Just venting


Active Member
I am so discouraged about my clowns and my BTA. I knew there were no guarantees that they would host it, I just really thought they would. I have had it one week today. It has finally found a spot (I think
), but now it has moved away from where the clowns hang out. So they still just hang out behind the filter.
I have half a mind to catch one with a net and put it in the anemone :scared: and see what happens. I also read that if the clowns were to get in it, it may stop moving is this true?


Don't force them into an anemone, if not used to it they may get stung and what good would that do. Many clown fish get stung at first and wind up with black marks on them. Better to just tape a pic of similar clown fish and similar anemone to the aquarium, they might get the idea..


Active Member
That last one will either teach them once and for all ...............................................................................................................................................or SCARE THE BEJESUS OUT OF THEM!!!!!! :scared: :scared:


As the theme from Jaws plays in the background

Yeah those are my false percs
These are just old pics above that I never got around to resizing and posting.


Active Member
show off...

Ok before you posted the ones in the BTA I printed the one in the toad stool. Since I have a BTA should I print that one or does it really matter?


Active Member
Ha Ha Ha - I just have to say I hung the picture up earlier just after you posted the first picture. I hung it where the hang on (they stay in the back on the left side behind the filter) So I hung it on the left "side" of the tank.
They moved to the right back side of the tank. HA HA HA HA AT least they can see the BTA now.


Originally Posted by rara12
how many anemonies do u have in there???
Near 25 or 30 of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Please let me know if the pictures work for your clowns.

I will definately let you know. Don't think if they get in it I won't be shouting it all over this forum

They are seeming to get "closer" to it without actually getting in it. One of them lets one of the tenticles touch him every now and then. Is this how they get use to the "stinging"them?
I find it hard to believe that it stings them. I have touched it many times and it hasn't bothered me at all. I even put food right in its mouth.
I've attached some pictures so you can see what they are doing. This is the closest they have gotten :jumping:
