KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



BTW, Matt... thought you'd enjoy this.... this is just for you.... these are all the clowns I've had since I began this hobby in January of 2007.
My first fish... a little ocellaris. I had him for only a month. It died before I knew anything about checking the SG with a refractometer. My water's SH was at 1.032!

My 2nd clown ever... a true perc. I had this one from February '07 until I rehomed her to get a pair of misbars in January '08, so I had her for almost a year!
(I heard she moved to a 125 gallon reef tank!)

Had this pair of misbars for a little over a month from January '08 to mid February. (They went to a good home with the guy who maintains the tank in our lobby at work)

and now, my current babies... since mid February.



Active Member
I never get tired of looking at those clown's!! they are sooo cool
check out my thread, I had an idea and want to get you'r thought's. Thank's again for the pic's!! also happy to hear you are feeling better!
Hey kat i just bought a bio cube today and i am wondering how did u add the 2 powerheads and the heater? There is no where around the hood to set them and i couldnt tell by just looking at the pics. sorry if its a stupid question but i need to add them there is not flow in there with the stock power head.


yea when i got my 28 i took a sharp knife and i cut a little hole in the back of the hood so i can run my powerhead wire. i just started to carve at it, its easy=P

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by awilliams4806
Hey kat i just bought a bio cube today and i am wondering how did u add the 2 powerheads and the heater? There is no where around the hood to set them and i couldnt tell by just looking at the pics. sorry if its a stupid question but i need to add them there is not flow in there with the stock power head.
there should be 2 holes in the back of the hood


Active Member
Ok so what is going on with this Thread ? No one posted in 4 days now. Are you guys pm'ing each other and leaving us out? Well hope everythings going well with ya Kat74. Hope to see some new photos soon.


yea where are u kate
no one writes in my diary either sometimes i feel like im talkin to my self but i really don't have that much in the tank so i guess thats how it goes.


Active Member
where oooo where has my little kat gone? where oooo where can she beeeeeeee Hey Kat I am setting up a little frag tank and I am going to sell some frag's on e-bay. The only reason I am doing it is because my doc. just told me I will have another 6-8 month's off work to recover from my next knee surgery
Soooo it's just something to keep me busy,lord knows it's not to make money!! Do you have any suggestion's?? I was thinking just a little 20 gal long,hob filter about 20-30lbs of LR and a Viper clip on 70w light. I just want to break even and keep busy,what do ya think?


that sounds pretty sick i would love to start one like that too, how much u paying for a 20 gallon and the viper light? y sand if its goin to be a frag tank don't even bother just do a nice big water change every week=P and suck up all the nitrates out=P
i have a HOB filter i might start one in the future=P
Also good luck with the knee surgery=P suckz thats alot of time u have to stay off from work and u will be doin alot of relaxing just watching ur tank so i bet u won't even need a week to recover=P


Active Member
Sorry to jack you'r thread Kat......see what happens when you leave us
the Viper is 159.99 and the 20 long is 30.00 I want to use the live sand to cycle faster


I'm heeeere!

Wow, what a week I've had... let's see, back to work after 5 days of being sick, interviewed 2 potential new Doctor's, ended up in the hospital with a stricture in my esophagus, having my 3 1/2 year old niece stay with me for 2 days, (no sleep, constant, on-the-go, super energy)... this is where I've been and why I've been away. I am going to get some much needed sleep and will try to catch up with everything sometime tomorrow!
Miss everyone!~

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I'm heeeere!

Wow, what a week I've had... let's see, back to work after 5 days of being sick, interviewed 2 potential new Doctor's, ended up in the hospital with a stricture in my esophagus, having my 3 1/2 year old niece stay with me for 2 days, (no sleep, constant, on-the-go, super energy)... this is where I've been and why I've been away. I am going to get some much needed sleep and will try to catch up with everything sometime tomorrow!
Miss everyone!~
YAY!!! I know how you feel with being sick!! I have been sick since monday and it is hell!! I have not had any sleep in almost 3 days!!


Active Member
Hi Kat!!!! sorry you were soooooo sick! hope you sleep well, Talk ot you soon. Hope you feel better also Matt!


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
nice, i like clowns too=P can u try to get a pic of ur zoo's and maybe that other tank at ur job in the lobby?=P

Ummm... the zoa rock was taken to my LFS for store credit.

and I took a pic of the 225 gallon tank in our lobby just for you today and will post it later this evening!


Originally Posted by awilliams4806
Hey kat i just bought a bio cube today and i am wondering how did u add the 2 powerheads and the heater? There is no where around the hood to set them and i couldnt tell by just looking at the pics. sorry if its a stupid question but i need to add them there is not flow in there with the stock power head.
Nothing is a stupid question.

There are two openings in the back where the cords can go through while keeping the lid closed. In the far right opening, I have three cords going through there... Koralia 1 cord, heater cord and Oceanic Biocube skimmer cord. On the far left opening, I have the Koralia 1 cord only.