Lakers win NBA Championship and not ONE accolade?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
It's good that you agree with the rest of America....On Sunday 3 people watched the NBA game for every one that watched the Nascar race

Me I watched both

16 million watched Daytona this year, how many watched the finals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Common bro, you know I love ya bro, but you cant actually think that watching cars going around and around all day is either a SPORT or ENTERTAINING can you?

i think bionic summed it up perfectly... you know the only real sport is football... all the others are just to fill in the offseason...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
16 million watched Daytona this year, how many watched the finals?
They averaged 14 million (US viewers only) PER GAME... The finals were seen in 52 countries worldwide and is the worlds fastest growing sport.. What other kind of proof do you need?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
They average 14 million (US viewers only) PER GAME... It is seen in 52 countries worldwide and is the worlds fastest growing sport.. What other kind of proof do you need?
Seems to me the Daytona drawing more viewers than the finals says a lot about the draw of stock car racing in this country. I also believe MMA is the current fastest growing sport in the world.
But take heart, soon the participants in MMA and NASCAR will become self centered spoiled rich rapper wannabe punks like the majority of NBA players and ruin those sports too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Seems to me the Daytona drawing more viewers than the finals says a lot about the draw of stock car racing in this country. I also believe MMA is the current fastest growing sport in the world.
But take heart, soon the participants in MMA and NASCAR will become self centered spoiled rich rapper wannabe punks like the majority of NBA players and ruin those sports too.
Reef I can more than guarantee you.. If the NBA Finals was ONLY ONE deciding game? They would have much more than 16million viewers.. As far as any off the court schtick and antics, I have no love for that part of the game whatsoever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
They averaged 14 million (US viewers only) PER GAME... The finals were seen in 52 countries worldwide and is the worlds fastest growing sport.. What other kind of proof do you need?

Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr

Reef I can more than guarantee you.. If the NBA Finals was ONLY ONE deciding game? They would have much more than 16million viewers.. As far as any off the court schtick and antics, I have no love for that part of the game whatsoever.
youre wrong on both accounts... NASCAR is the fastest growing spectator sport... the NBA will not reach the heights it had in the late 80s to mid 90s... (how can something grow that once was huge and declined to no ones fault but its own greed?)... considering that on average 10 million people watch each race each week the only other sport that even competes is the NFL... it takes the playoffs and finals to even get any interest in the NBA... 100k to 250k people show up at each venue for NASCAR where 15k to 40k show up to an NBA venue... NASCAR has sold out each race for approx the last 9 years...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
youre wrong on both accounts... NASCAR is the fastest growing spectator sport... the NBA will not reach the heights it had in the late 80s to mid 90s... (how can something grow that once was huge and declined to no ones fault but its own greed?)... considering that on average 10 million people watch each race each week the only other sport that even competes is the NFL... it takes the playoffs and finals to even get any interest in the NBA... 100k to 250k people show up at each venue for NASCAR where 15k to 40k show up to an NBA venue... NASCAR has sold out each race for approx the last 9 years...

You are really MR LOCO tonight..
NASCAR is the fastest growing sport in the US.. ONLY... it is unheard of in any other country.
10 million people watch every race weekly. We have 30 teams and probably average that nightly between all the corresponding cities that have a game on.
Ill give you the 250k come to watch a weekly Nascar event.. if the NBA has 15 games a night at averages a very low 15k per game.. thats 225k people nightly not including TV of course..
China is leading the way with new viewers in a country of 1.2 billion.. Just look at the asia and euro leagues of basketball! getting bigger and bigger..


Active Member

Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
You are really MR LOCO tonight..
NASCAR is the fastest growing sport in the US.. ONLY... it is unheard of in any other country.
10 million people watch every race weekly. We have 30 teams and probably average that nightly between all the corresponding cities that have a game on.
Ill give you the 250k come to watch a weekly Nascar event.. if the NBA has 15 games a night at averages a very low 15k per game.. thats 450k people nightly not including TV of course..

China is leading the way with new viewers in a country of 1.2 billion.. Just look at the asia and euro leagues of basketball! getting bigger and bigger..
it takes 15 games to get what one race brings... NASCAR is growing on a world wide level as well... with many top teir drivers of other series trying to make a name in the left turn circut its obvious...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
You are really MR LOCO tonight..
NASCAR is the fastest growing sport in the US.. ONLY... it is unheard of in any other country.
10 million people watch every race weekly. We have 30 teams and probably average that nightly between all the corresponding cities that have a game on.
Ill give you the 250k come to watch a weekly Nascar event.. if the NBA has 15 games a night at averages a very low 15k per game.. thats 225k people nightly not including TV of course..
China is leading the way with new viewers in a country of 1.2 billion.. Just look at the asia and euro leagues of basketball! getting bigger and bigger..

