KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by rtspeed
well as for the toad i , would move him to where the purple shrooms are, and move the shrooms down to where he is seeing that they do not need direct light. I that isn't a option there is that little crevice where the shrooms are at i would see if you could get his base in there.
RIght here
I saw the pic of the tank and I thought "oooooh, whose tank is that??" and then duh! It's MY tank! My tank looks better in your pic than it does in my pic!
I'll play around with my tank again tomorrow and see what I can come up with! Thanks for your help!


Originally Posted by MaTT B
VERY NICE CLOWNS!!!!! You know there are crazy cat people well I think you count as a crazy clown lady

awwww.... now come on!
You know that my past clowns have gone on to happier homes with people who are taking very good care of them. And ummmm.... I like nice clowns too!
Just need more tanks to keep them all so that I won't have to keep trading them in!


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
great lookin clowns love the tank=P
Also do u dose the tank in anyway and how? would love to find out how people do it exaclty=P
Thanks so much!~

I do weekly 5 gallon water changes, and sometimes I will dose Purple Up to keep my calcium at 400. Alk is always between 10-12, but if I don't do that dosage of Purple Up, my calcium will drop to 350.


Originally Posted by KAT74
I saw the pic of the tank and I thought "oooooh, whose tank is that??" and then duh! It's MY tank! My tank looks better in your pic than it does in my pic!
I'll play around with my tank again tomorrow and see what I can come up with! Thanks for your help!
Yeah i took your photo and rendered out the lighting as how it would look in the real reef.


Active Member
Hey Kat ,
is that a frogspawn I see in the upper right of your FTS ? If so how do you get away with it being soo close to other corals, I was told when i got mine it had to be a min. of 3-4inches away and that 6inches would be ideal. And what is the diff. between a frgspawn and a torch? Hi , and welcome to "kat's Corner and today's question is........


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Hey Kat ,
is that a frogspawn I see in the upper right of your FTS ? If so how do you get away with it being soo close to other corals, I was told when i got mine it had to be a min. of 3-4inches away and that 6inches would be ideal. And what is the diff. between a frgspawn and a torch? Hi , and welcome to "kat's Corner and today's question is........

In the pic, it does look closer than it actually is, but still, it is pretty close to my zoas. I'm gonna have to move that bad boy over a little bit.
M0nk explained frogspawn and torch as this:
Torch have long, slender tentacles that end with a colored tip. They have no break in the tissue that makes up the tentacles. A frogspawn has nodules along the tentacles that look like ... frogspawn... er, eggs, that is. Hope that helps some.

Does that help?


Active Member
Yes that does help! thank you, and now I can tell you a have a new "frogspawn"
I finally traded in my gianourmas brain
I posted some pic's


did you get you possum wrasse today and if so how is it doing??? can't wait to see pics..they are right at the top for my favorite type of wrasse


Originally Posted by detguy313
did you get you possum wrasse today and if so how is it doing??? can't wait to see pics..they are right at the top for my favorite type of wrasse

I was going to get it today but since I do my water changes on Friday's, I decided to pick it up tomorrow afternoon. I didn't want it to go through the acclimation stress and then soon after, the stress from being in a new tank and going through a water change.
Sooo.... tomorrow is the day and I will post pics!~ Probably have my best chance of taking a pic of it tomorrow when it's acclimating because when it gets in my tank, I'm sure it's going to hide for awhile!


=P i wana get this baby Fridmani Pseudochromis for 35. its cool its like a little scared so when ever u go up to the tank he hides. its tiny but im afraid that it will eventually pick on my ornemental shrimp and crabs in the tank=( what do u think


yeah it will duck into the rocks for a few days maybe more they are pretty shy fish and are found in caves in the wild...have you seen or been told what it is eating...it took mine almost a week to start eating mysis but after that he ate it like crazy..can't wati to see the pics i am sure you will love this fish


yea i really want to get it but i want this tank to be a invert tank with all little shrimp and crabs and im worried he will start picking on them=(


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
yea i really want to get it but i want this tank to be a invert tank with all little shrimp and crabs and im worried he will start picking on them=(
I wouldn't take a chance on something that "may" be known to pick on inverts. I can't wait to see how your invert tank progresses!~


Got my yellow banded possum pygmy wrasse today!

This was the only pic I was able to get of her (or him?), and I knew it would probably be my best bet to get a pic of it while it was acclimating. Once it went into the tank, the clowns and the blenny went after it and back into the rocks it went! It seems to be doing well so far... staying around the back, but will swim up to the middle. It's picking at the rocks. Such a tiny and cute little wrasse!
ETA: At the LFS, it was in the seahorse tank and they said that it was eating mysis.

, can you tell by the pic if this is a male or female?


Some more pics from today....
My new fox coral that I got yesterday

was looking around the back of my tank for my wrasse and saw my little pom pom crab!

also saw this hanging out of a rock.... is this a brittle star?

the coralline grows super fast in my tank! I got this pom pom xenia frag on Monday and the plug was all white... now look at it, just 5 days later. Already getting the purple!

My blue/purple shrooms, next to my pom pom xenia

I just love this rock!

twisted feather dusters

My aurora/pinkbar goby


great pics and a very nice tank..i love fox corals and i am looking for a nice one for my tank but the ones that have been coming to the lfs have been pretty rough looking..that does look like a brittle or serpent star to me


really nice pics now i can't sleep lol, yea i have alot of those stars too =P they are good detrius eaters i hope my harlequin will like them in the future lol=P
What kind of additives u use Kat? im looking at alot and i can't seem to choose.
I Recently added alot of LR to my sump and already im seeing alot of pods run around the tank, im trying to find out if feeding phyto would boost there population so that maybe i can keep a mandarin in the future(hey i have a sick amount of LR in a 28 gallon lol.
im still drooling over ur tank

And i love ur Pom Pom can't wait to own a couple of those=P


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
really nice pics now i can't sleep lol, yea i have alot of those stars too =P they are good detrius eaters i hope my harlequin will like them in the future lol=P
What kind of additives u use Kat? im looking at alot and i can't seem to choose.
I Recently added alot of LR to my sump and already im seeing alot of pods run around the tank, im trying to find out if feeding phyto would boost there population so that maybe i can keep a mandarin in the future(hey i have a sick amount of LR in a 28 gallon lol.
im still drooling over ur tank

And i love ur Pom Pom can't wait to own a couple of those=P
Your harlequin's are awesome! I remember when I first got into the hobby and I saw one of those in a book and I wanted one really, really bad until I found out that they have a diet of starfish! They are gorgeous! I have never actually seen one at a LFS. Where did you get yours? How are they doing?
As for additives, I don't really add anything. I do weekly 5 gallon water changes, and sometimes I will dose Purple Up to keep my calcium at 400. Alk is always between 10-12, but if I don't do that dosage of Purple Up, my calcium will drop to 350. Oh, and I do dose 1 drop of Lugol's solution (iodine) the day after my water change, especially for my xenia.
I do have additives on hand "just in case" I need them.... buffer, magnesium, iodine, and nano reef parts A&B. The good rule of thumb is "never add anything that you can't test for". The water changes usually replenishes the stuff that gets depleted over the week.
I don't have any experience regarding phyto and pods, so I can't help ya out there. If you want a mandarin, see if your LFS can get one in that is trained to eat prepared foods and watch it eat it before you buy it in case your pods are not enough for it.
Definately get a couple of pom pom crabs! Some people say they never see them, but I usually see mine at least every other day. He loves it when I squirt some food at him!