo and sailfin who are all bigger than he is. Also where you at in the D? I live downriver and my lfs is the fish doctors in trenton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sean48183
Thanks for the info. The one at the lfs is about 5" and has been there for about 3 months which is surprising since he so cheap. He does look mean as all get out but I don't if I can resist. I might have to set up a smaller tank for the little guys. What about my tang? Would he be alright with them? I have a naso, hippo and sailfin who are all bigger than he is. Also where you at in the D? I live downriver and my lfs is the fish doctors in trenton.
I've never had a problem with tangs and larger groupers. Actually I think that they are very compatible tankmates.
I'm in Farmington Hills. Choice is my main place, (it's about a mile from my house).


Staff member
I just went through this whole topic last evening. WOW what a Tank Odyssey! It looks gorgeous. I've alway dreamed of a 400gal reef.
The pictures are great, but things look a tad on the blue side. Are you shooting the pictures with just actinics?


Thanks again and if I am up that way I might have to stop in and check Choice out. Can't wait to see any new additions in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I just went through this whole topic last evening. WOW what a Tank Odyssey! It looks gorgeous. I've alway dreamed of a 400gal reef.
The pictures are great, but things look a tad on the blue side. Are you shooting the pictures with just actinics?
Thanks... Generally when I shoot the pics, the MH and the T5 and VHO are on. The T5 and VHO are both bright blue. I believe the MH's are 14K and, of course, the blue background makes everything look a bit blue.
I like the blue tint to the tank. It really makes the colors "pop", especially on the naso and miniatus. When I add the other 2 MH's, I will go with either 14K or 20K. Just my personal preference.