KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by nwdyr
that picture looks like a land slide waiting to happen!
Weeeeeeeeeee!!~ Yeah, too scary. It didn't stay that way very long once it came to me! LOL!


Originally Posted by HaloStalker
its beautiful i hope mine can look at least a little decend as urs heheh=P

Oh, trust me, yours is going to look awesome once you get it all set up! I can't wait to see your progress!~


Originally Posted by KAT74
I think I'm gonna have to do something about this brain... it's getting HUUUUUGE!~

Isn't my yellowfin fairy wrasse a beauty?

Such a fast little booger, it's hard to get a clear pic of him!~

I thought this pic came out really cool and wanted to share it!~

what the **** is that horned thing


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Looking great KAT
.... The Possum Wrasse should look really cool in that tank post pics when you can. And great job on the reaquascaping job, I like it a lot better than the other way you had it. How are the Picasso's doing? Did you get them yet?
UPDATE !! I found the cause of the pygmy angel death, I am a believer now that my tank is not plagued. I had a xenia stalk about 6" tall and multiple branches, it was positioned behind my LR and a piece of LR slipped squishing the xenia and it melted in like 2 days. The entire stalk went from all to nothing and contributed a lot of toxins in my tank. I prob had amonia that I didnt realize I had but at the least toxins that were not good for anyone.
I have had my Perc in my tank now for 2 weeks hes doing awesome, and I have a midas blenny ready to be added this comming weekend. Of course knocking on wood the whole time I am typing this.....

Hey PD!~
Thanks for the compliments and comments!
Yeah, I can't wait to get that little possum wrasse! When I saw it, I just had to have it! A "girly" looking fish right up my alley!

I didn't like the way the aquascape was looking, but after adding some stuff today, it's warming up on me....

ahhhh.... the Picasso's.... I was supposed to pick them up today, but when I got to the LFS, these Picasso's were not what I was expecting. I was so disappointed. They didn't have the middle and tail bars connected to each other and just didn't look like the Picasso's that I had seen everyone else getting. They did have a cool middle abstract bar, but it wasn't enough for me to really want them. I had already pre-paid for them ($207.99).
This is the pic of them....

Anyway, when I got there, I saw a pair of

clowns (ocellaris) and fell in love and had to have them! They both have a tiny little white mark on their cheek, one side only, and on opposite sides of each other. One of them has just a tiny bit of white where the middle bar would have been. Other than that, they are totally

. I'll make a separate post with new pics. These little things have a lot of personality and I really like them. Since these were only $34.99 a piece, I had some credit to use, so I used the rest up on food and corals.

Wow, I am so glad that you found out what killed your little pygmy angel and that it wasn't something that was wrong with your tank that would prevent you from keeping other fish. That melting xenia is some nasty smelling stuff, I can only imagine the nasties it leeches into the tank when it melts! Do you think you will try for another pygmy angel? That one was soooo cute!
Great to hear about your new perc! I'm gonna keep my fingers, toes and anything else I can cross (my legs?) and hope for the best that all your bad luck with fish is over!~


Well, as I explained above to PD, I went to pick up my Picasso's today and when I saw them, I was disappointed. While they were cool looking and the middle bar was abstract and there certainly was extra white on them, they just weren't what I was hoping they would be. I expected them to have their middle and tail bars connected to each other and for them to have that little "sideburn", but nope!~ I had already pre-paid for them, so.... I turned around and saw the cutest pair of n-a-k-e-d clowns (ocellaris) and fell in LOVE with them! I asked the guy how much he would hate me for wanting the pair of nakeds over the Picasso's. He said that he had a waiting list for the Picasso's, so it was no problem finding someone else to buy them and the nakeds were mine!~

They are the cutest little things... they both have a small white mark on their cheek, only on one side, and they have them on opposite sides from each other. One has just a tiny little white mark at the top where the middle bar would have been. I tried my best to take pics of them but they are so fast!

