Just venting



Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I am :)
I don't suppose you remember this post I made back in 2002 ---> https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...ape#post265677
I'm afraid that was a few months before my time Bang, but I admit I knew it was there.
Or at least I remember us talking about it at one point on the forums. Seems I've passed that suggestion on many times on this BB myself.
Glad you stopped by, and feel free to give these folks another shot of RBTA or even Tulip Anemone with your clownfish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Where the pictures B&W or color? I print them out my B&W laserjet and I colored the clowns orange.

Color is what I did. I actually printed the picture just as Bang posted them. One of them printed kinda small and that is actually the one they started snuggling to. Maybe because it wasn't monsterous - heck I don't know and I don't care! IT WORKED THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME
:hilarious :jumping:

Don't give up!!
Bang - thanks for joining our funny little thread.
More pictures would be GREAT


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Color is what I did. I actually printed the picture just as Bang posted them. One of them printed kinda small and that is actually the one they started snuggling to. Maybe because it wasn't monsterous - heck I don't know and I don't care! IT WORKED THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME
:hilarious :jumping:

Don't give up!!
Bang - thanks for joining our funny little thread.
More pictures would be GREAT

Like I said I print them B&W and used a orange highlighter. Also I enlarged the pictures. Each clown is like 5" long!!!


im having the same problem with my percs. they seem to not even notice my condy...... so it would be helpfull to get some pics of that.


Originally Posted by arsen_36
im having the same problem with my percs. they seem to not even notice my condy...... so it would be helpfull to get some pics of that.
Thats because your condy is from that Atlantic ocean, your Pacific clown fish have no clue whatsoever what a condy is.
Here is something else for you to chew on... It has been known that clown fish that accept the condylactis anemone suffer from skin disease more than other clown fish that accept other hosting anemoens. Call it a chemsitry thing.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Crox
Hey Bang
can I put a BTA with a Tulip anemone? :help:
If you look closely at the picture of my Clownfish family you can see a couple of Tulip Anemone above and to the left of the RBTA hanging onto the cinder block within easy reach of the larger Anemone.


Active Member
I didn't know that they are soooo small.
How can a clown host something so small?


Active Member
milomlo said:
Originally Posted by Crox
Now you can stop venting.
Don't be so snippy

It will happen. Let me know when it does! I am rooting for ya

Thank you. :jumping: :jumping:

bang guy

Originally Posted by Crox
I didn't know that they are soooo small.
How can a clown host something so small?

If the Clown is 1/2" long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
OMG are you serious?? They may "learn" from this? Seriously??
fish are not the mindless creatures most people think they are they can be taught habits that are not their normal routine in nature .just give them time


Funny story (at least I think so) about my new clarkis and my green bta. I added the two clowns and the bta saturday afternoon. By saturday evening, one of the clowns was happily hosting the bta, but the other wouldn't go near it.
Instead, he kept swimming in their "hosting" pattern through my cleaner shrimps attenae...it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
He still hasn't started hosting the BTA, but it's small and the other clown chases him away whenever he goes near it. I'm hoping after it grows a bit they will both host. Both were hosting in what I think were lta's at my lfs (I don't know anemones all that well though, so I could be wrong on that species).
I got clarkis specifically because I was told they host anything and everything :)