Just venting


New Member
I got a large rose bta and my marroon clown took some time to get in. About a day. He had white spots on his face and you could tell he was gettn stung at first but he moved in over nite. My other anemones were just to small.


Active Member
OMG - IMO a day is NOT time

We are going on 3 weeks tomorrow. Still nothing.
I have pictures hung on both sides of the tank. My baby cardinals love it :scared: , but nothing with the clowns yet.
Don't give up on me yet though. I am still trying. I have started trying to feed the clowns next to the BTA.
Maybe they will get the hint




Originally Posted by Thomas712

.....Your Clowns are all up in
those anenome!!! Hey if the kids can say it I can too! What great shots! And yes Druthers..I use that term too! I'm 40 going on 14 sometimes lol!


Active Member
Well Thomas - I think they are trying to host your picture

Do I leave them up or take them down? I have one on each side of the tank. They don't even go near the anemone anymore

Any more "BRIGHT IDEA"?
Just kidding, but seriously any more tips or suggestions?


This has been one of the more interesting converstaions to follow, so thought I would see what progress has been made.
THOMAS!! Did you call me OLD?? HA HA Thats ok, I am-at least older than most on this board.
I will be 56 this year. IF I HAD MY DRUTHERS, I would be 30 again, with all the vast accumulation of wisdom and experiences that i have now!!
When I started keeping fish, the tanks still had metal sides and you hardly ever saw anything large than a 10 gallon unless it was at a public aquarium. OUr filters were little box filters with floss and charcoal (which I see are still around) Whatever the ailment was, the usual treatment was adding salt in greater and greater concentrations and madly aerating the water, a frantic CPR.
But you learn a lot over the years about keeping livestock alive and healthy. The basics havent changed much. Top quality water, adequate filtration and aeration, correct feeding and understocking our tanks.
? Are there any other old timers out there? Besides you, Thomas, and me?
Milomlo, the vision of your clowns trying to host a picture is hysterical!! Patience, it will happen one day when you least expect it!!


Originally Posted by milomlo
Well Thomas - I think they are trying to host your picture

Do I leave them up or take them down?

Take them down now and see what happens, without the pic maybe they will check the anemone out now.



Originally Posted by Granny
THOMAS!! Did you call me OLD??
Lets not say we are old, but rather well experienced with the benefits of a more classical education.
Forgive me, but I think I'll go stretch out on the davenport now.


The "picture method" worked for oru pair of clowns. I had the pictures up for about one week and friday noticed the same thing about them seeming to try to host the picture. So Friday night after lights out all the pictures came down. All day Saturday the female was getting closer and closer with a swipe of her tail every so often. Well today she has made the dive and is giving herself a good rub down. The male is still close but a t a distance. The female seems to be leading and chases him away right now. The only other thing I did was feed them close to the BTA during the picture week. Keep trying, I'm amazed it worked. :jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
I am screaming up and down with joy! It actually worked! I took the picture down the other day because they looked like they were trying to host it. Any nothing! So yesterday I put it back up and they were all over it. Just about 2 minutes ago the male jumped in. Then the female followed. :hilarious ious
Oh I can not express how happy I am. They are so cute!! Now my cardinals look sad as they were hanging in it.
Here are some pictures. Sorry for the poor quality as I was so happy I couldn't quit moving.

Thanks Thomas



Active Member
I am so excited can't you tell :hilarious

I will try and get better pictures when my battery charges. :cheer:



Originally Posted by milomlo
OMG are you serious?? They may "learn" from this? Seriously??

Originally Posted by Thomas712

Yep, very serious.

:jumping: :cheer:

I'm very happy for you


Active Member
They are tank raised. They are closing up my BTA - I am figuring that is normal so that he can get used to them. :notsure:
I am so dang excited I can't even express it
woo hoo!!
Now see if you would have hung that picture when I told you to, instead of waiting to see if it would work, then maybe yours would be in your BTA now too :joy:
You should do it!! I definately recommend it. Thomas is the MAN
He knows his stuff.
My husband actually laughed at me when he saw the pictures hanging on the tank. :hilarious When I called him in to see, he said so those pictures worked huh?

Could've slapped him silly - Go for it Crox!! Pick a picture print it and hang it


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Thomas is the MAN
He knows his stuff.

He's definitely the MAN. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
BTW today I put two pictures on my tank. I hope it will help my clowns as well!!!

I have total faith that it will help. I prayed a little to

It will work most definately. Keep me posted