Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)


Active Member
An open brain coral Trachyphyllia sp. should be okay in your lighting put on the bottom (sandbed). They will adapt to the lighting, maybe even changing color. Feed a meaty food no more than twice, probably once per week, is sufficient. They can and do move if they don't like where they are. They fleshy polyps expand and contract to facilitate this.


Active Member
The red and green one..
The guy at the LFS told me not to buy the mixed ones because they havent opened yet and he doesnt know if they are dying or just dont like th spot they are in. He asked about my tank and what not then he pointed to one and said if I were you I'd get that one because its smaller then the rest for you 10g and its fully extended and it looks meaty.


Active Member
Your talking about the green ones right? If so indeed they came back to life and are growing again! lol The other zoas are pretty much the same maybe got a little bigger.
Do you like the new layout of the tank????????????????????????????????????