ladyreefseekers 90gallon set-up


Staff member
Update: I didn't do too well with the Copperband Butterfly...It never ate and died within a few days. I had zoos and button polyps(besides the regular offerings of plankton and mysis) etc...but it wouldn't even attempt to eat...I am disappointed about that loss....Very disappointed...of course I worried that it was my fault for the "quick" set up...I really can't dwell on it though. Everything else at this point is thriving and eating regularly...begging for food.
So this is what I got last Friday, photos too:
Queen Angelfish (itty bitty nickel sized) I had to have it! It's quite a little pistol!
(2) Dispar Anthias~
Tribal Blenny~ Voracious hair algae eater!
Yellow Watchman Goby
Green Clown Goby~ I named it Waldo (due to size and camo)
Longfin Sleeper Goby
Pygmy Angelfish

Honestly! I can't lie! The rock is not that purple, the coloring on my camera is off a bit...

My camera skills: not so great... But this guy is such a little show boat, coming up to the glass to pose. (Seriously though, I figure he sees his reflection, and wants to spar a bit)

Pygmy, Queen, and Latticed, ...and cleaner. The Pygmy and Queen did have a short lived duel upon first introducing them to the tank. I thought it was going to have a result of the worst kind, but they have since worked it out. They will pass each other in that sort of circular dance and then they go different ways. I think this may be a bigger problem in a couple years when the Queen grows. I will move the Pygmy at that time.

This photo just shows how tiny the Queen is. If you dont see it, it is the front, bottom, center blue speck.
More updates coming soon.


Looking great so far....sorry to hear about the copperband, I tried them luck with either......BUT from what I hear....that is common


Staff member

I have found that the mushrooms and colt leather are the only things that the Butterfly doesn't eat....

All is well!


Staff member
It's been a while since I have shared. The sump is working great as long as I remember to keep it full... lol. A few photos..
This is how it looked a couple of months ago but I had to tear it apart to get out my naughty pygmy angel. He was mean to the butterflies....

Close up of the colt. My green clown gobies home.

A side shot.


I'm trying to figure out how to upload a video....I suppose I should know how to do that huh......


Well-Known Member
youtube...once its uploaded their, u copy and past the url or watever! Seems to be the easiest way for me....


Well-Known Member
How do u know its a COLT lady? Has it shed skin before like leathers do...
Honestly im gonna have to do some research and google images to put this mystery to rest...
We cant seem to tell the diff between colt leathers and kenya trees!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///t/383546/ladyreefseekers-90gallon-set-up/80#post_3423925
How do u know its a COLT lady? Has it shed skin before like leathers do...
Honestly im gonna have to do some research and google images to put this mystery to rest...
We cant seem to tell the diff between colt leathers and kenya trees!
From our friend Mr. Borneman
"The Genus: Capnella (Kenya tree coral) has many common names such as the kenya ,tree coral,and cauliflower coral. Capnella form small lobed and arborescent capitate colonies. Small, nonretractile polyps arise from a rounded caplike polypary,with many clustered polyps near the terminal ends of branches or atop lobes. In branching forms,they arise along the length of the terminal branches.
The Genus: Cladiella (Colt Coral) has the common name such as finger leather coral. Cladiella species are similar to Alcyonium, but they usually have shorter-lobed projections. Often encrusting with very short stalk, colonies look heave and lumpy,especially when in a retracted state at night. Their projections are many,forming round to cone-shaped masses of projecting lobes."

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Tagging along.And is that a heinochus i see i love them just like the Moorish idol.( one of my favorite fish but toooooooo low survival rate in captivity)