KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by mckevinfang
what shrimps are in your tank is that a scarlet skunk? how many do you have?
I just have one fire shrimp in my tank, and I've had him for over a year now. Awesome shrimp. Very social and is spoiled. He loves it when I take the feeder syringe and squirt food at him. It hasn't spoiled him from scavenging though, because he still does that.
I'll go ahead and say that not all fire shrimps are like mine, though. A lot of people have them and say that they hide all day or that they rarely see them. I've been lucky with mine, I guess, because he runs all over the tank out in the open!


i had a fire shrimp for almost three years and it was always out..i caught him cleaning fish many times..but almost everyone i talk to said the same that the one they had was very shy..i love that deep red color in them!!


Well, I have sad news to report.... my beautiful yellowfin fairy wrasse died today.
I am clueless as to what happened to him.
He was fine yesterday, acted normal, ate, looked healthy, and then all of a sudden today, he didn't come out when the lights came on and I looked everywhere for him. Saw him wedged in the very back in a tight crevice and saw his head, so I thought "okay, he's just wanting to hide today" and didn't think anything of it. About an hour ago, I looked again to see if he was still there and didn't see him. THEN, I saw my pom pom crab literally pick him up and drag him under a ledge where the fire shrimp and other crabs started to feast on him.
I immediately removed him and inspected him and didn't see anything that would help me figure out what happened.

Everyone else, even the baby misbars are fine. I checked my water, and thankfully, no ammonia spikes.
I'm sad because it truly was a beautiful fish and wonderful addition to my tank. Very peaceful after him and the blenny settled their differences.


matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Well, I have sad news to report.... my beautiful yellowfin fairy wrasse died today.
I am clueless as to what happened to him.
He was fine yesterday, acted normal, ate, looked healthy, and then all of a sudden today, he didn't come out when the lights came on and I looked everywhere for him. Saw him wedged in the very back in a tight crevice and saw his head, so I thought "okay, he's just wanting to hide today" and didn't think anything of it. About an hour ago, I looked again to see if he was still there and didn't see him. THEN, I saw my pom pom crab literally pick him up and drag him under a ledge where the fire shrimp and other crabs started to feast on him.
I immediately removed him and inspected him and didn't see anything that would help me figure out what happened.

Everyone else, even the baby misbars are fine. I checked my water, and thankfully, no ammonia spikes.
I'm sad because it truly was a beautiful fish and wonderful addition to my tank. Very peaceful after him and the blenny settled their differences.

man that was a nice fish


Originally Posted by MaTT B
man that was a nice fish
Yes he was. A beautiful fish. I'm gonna give it a little while, but I think that I'll try another one...


Just adding some new pics...
The female misbar is starting to show some black between the bars.

The other misbar is having too much fun picking on a dwarf blue leg. He will keep nudging it, trying to get it to fall off!

Anyone know what kind of zoas these are?

Plate coral

another one of my blenny, the camera whore


I'm so excited because I placed an order today for a "custom zoa rock" that I plan to put on the right side of the tank after I create another ledge to be able to put it on. I also ordered a ricordea rock.
I should have them in about 3 weeks and will post pics once they get settled.


Let me know on the progress of your platecoral as I have had really bad luck keeping them alive for not more then 3weeks to a month.


Originally Posted by mckevinfang
nice pics love your tank bad news on my side tho check out my thread
I posted in your thread. Sooo sorry for your loss!

But chin up and don't give up!~


Originally Posted by lbaskball
Let me know on the progress of your platecoral as I have had really bad luck keeping them alive for not more then 3weeks to a month.
What kind of plate coral do you have? I haven't had any problems with mine and it looks like that every day. I know when I first got it and put it on the sandbed, it kept getting covered up with sand and it didn't look like it does now. I moved it up on a piece of LR that is about an inch and a half above the sandbed and it's happy there. I don't feed it all the time, but when it does eat, it eats a mix of frozen brine, mysis, clam and marine cuisine soaked in garlic plus, zooplex and omega fatty acid vitamins supplements.


Originally Posted by peef
The left side zoos are fire/ice. The others are nice looking but I don't know the name.
Thanks, peef!~


New Member
WOW!! amazing tank! I just started mine 2 weeks ago,I have already learned soooo much from you! I cant wait to post some pics. It keeps telling me the file is too large
anyway look forward to seeing more of your tank


Originally Posted by nwdy
WOW!! amazing tank! I just started mine 2 weeks ago,I have already learned soooo much from you! I cant wait to post some pics. It keeps telling me the file is too large
anyway look forward to seeing more of your tank

awww.... Thanks!!~

I can't wait to see some pics of your tank! Be sure to start a thread!

For photo re-sizing, I use a photo editor called irfanview that you can download on the internet. Do a google search for it. Then, I upload the pics to photobucket.


Active Member
Hi Kat,
Can you refresh my memory...are you using the stock lights or did you upgrade? I like to compare the corals in the successful BioCubes for my wish lists.


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Hi Kat,
Can you refresh my memory...are you using the stock lights or did you upgrade? I like to compare the corals in the successful BioCubes for my wish lists.
Hi Chris!

I'm still using the stock lighting that came with the Biocube. I *may* decide to upgrade in the future, but not now.