Just picked up my 450 gallon!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
crimzy your tank is hideous. give me directions to your house so i can take it off your hands. thanks chief
what ever happened to getting another blue dotty? i love that ray he's so awesome. he looks like a pranker to me. i can just picture him sittingin the sand waiting for a fish to come by scaring the crap out of the fish and the ray running away from the scene of the crime lol.
It's coming... after the dussumier comes, I'll wait for at least 6 weeks before adding anything. But the ray may be next, assuming that I can find one. I've been looking but haven't seen one in a while.
On another note, I just realized that I overflowed my reservoir in the basement.

BTW, if you plan on coming to get it, please bring a football team with you. This thing ain't light.


Very nice set up Crimzy. All your fish looks delicious thats for sure. I would really love a 450g tank, but wow, the rock expense is probably through the roof.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
On another note, I just realized that I overflowed my reservoir in the basement.

How bad did that turn out? Plumbing issue or what happened?
How is the Butterfly doing, is he munching Aiptasia yet?


wow crimzy that dussimer is ridiculously amazing i am trying to find a dussimer myself but have had no luck with my lfs finding one but good luck im very exited for


Active Member
Did not see the Idol in the pics on post #294. Is he okay still????.
The CB butterfly is wonderful, so glad he is eating with the rest of the crew.
Can't wait to see the tang.


Originally Posted by spanko
Did not see the Idol in the pics on post #294. Is he okay still????.
The CB butterfly is wonderful, so glad he is eating with the rest of the crew.
Can't wait to see the tang.
I found him in the last picture on 294.
This is one of the sweetest tanks I have seen. Awesome job!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
How bad did that turn out? Plumbing issue or what happened?
How is the Butterfly doing, is he munching Aiptasia yet?
The overflow was just my stupidity. My RO unit is not plumbed and I fill the reservoir by hand. I simply forgot to turn the water off while I was making water. It's actually pretty easy to forget as I need to leave the water on for about 24 hours to make 70 or 80 gallons. I have to get this thing plumbed in with a float valve so it goes on and off automatically.... just one more thing to do. No big deal, just some wet carpet that I'm drying.
The butterfly is doing great but I haven't expected the little guy to get to work quite yet. My understanding was that he was a great aptasia muncher in his previous tank so I think he'll start working soon, (as I have quite a supply).
Truefishman, PM sent.
Thanks for the replies and comments everyone.


Active Member
Well it's Saturday....Anything new going on at the Crimzy house?

You know, like a largish Hawaiian Tang arriving....or something?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Well it's Saturday....Anything new going on at the Crimzy house?

You know, like a largish Hawaiian Tang arriving....or something?
Yes there is something new but probably not what you think. I got a call last night from the online LFS and they told me that my Duss died in their store. However, I did find something at a LFS that I just couldn't resist. Just put him in...

It's too bad that the Duss didn't come. But I have been looking for one of these guys for a while now and this one looks great.
The Duss will have to come next.... though I'll wait a little while.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Yes there is something new but probably not what you think. I got a call last night from the online LFS and they told me that my Duss died in their store. However, I did find something at a LFS that I just couldn't resist. Just put him in...

It's too bad that the Duss didn't come. But I have been looking for one of these guys for a while now and this one looks great.
The Duss will have to come next.... though I'll wait a little while.

You're are just filling your tank with "impossible" fish...
I am jealous. I love those blue spots. Hey do you remember the names of the 2 types of blue spots the one that is suppose to be hardy and the one that isn't?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You're are just filling your tank with "impossible" fish...
I am jealous. I love those blue spots. Hey do you remember the names of the 2 types of blue spots the one that is suppose to be hardy and the one that isn't?
Yeah, the easier one (which is the one I got) is the ribbontail. The other is a whiptail.
These 3 delicates are fish that I've always wanted. I probably won't get another delicate in this tank (though I've always loved pinnatus bats


Active Member
The first 20 minutes or so that I put him in the tank, he just hung in the corner, as shown in the pics above. But he is now exploring the tank and seems to be enjoying his new home. A few more pics... I love the last one, kind of like big brother and little brother...



Active Member
hey crimz, im lovin the rays man, i need ur help though LOL several of us are tryin to figure out wha tkinda sump i got here LOL so if you could, take a look at the pics in the nano section an let me know what ya think lol


Active Member
That sucked!!! As I watched the tank and, specifically the new ray, my idol began nipping at it... and kept on nipping at it. I had a suspicion that the idol was picking at my other ray because the ray has been less active lately, just buried. Another member here also had a problem with keeping an idol and rays together.
Anyway, the idol was relentless with the blue dot, who has not yet chilled and buried itself. So I spent an hour ripping apart 1/2 of the tank and eventually caught the idol. He is now in my fuge. Then I spent about 45 minutes re-aquascaping the side of the tank that I had to rip apart.

It has been awesome keeping this idol, especially since it's doing so well. But the main reason that I have this large tank is for the rays. Anyone want a moorish idol?


man i love ur tank i was look at on that was about 500 gallons was going to but it between my office and living room. but dumb me did not buy it when the house was being built but i was 10 so i did not have that much money worked real hard to buy it and it would not fit in the house so there went my shark tank. ahhhhh so i traded it for a 90 that would fit and put it in my room lost alot of tank but urs is great...


Active Member
That's a total bummer Crimzy, get an Idol eating and doing great and that happens.
Hope you can find a good home for him....If you can't get rid of him locally, SrFisher has one and had talked about doing another, he lives in Tennessee....I think local would be best though.


Active Member
crimzy, if i had a tank that would handle him, i would gladly take him off your hands, but have u maybe thought about setting up another tank jsut for him? or would the wife go for something like that? lol
i mean, i know how bad u wanted one of em, so maybe try an talk her into lettin u set up aother tank just for him? he's an awesome looking, very beautiful fish, and id hate to see you have to get rid of him, so maybe try an talk her into it lol