All three of my babies are in this pic!~

Since I had a lot of store credit for the difference in the Picasso pair and the n-a-k-e-d pair, I also got a rock with 5 bright blue mushrooms, a large rock with 10+ green fuzzy shrooms, ORA Red Sea Pom Pom xenia, 2 feather dusters (wanted one, but the other was intertwined with the one I wanted, so I had to take both!), an awesome head of green with flourescent green tip torch, 4 vibex snails, 4 cerith snails, 3 astrea snails, and 2 bags of 4oz ORAglo food.
Torch (ugh! camera doesn't capture it's true color!)

Today's FTS....

Tomorrow, hopefully my custom made zoa rock and ric rock comes in!


Originally Posted by MaTT B
Man, You need to make up your mind

they are cute tho
HAHA! I did make up my mind! I'm keeping these for good!~

ETA: I just noticed that it didn't let me put that these clowns were n-a-k-e-d clowns in my post above!


Active Member
COOOOOOOOOL CLOWNS!!!! If i didnt love my little guys so much I would trade em in on a pair like that. As always kat you'r tanks just gets more amazing everyday!!!


Active Member
Your tank looks beautiful. The clowns look wicked. I have seen some of those before but i wanted some with at least 1 bar ya know. HAHA. the two orange clowns i have in my other tank have the bar missing on the tail. Well way to go and hopefully they do well for ya.


Originally Posted by nwdyr
COOOOOOOOOL CLOWNS!!!! If i didnt love my little guys so much I would trade em in on a pair like that. As always kat you'r tanks just gets more amazing everyday!!!


Yeah, I fell in love with this pair. I think I'll keep them for a long while.


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Your tank looks beautiful. The clowns look wicked. I have seen some of those before but i wanted some with at least 1 bar ya know. HAHA. the two orange clowns i have in my other tank have the bar missing on the tail. Well way to go and hopefully they do well for ya.

I had seen pictures of the n-a-k-e-d clowns before and thought they were cute, but seeing them in person, they are soooo much cuter! Plus, their little white mark on their cheeks is endearing, especially since they have them on opposite sides of each other. I hope they do well too! So far, so good!~


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Very nice tank!! How many feather dusters do you have in there?

I actually have 5 feather dusters in there. 3 large Hawaiian ones, 1 ? kind and a very small pink and white one. The last one I got, the tube was entangled with another one so I got them both.


Kat just a though you should move the torch up to the top near the lights they really like to expand under heavy light conditions and will be much happier there, also i spot feed mine about every to weeks and it is amazing to watch them catch brine mysis mix.
Also give him some space as he will propbally double in size from the new location.
Here is a pic of my tank and you can see how big they get.


Originally Posted by rtspeed
Kat just a though you should move the torch up to the top near the lights they really like to expand under heavy light conditions and will be much happier there, also i spot feed mine about every to weeks and it is amazing to watch them catch brine mysis mix.
Also give him some space as he will propbally double in size from the new location.
Here is a pic of my tank and you can see how big they get.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I moved him up to the top in between my rock with the zoas on it and the rock with the green fuzzy shrooms on it. I moved the toadstool to where he was. Will probably have to move him too because he's not too happy at all right there.
Nice tank, BTW!


FTS from today with new placement of the torch.

These candy canes look HUGE compared to my little clown!~

My aurora goby is finally coming out in the open a lot more and it seems he like the brain too!~

This would have been SO cute if it were clear!


matt b

Active Member
VERY NICE CLOWNS!!!!! You know there are crazy cat people well I think you count as a crazy clown lady


well as for the toad i , would move him to where the purple shrooms are, and move the shrooms down to where he is seeing that they do not need direct light. I that isn't a option there is that little crevice where the shrooms are at i would see if you could get his base in there.
RIght here


great lookin clowns love the tank=P
Also do u dose the tank in anyway and how? would love to find out how people do it exaclty=P