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Wow awesome setup. I wish I could hand feed my clown. If I put my hand in the tank I get attacked.
I hope you are able to get an emperor! I have not seen one since I got mine at the local store I got it from, Atlantis Aquarium, but I have been out of the loop for a while. I havent been to any LFS for a few months now. I believe they have an online store you can check out, I would call to double check though, they might not update the site always. No offense to swf.com, maybe they can find too!
Unfortunately mine passed a while ago, It would eat during routine feedings and was active, it might dissapear for a day and miss a feeding or two, but it definetly was eating. One day it was gone. Literally, dissappeared. it only lived about 3-4 months. I later got a more common anemone shrimp, (transparent w/white spots) and it had the same behavior, actually hung out in the same spots as the emperor, but same thing, 3 months it was a goner. I have some hermits and a rather large sexy shrimp that were in the tank prior to their introduction so maybe some aggrssive action happened during the night. Maybe my tank is too small (8 gal) and it wasnt finding enough food......
Whoa this got long I dont want to discourage you just thought I would share what I learned....they are very neat to watch, they sometimes have a weird wavy 'sloth' like way of moving around, very cool.
Everything in my tank is so used to my hands being in there for one thing or another that they aren't afraid of it anymore. Those little clowns are friendly little boogers and would probably eat food from anyone's hands.
The LFS that is ordering me the emperor shrimp is Einstein Aquatics. They have a website. I spoke with the owner today when I placed the order for my 14 gallon Biocube and asked him if he could get them in and he said that he was going to order them with the last order, but didn't know if anyone wanted them, so he's going to order a few with the Tuesday order. While he was taking "special requests", I went ahead and added the daisy polyps and red coco worm too!
I hope that when I get my emperor shrimp that it lasts more than 3 months. They are so beautiful and unique looking to me. I knew I wanted one after seeing the one you had in your thread. Sorry to hear that it passed away.
I've had my fire shrimp for over a year now and others around here can't seem to keep one alive, so I'm hoping that I will be successful with the one I get. Thanks for sharing your insight on your experience with them. I'll be sure to post how mine gets along.... if I see him!~