KAT74's 14g Biocube Diary


Active Member
Uh Oh NWDYR I see she got a PM , YOu bettter ask her about that one. LOL. Just kidding. Hey its nice to see your tank coming along great. I am so happy that you have POSTED ON MY THREAD lately also. I was so excited to see your new post you made "NOT" cuz you havent in awhile. I FEEL NEGLECTED.


Originally Posted by regina13
Thats great news!!!! woohoo
Thanks, Regina!!~ I'm still ecstatic about the news!

Originally Posted by Blazin2k6

Uh Oh NWDYR I see she got a PM , YOu bettter ask her about that one. LOL. Just kidding. Hey its nice to see your tank coming along great. I am so happy that you have POSTED ON MY THREAD lately also. I was so excited to see your new post you made "NOT" cuz you havent in awhile. I FEEL NEGLECTED.
ah, don't worry, the PM was innocent.

Of course I posted in your thread; when you update, I post...
and what did I tell you about feeling neglected???


Just wanted to share a couple of pics. My clowns are their most entertaining when the daylights go out and it's only the actinics. They think I can't see them as well and they are up to ALL kinds of stuff! I had to take these pics with a flash because the blue lights don't photograph to too well with my camera.
In these pics, they are just not gonna have a little crab get TOO close to their brain. Just look at that "intimidating" look she's giving the crab.

then she gets right in his face....

and look who I caught playing around in the elegance!

the clowns aren't trying to host the elegance, I don't believe... they just swim over to it every once in awhile, wallow around in it a little bit and then swim back quickly over to the brain.
Kids... I mean "clowns".....



Originally Posted by Airforceman
If you don't mind me asking how much was your OUTRAGEOUS elegance?
I love it and want one for my NEW 40g

With my reef club discount, I only paid $84.99 for that Aussie elegance. The LFS that I got it from has a website (with WYSIWYG) and they have two more in stock now; one with pink tips for the same cost and a "show size" one for $114.99 and they ship!~

The Aussie's are having much better success in our systems than the Indo elegances, so I'd say, do a little research and get yourself an Aussie!


Active Member
ok...... Turn my back for a min... hmmm first of all whats up with this Pm stuff??? thanks for having my back on that on Blazin!!!
2nd I got my stapels out on Monday, close to the same time furbaby got his out..I think me and furbaby have more in common than me and my first wife
and 3rd , great pics!!! I am sooooo happy for tha good results in you'r tank and for our Son ( furbaby not Blazin!!) ok tomorrow I will test my water and get some much needed pic's up for you!!! I got Norco so I can actually function with the pain now


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I've been PM'ing all night with Sepulation (bless his HERheart, I really need to send him HER a check for hisHER services this last week) and heSHE wants me to just keep an eye on him and if it gets worse

Hey Kat havent been here in a bit, I didnt know you had a sick pup, good to hear everything is ok. Tank is looking phenominal as always... oh and by the way just as an FYI.... Sepulatian is a Female... he he he...



Originally Posted by alexa11
how cute!

Originally Posted by nwdyr
ok...... Turn my back for a min... hmmm first of all whats up with this Pm stuff??? thanks for having my back on that on Blazin!!!
2nd I got my stapels out on Monday, close to the same time furbaby got his out..I think me and furbaby have more in common than me and my first wife and 3rd , great pics!!! I am sooooo happy for tha good results in you'r tank and for our Son ( furbaby not Blazin!!) ok tomorrow I will test my water and get some much needed pic's up for you!!! I got Norco so I can actually function with the pain now
I PROOOOOOMISE... the PM was toooootally innocent.

Staples! I absolutely LOOOOVE taking staples out! Using the staple remover, crimping down on the staple until it forms an "M" and then removing it.... ahhhh... awesome!
Yeah, I'm weird... I'm the nurse that loves to do those kinds of things... staples, stitches, dressing changes, injections
Kobe had stitches, so that was "fun", but not as much fun as staples would have been! Hope you're feeling better?
Looking forward to new pics!
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

haha the clown with the crab pics are just to cute!
I know! I was sitting there in front of my tank looking pretty darn goofy laughing at them. Such a "bossy" little thing that clown is!

Originally Posted by peef

YEEEAAAYYYYYY for your pooch

Thanks, peef!~
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Hey Kat havent been here in a bit, I didnt know you had a sick pup, good to hear everything is ok. Tank is looking phenominal as always... oh and by the way just as an FYI.... Sepulatian is a Female... he he he...
Yeah, you're probably staying away for a bit so that I don't catch ya on here and ask you take a picture of somethin', huh?

Thanks for the compliment on the tank, and yeah, after I posted that about Sep, she PM'ed me with her name and when I saw that it was Ilene, I was like "Oops!!"! I was so embarrassed... but SHE is the BEST!! Our board is very lucky to have her!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Yeah, you're probably staying away for a bit so that I don't catch ya on here and ask you take a picture of somethin', huh?

Damn it I keep forgetting the one you asked me about a while back....

I will try to remember this weekend, I PROMISE...



Originally Posted by AtrialFib22
That's great news about your Kobe!!!

Yay!! And thanks again for your thoughts and prayers for him!~

Originally Posted by PerfectDark

Damn it I keep forgetting the one you asked me about a while back....

I will try to remember this weekend, I PROMISE

Mmmm Hmmmm.....

Just kiddin' with ya!
You've already been too helpful!


Well! Look what I came home to today??

I still don't think she's actually going to host the elegance ALL the time because she stays in the brain 90% of the time. The other one will swim around the elegance every once in awhile, but hasn't taken an interest in it like the other one has.
and here, she's curious about one of the mouths...

Hiding very well...