KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Okay, I just called and got my answer!

whew! This hobby sure isn't for the poor....

I'm gonna have to start savin' some money!


Got a new feather duster today!

My other small one kept cutting his tube down to this... he seems happy now.

Thought I had a picture of my other feather duster.... guess not.


Originally Posted by mckevinfang
love the new addition plus thanks for the advice again
Thanks, and you are welcome!~ Anytime!~


Got some new snails today (4 red striped turbos and 4 nassa) and as soon as I added them to the tank, it was obvious who my snail killer is. The little blue legs went after them and one of my conch's went after them and got one and attached itself to it, sucking it away. I went home to grab my camera so that I could show my LFS who was doing this since they were as confused as me. Lo and behold, what happens? One of the snails started making its way down the glass and the conch charges towards it and starts to raise itself up towards it like it did the other one. I took my little bamboo skewer and blocked him and redirected the snail back upwards on the glass. I was not going to watch another snail die. Does anyone know what kind of conch this is? It's not like the other one that I have.
Snail coming down glass, conch going towards snail:

Conch starts to raise itself up:

Snail redirected... fire shrimp comes to beat up the conch

What kind of conch is that? It doesn't look like my "snuffleupagus" one...



I got a new goby today, a pinkbar goby. It's a beautiful fish, but could never be a replacement to my sweet little scooter blenny that I lost last week.

Here it is during acclimation... the only time I could get a pic of it. When it went into my tank, it went right behind a rock.



Kat74, I have to compliment your tank. I have been viewing your posts and pictures and think it is great. I just started a 29G biocube myself. It has been running for just over a month. I just added a Royal Gramma last week! His name is Reggie, and he is very cute. I was wondering about the scooter blenny you lost, as I really like them and would eventually like one for my tank. What do you think caused the loss? I also really like your bicolor blenny! any recommendations you have would be great! Thanks


Originally Posted by nemo2
Kat74, I have to compliment your tank. I have been viewing your posts and pictures and think it is great. I just started a 29G biocube myself. It has been running for just over a month. I just added a Royal Gramma last week! His name is Reggie, and he is very cute. I was wondering about the scooter blenny you lost, as I really like them and would eventually like one for my tank. What do you think caused the loss? I also really like your bicolor blenny! any recommendations you have would be great! Thanks
Thanks for the compliment!~

Regarding the scooter blenny, I got him last March, so I had him for almost a year. He had been fine and had learned to eat frozen foods shortly after being introduced in my tank, which I was delighted about because I was afraid that he would only want to eat pods and I wouldn't have enough to keep him alive and he would starve to death. He was the cutest, sweetest little thing because I would feed him by syringe and when he would see the syringe coming into the water, he would literally sit up like a little puppy dog and suckle the food right out of the tip even though I would squirt the food into the sandbed in front of him. I really don't know what happened to him because his little belly never looked sunk in, so I would hope that he didn't starve.
He was a tiny little thing, so when he died, it surely couldn't have been very long before my CUC got a hold of him.
I do miss the little boy like crazy though.
I don't think I could ever try another one though and risk the chance of it not accepting frozen foods and it starving.
As for recommendations for you? Definately get a bicolor blenny! They really add a lot of personality to a tank! Fairy wrasses are nice and there are sooo many different kinds that will add a lot of color to your tank. Of course there are the clowns too.
Speaking of which, I have to find a good home for my baby misbar percs because I am finally going to be getting a pair of Picasso clowns in a month!


That sucks about the scooter blenny!
They really are very cute. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely try a bicolor blenny. I just love the pictures of yours. Have you ever tried an anemone in your tank. I have been advised against it, however a few said I could make it work. Just curious with your clowns. When I Figure out how to post pictures, I will put some up of my tank.
You really have done a fabulous job!


