KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



My Picasso's are in!~

They came in yesterday, but I won't be picking them up until Monday. I asked the FS to send me a pic of what they looked like and this is what I got.

I sent him a PM asking if he had pics of the pattern on the other one so that I'll know what they both look like. He said that the patterns look different on both sides of each fish?
Anyway, I'll be picking them up Monday and will post pics! My tank has been totally rearranged because we had to literally remove everything from my tank to catch the two misbars that I had. Not sure if I am totally happy with the new aquascape.... I'll probably rearrange again!
Big week for me... Picasso's on Monday, "Custom made" zoa rock and ric rock on Tuesday and new yellow banded pygmy possum wrasse on Friday!~
Pics to come!~


I'll definately post pics when I get my new stuff in this week. (Picasso's, zoa and ric rock, yellow banded pygmy possum wrasse)
I wanted to post what my aquascape looks like today. I'm still not happy with it and am upset that a couple of my rics got loose and are floating around somewhere in my tank. Tooootally messed up my little ric garden.

Here are two pics from today.... I'm sure I'll probably mess around with the rock work again before I'm happy. The tank is cloudy because of the moving around and my corals are not happy at all.... but here it is!

Looks like I have A LOT of extra room now... but not really much room to put things on because of the weird angles and such.
Someone was wondering how fast coraline grows... well, this was my tank 4 months ago...

and you can see above how much purple has grown....

Ugh!~ I have a lot to do to get my tank back into shape!


This is what I will be getting on Friday!!~

Ugh! Also, in the changing of my aquascape, I lost a patch of pink pulsing xenia.


Active Member
I have to tell you you'r tank was the first one I saw when I can here , blazin's too and between the two of you I was inspired!!! I am a big fan, please check out my thread and give me you'r opinion. thank's for all you'r info and amazing pic"s!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Ive never heard of a pygmy possum wrasse. Looks cool, I take it not many people have em on here. If I were you, I would get some dead base rock for cheap, and try to model your scape after that. Recommend getting rubble over large pieces because of most design options. I have the cave looking aquascape, and I too dont like it. Too late now =/


sweet you are getting a possum wrasse..mine is one of my favorite wrasses that i have kept..they do hide alot at first but with time it should come out more often..mine eats mostly mysis and cyclopeze..it will not touch anyhting else...the one you are getting is the yellow-banded possum wrasse..very very nice i am sure you will love yours..the tank looks very good by the way


Originally Posted by nwdyr
I have to tell you you'r tank was the first one I saw when I can here , blazin's too and between the two of you I was inspired!!! I am a big fan, please check out my thread and give me you'r opinion. thank's for all you'r info and amazing pic"s!!!!!!!!

awww... what a sweet compliment!~ Thank you!
I posted a comment to your thread!


Originally Posted by paintballer768
Ive never heard of a pygmy possum wrasse. Looks cool, I take it not many people have em on here. If I were you, I would get some dead base rock for cheap, and try to model your scape after that. Recommend getting rubble over large pieces because of most design options. I have the cave looking aquascape, and I too dont like it. Too late now =/

I saw someone post a picture of their pygmy yellow banded possum wrasse and fell in love with it! Those pretty colors and it looks like it's wearing pink lipstick! Had to have it!
I understand that when they mature, the purplish color will turn into a reddish color. My LFS got them in on Friday and they looked exactly like the picture I posted. They are holding it for me until Friday.
I hear ya on the aquascape. I'm really not liking that cave being such a large area. Not much room for me to put corals. I'm gonna see about getting some more rubble and re-doing it again this week. Ugh! I just hate that it disturbs so much to do it. Maybe I will wait a little while before I do it because I am going to be adding new fish this week and they will already be stressed from a new environment and then for me to rearrange again... maybe I'll wait a month or so.... definately not satisfied with this look right now.


Originally Posted by detguy313
sweet you are getting a possum wrasse..mine is one of my favorite wrasses that i have kept..they do hide alot at first but with time it should come out more often..mine eats mostly mysis and cyclopeze..it will not touch anyhting else...the one you are getting is the yellow-banded possum wrasse..very very nice i am sure you will love yours..the tank looks very good by the way
Yep!~ Mine looks exactly like the one in that picture. I understand that when it matures, it will lose that purplish color and will turn a reddish color. I remember that you recommended this wrasse to me not long ago.
I had noooo idea that they were so small when I saw it on Friday! I did notice that they were hiding too, so hopefully, they will get out of that soon!~


