KAT74's 29g Biocube Diary



Originally Posted by detguy313
kat how is the possum doing..does it hide alot?? and is it eating???
Hey there!~

The possum wrasse is doing beautifully! I was worried at first because as soon as I put it in my tank, my clowns and blenny chased it to the back and I heard that they are really peaceful, shy fish and don't do well with "boisterous" tank mates.
When I came into work on Monday, that sweet little thing was swimming all around the back, even coming out to the middle out front when I fed the fish. It's eating a mixture of mysis, brine, marine cuisine and emerald entree soaked in garlic plus, zooplex and amino acids. At the LFS, it was in a tank for 2 weeks with seahorses and ate mysis. I am SOOOO happy with this fish. Looks like it's going to do well.
The other fish don't bother it and it seems happy just fluttering around the back and middle for now. Coming out A LOT more than I thought by now!
By looking at the pic on the other page while it was acclimating, can you tell if it's male or female? If not.... how will you know what --- it is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74

So *NOW* you show back up in my thread after you ran away for awhile after I asked YOU to come down and rearrange my aquascape!

Aren't they cute??? I fell in LOVE with them when I saw them and just had to have them!

Ahaha yes I had to wait for you to forget about that of course
. They look really cool. Can I ask you whereabouts they ran you?


Active Member
Nice ... I was thinking about getting a Possum Wrasse maybe but they are some wierd lookin lil fish but cute. I dont want another fish that hides alot. My Yashia Goby i rarely see , he went into hiding again for 2 days now lol. Dunno whats with that. But i am wantin to get a new fish but dont know what. Well your tank is looking awesome as i have said before. Keep up the wonderful work.


i can't tell if it is a female or male looks to be a juv. right now so it is hard to tell i am not the best at telling on possums but i sent a pic of it to a guy i know that should be able to tell and he will send me the info when he gets the pm..my lineatus was after mine a little bit after i put him in my tank but a day so after that the others in the tank don't even look at him..i guess they are so different the just leave them alone..well i am glad it is doing fine and eating that is always a nice sign godd luck and i will let you know when i get a return pm


Originally Posted by paintballer768
Ahaha yes I had to wait for you to forget about that of course
. They look really cool. Can I ask you whereabouts they ran you?
HAHA! I didn't forget!

The clowns were $34.99 a piece. My LFS also ships, so if you're interested, I can pass along their info to you.


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Nice ... I was thinking about getting a Possum Wrasse maybe but they are some wierd lookin lil fish but cute. I dont want another fish that hides alot. My Yashia Goby i rarely see , he went into hiding again for 2 days now lol. Dunno whats with that. But i am wantin to get a new fish but dont know what. Well your tank is looking awesome as i have said before. Keep up the wonderful work.
Well, I've heard that when the yashia and pistol find them a place to burrow, that's pretty much where they stay, and it looks like yours has found a place in the back of your tank.
Some people luck out and theirs find a place right up front. Maybe you can take a chance and rearrange it's burrowing place?
Bicolor blenny's are great! Lots of personality! Maybe you should try one of those?


Originally Posted by detguy313
i can't tell if it is a female or male looks to be a juv. right now so it is hard to tell i am not the best at telling on possums but i sent a pic of it to a guy i know that should be able to tell and he will send me the info when he gets the pm..my lineatus was after mine a little bit after i put him in my tank but a day so after that the others in the tank don't even look at him..i guess they are so different the just leave them alone..well i am glad it is doing fine and eating that is always a nice sign godd luck and i will let you know when i get a return pm
I figured it would probably be difficult to be able to s-e-x it right now. I was told that it was a juvi and that it would turn red when it matures. I'll be looking for your response!~

Thanks, as always, for your help with my wrasses!~


Hey Kat...very nice tank! I really like all the variety and movement you got going with it. Quick ?...have you had any trouble with the torch or the frogspan stinging your other corals? I know you moved them a couple of times...and I was told that they can extend to almost 6 in. and damage other corals...just curious if you found that to be the case. Thanks!


Originally Posted by AtrialFib22
Hey Kat...very nice tank! I really like all the variety and movement you got going with it. Quick ?...have you had any trouble with the torch or the frogspan stinging your other corals? I know you moved them a couple of times...and I was told that they can extend to almost 6 in. and damage other corals...just curious if you found that to be the case. Thanks!

Thanks for the compliment!~

The frogspawn started getting a little too close to a colony of zoas and some of them weren't opening so I moved it further away and all seems fine so far. It is amazing how much they can expand and extend their tentacles, so if I run out of room with the frogspawn and run out of places to put it, I'll have to frag it!
The torch, it's still a small frag, so I haven't run into any problems with it yet. It was just fragged for me last week, but I know with the torch corals, their tentacles will get very long and flowy and if I notice any problems, I'll have to move it somewhere so that it doesn't hurt anything.


New Member
Thanks kat i ordered everything you just mentioned, i will let you know how it goes. all my corals are in the 40g. to tell you the truth until i saw your tank i was ready to turn my biocube into a refugium and get it seasoned for the 75+g i was gonna get later this year.


Originally Posted by dpcorky
Thanks kat i ordered everything you just mentioned, i will let you know how it goes. all my corals are in the 40g. to tell you the truth until i saw your tank i was ready to turn my biocube into a refugium and get it seasoned for the 75+g i was gonna get later this year.
Please do let me know how it goes!~

awwww.... thanks for the compliment, and please don't give up on your Biocube!


Active Member
Thanks for the Response Kat74. Yeah i was looking at a BiColor Blenny today but i heard they need algae to graze on or something, Well i got a Hectors Goby and my Yashia and Pistol have chosen to be near side of my tank now so i can see them good :) Well later FIFA 08 Time now


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Thanks for the Response Kat74. Yeah i was looking at a BiColor Blenny today but i heard they need algae to graze on or something, Well i got a Hectors Goby and my Yashia and Pistol have chosen to be near side of my tank now so i can see them good :) Well later FIFA 08 Time now
Bicolor blenny's are a lot of fun! Mine will eat anything I put in the tank; mysis, brine, marine cuisine, emerald entree, and even ORAglo pellets! He also grazes on algae on the glass, LR and shells of snails and hermits!

SOOOOO glad your yashia and pistol have chosen a spot where you can always see them!~


I just added on this sweet Pagoda frag to my custom zoa rock and ric rock order!

It's got bright teal polyps on a deep purple base. Gorgeous!~

Can't wait to get it!!


Active Member
Thanks for the de-coding
That is a beautiful piece!! congrat's Where did you get it from and if I may ask how much was it? really nice
I am very excited for you!


Active Member
I have never ordered corals on line, it seems when I do find a piece I want the shipping is sooooo crazy it's not worth it!


Originally Posted by nwdyr
Thanks for the de-coding
That is a beautiful piece!! congrat's Where did you get it from and if I may ask how much was it? really nice
I am very excited for you!
I paid $20 for the frag. Since I was adding it on to an existing order, I don't have to pay anymore shipping.

I saw it and had to have it!