Originally Posted by nemo2
That sucks about the scooter blenny!
They really are very cute. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely try a bicolor blenny. I just love the pictures of yours. Have you ever tried an anemone in your tank. I have been advised against it, however a few said I could make it work. Just curious with your clowns. When I Figure out how to post pictures, I will put some up of my tank.
You really have done a fabulous job!
Thanks, and please do post pics of your tank! I'd love to see them!~
I did have a green bubble tip anemone in my 14 gallon Biocube that my true perc hosted in immediately after it was introduced. I had it under my stock lighting and did well for almost 7 months and then after I had my tank full with corals, it climbed under a rock and died.
Broke my clown's heart. When the lights went out, she seemed "lost" without having that anemone to go to for "shelter". I've been told that the anemone's don't do well in my tank because I am still using the stock lighting. I am planning on doing the 4.36 lighting upgrade through nanotuners, but will have to wait a bit longer to do that now because of spending the money on the picasso's. PerfectDark has the same tank and lighting as I do and he has a beautiful rose bubble anemone in his that has done really well, so he should be able to answer any questions you have regarding the anemones.

Thanks again for the sweet compliments and for stopping by to view my thread. Please do let me know when you post some pics of yours!~
KAT74 -
I have been away on a thread that is focused on owners of the Red Sea MAX...
But your Bio Cube's progress is smokin'!!!

I certainly owed you some pictures.. especially after all your generous advice and assistance!!!!

I would also appreciate your 'female perspective' on the final look of my set up...
Dry base reef rock on bare RSM bottom...
Aragonite around dry base rock...
RO/DI in lights On...
Cloudy water....
Final Look before adding LR...

You are so amazing! I have the same tank, but not nearly as pretty...I can't wait till mine is as pretty as yours some day! How beautiful! I could just look at these pictures all day!



Originally Posted by NaCl+H2O Fish
KAT74 -

I have been away on a thread that is focused on owners of the Red Sea MAX...
But your Bio Cube's progress is smokin'!!!

I certainly owed you some pictures.. especially after all your generous advice and assistance!!!!

I would also appreciate your 'female perspective' on the final look of my set up...
Dry base reef rock on bare RSM bottom...
Aragonite around dry base rock...
RO/DI in lights On...
Cloudy water....
Final Look before adding LR...

There you are!!! I've been wondering what happened to you! Glad to see you back!

Looks like you're well on your way to a good start!~
The base rock set-up looks pretty good and well thought out. Ready for you to add LR! What kind of LR are you going to use?
pssst! You may want to take these pics and start your own diary here so that everyone can comment and offer suggestions and keep up with your progress as you go along!


Originally Posted by AquaSpirit04
You are so amazing! I have the same tank, but not nearly as pretty...I can't wait till mine is as pretty as yours some day! How beautiful! I could just look at these pictures all day!
awwww... thank you so much for that sweet compliment!~
Have you seen the other tanks around this thread?? Everyone on here has tanks that are pretty amazing and awe-inspiring!

Why not start a thread for your tank where everyone can post comments/suggestions. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn from others here and how it will inspire you to have a beautiful tank!
Originally Posted by KAT74
awwww... thank you so much for that sweet compliment!~
Have you seen the other tanks around this thread?? Everyone on here has tanks that are pretty amazing and awe-inspiring!

Why not start a thread for your tank where everyone can post comments/suggestions. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn from others here and how it will inspire you to have a beautiful tank!

I'm too embarassed! My tank is so empty...I only have three bits of live coral...and about 4 fishies...
But when I deem it acceptable I'll have pictures up for sure...I might steal your idea with the filter...mine doesn't seem to be strong enough for me...especially after my first algae bloom a few months ago...


I noticed you only have soft coral. Does you Alk and Calcium drop at all or stay about the same. BTW this is one of the nicest nanos I've seen. congrats


Originally Posted by SaltyCrab
I noticed you only have soft coral. Does you Alk and Calcium drop at all or stay about the same. BTW this is one of the nicest nanos I've seen. congrats
Thanks for the compliment!~

Yeah, it's a constant struggle for me and my calcium having this softie tank. My alk is never a problem, it stays around 11-12dKh. My calcium is between 350-400. I dose with Nano Reef Part A and Part B and also use Purple Up to try to keep my Calcium at that. My LFS gave me some other type of Calcium additive, but I am hesitant to use it because I don't want my calcium to go too
high. My calcium staying in the 350-400 range doesn't seem to affect my corals any as they always appear to be happy
and the coralline that is in this tank since I switched it over 3 1/2 months ago is awesome.
I do weekly 5 gallon water changes, so the trace elements that get somewhat depleted gets replenished then.