when they are very small they are a bright green with very thick white lines...the males will lose the thick white stripes and have just two yellows and become a more red color....the juv. and females should keep the same color as in the pic you posted...the one that i have is a new one and was just named a couple months ago..it is Wetmorella Tanaka..i have only seen a few of them around.yours should come out more often plus it will love caves good luck and keep us posted!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
I saw someone post a picture of their pygmy yellow banded possum wrasse and fell in love with it! Those pretty colors and it looks like it's wearing pink lipstick! Had to have it!
I understand that when they mature, the purplish color will turn into a reddish color. My LFS got them in on Friday and they looked exactly like the picture I posted. They are holding it for me until Friday.
I hear ya on the aquascape. I'm really not liking that cave being such a large area. Not much room for me to put corals. I'm gonna see about getting some more rubble and re-doing it again this week. Ugh! I just hate that it disturbs so much to do it. Maybe I will wait a little while before I do it because I am going to be adding new fish this week and they will already be stressed from a new environment and then for me to rearrange again... maybe I'll wait a month or so.... definately not satisfied with this look right now.
Im not going to redo it. I have a different idea but not quite sure how good it will turn out. Rather than distrupt the whole tank, I was going to buy some rubble rock and fill in behind the cave and rockwork, because thats alot of wasted space in my tank. Then build up the rockwork up the back wall and fill in the rest to make it look the most natural I can.
If I were you, I would do the base rock idea. I really like the shelves idea, but its hard to do in our systems cuz of size constraints and needing to reinforce the rock. Maybe something like a terracing design would be great for coral placement.


Originally Posted by detguy313
when they are very small they are a bright green with very thick white lines...the males will lose the thick white stripes and have just two yellows and become a more red color....the juv. and females should keep the same color as in the pic you posted...the one that i have is a new one and was just named a couple months ago..it is Wetmorella Tanaka..i have only seen a few of them around.yours should come out more often plus it will love caves good luck and keep us posted!!

Mine looks exactly like the one in the picture.... does that mean that it is a female? If it is, that means it will stay the same color?


Originally Posted by paintballer768
Im not going to redo it. I have a different idea but not quite sure how good it will turn out. Rather than distrupt the whole tank, I was going to buy some rubble rock and fill in behind the cave and rockwork, because thats alot of wasted space in my tank. Then build up the rockwork up the back wall and fill in the rest to make it look the most natural I can.
If I were you, I would do the base rock idea. I really like the shelves idea, but its hard to do in our systems cuz of size constraints and needing to reinforce the rock. Maybe something like a terracing design would be great for coral placement.

I like the base rock idea too, but really hate to break my aquascape all the way down to do that because it made my tank really, really cloudy and I couldn't see what I was doing. I'm gonna see what I can do with rearranging some of the bigger pieces and getting some rubble and building it back up and minimizing the cave area to just an opening in the upper middle section. Arrgh! I'm frustrated!
Gotta do something.... maybe do some rearranging with what I have right now while my Picasso's are acclimating tomorrow. After they are in the tank, I really don't want to stress them further for a while until after they settle down a bit.
I really appreciate your input!~


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74

Okay, heres my 2 cents. Take the long curved piece on the right half of the cave, and put the bottom of that rock in the sand where the xenia is (the xenia on the bottom right side near the candy canes.) Now fill in the top of the cave with some new rock, and fill it up with however much you would like, and I think that will be a good idea for some coral placement spots. You could even epoxy a ricordea rock or two on the vertical part of the curved rock, and over time it will get covered in them.
Hope I described it right, cuz it looks amazing in my head


Originally Posted by paintballer768
Okay, heres my 2 cents. Take the long curved piece on the right half of the cave, and put the bottom of that rock in the sand where the xenia is (the xenia on the bottom right side near the candy canes.) Now fill in the top of the cave with some new rock, and fill it up with however much you would like, and I think that will be a good idea for some coral placement spots. You could even epoxy a ricordea rock or two on the vertical part of the curved rock, and over time it will get covered in them.
Hope I described it right, cuz it looks amazing in my head

Well, you come on up and do it for me then and I'll pay you for your time and effort!

I do think I will have to move that long curved piece to the bottom... hmmm... now you have me looking at the picture trying to rearrange it in my mind!

Wanna see something funny?? This is what my tank looked like when I first got it, while it was set up at the LFS before it got here to me and I added my stuff to it.


i think yours is a male it should lose that color and turn more like the color of mine but will only have a yellow stripe in front and back


Active Member
Looking great KAT
.... The Possum Wrasse should look really cool in that tank post pics when you can. And great job on the reaquascaping job, I like it a lot better than the other way you had it. How are the Picasso's doing? Did you get them yet?
UPDATE !! I found the cause of the pygmy angel death, I am a believer now that my tank is not plagued. I had a xenia stalk about 6" tall and multiple branches, it was positioned behind my LR and a piece of LR slipped squishing the xenia and it melted in like 2 days. The entire stalk went from all to nothing and contributed a lot of toxins in my tank. I prob had amonia that I didnt realize I had but at the least toxins that were not good for anyone.
I have had my Perc in my tank now for 2 weeks hes doing awesome, and I have a midas blenny ready to be added this comming weekend. Of course knocking on wood the whole time I am typing this.....