For someone who supports a team that's only won ONE championship in the entire history of the franchise, you sure are adamant about a lame sport. Half of the 'atheletes' that play the game can't even make 60% of their FREE THROW shots. They pay these loser players $150K/yr to be 'pine riders' and glorified fans to sit on the bench for an entire game waving a towel, and playing a total of 5 minutes a game during 'trash time'. I was a season ticket holder for a team that's won FOUR championships, and I spent most of my time drinking beer and people watching than I did the game. Basketball has its moments, but as far as a sport that's watched internationally, it's not much bigger than NASCAR. Want to watch a true international sport? Watch 'football'. And I'm not talking about the other overpaid game that is only popular in the US.

tank a holic

Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Reef I can more than guarantee you.. If the NBA Finals was ONLY ONE deciding game? They would have much more than 16million viewers.. As far as any off the court schtick and antics, I have no love for that part of the game whatsoever.

im pretty sure everyone who cared who won the finals was watching game 5
so i dont think there would be much more than their 14 million, 16 at best to match the 500
there's no cut and dried case here, I watch and enjoy both sports
BTW to answer your question, I'd love to see Shaq come to the Cavs....
favorite player coming to my favorite team Awesome!!! but no.... lebron needs a scorer to help


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
BTW to answer your question, I'd love to see Shaq come to the Cavs....
favorite player coming to my favorite team Awesome!!! but no.... lebron needs a scorer to help
I've enjoyed having Shaq in Phoenix, but I would like to see him go. He just doesn't fit in with the Suns style now that Terry Porter is gone and Alvin Gentry is in. Steve Nash is still "the man" here, but his window is running out. Time for Amare to be the primary scoring option again in the post. If Shaq goes Amare should average 25 points and 11 rebounds next year. Get some good complimentary players and the Suns will be back in the 60+ win column like they belong.


whoa whoa whoa this is going to be intersting.
first off nascar until recently was not considered a sport now look at it nascar is growing.but only growing in the us.look at basketball it is growing more than any other sport even out of the country.
now arguing about a nascar driver.ya it takes alot to have to sit in a car for 3 or more hours but what are they doing........driving a car. they can drive on the freeways of L.A. or new york and call that practice. it just seems hilarious that they are sometimes considered better athletes that others sports.i mean they have pit crews that do practically everything for them(besides driving their car).basketball players football players soccer players and about every physical endurance athletes do physical training to their im not trying to bash nascar because i not very often will watch 20 min of it but.
but as for the first couple of post every sport team and organization is like a buisness the more people they attract the more money they will get which means the higher prices.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Want to watch a true international sport? Watch 'football'. And I'm not talking about the other overpaid game that is only popular in the US.
Two other examples would be, go watch a WRC or F1 race for some international flare...
Originally Posted by tank a holic
there's no cut and dried case here, I watch and enjoy both sports
Amen! It's always bothered me that people are so limited sometimes on sports, and being 'all-about' one sport, but hate everything else. Sure you can have a favorite, but sports are all the same basic principle, a competition between opposite sides.
Originally Posted by Truefishman

whoa whoa whoa this is going to be intersting.
first off nascar until recently was not considered a sport now look at it nascar is growing.but only growing in the us.look at basketball it is growing more than any other sport even out of the country.
now arguing about a nascar driver.ya it takes alot to have to sit in a car for 3 or more hours but what are they doing........driving a car. they can drive on the freeways of L.A. or new york and call that practice. it just seems hilarious that they are sometimes considered better athletes that others sports.i mean they have pit crews that do practically everything for them(besides driving their car).basketball players football players soccer players and about every physical endurance athletes do physical training to their im not trying to bash nascar because i not very often will watch 20 min of it but.
but as for the first couple of post every sport team and organization is like a buisness the more people they attract the more money they will get which means the higher prices.
Spoke just like someone who's never been remotely close to the seat of a race car would.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Two other examples would be, go watch a WRC or F1 race for some international flare...
Amen! It's always bothered me that people are so limited sometimes on sports, and being 'all-about' one sport, but hate everything else. Sure you can have a favorite, but sports are all the same basic principle, a competition between opposite sides.
Spoke just like someone who's never been remotely close to the seat of a race car would.....
Ive been to homestead Raceway here in 05, had a better time drinking the beer.. but hey thats just me.. Thank god I took a date, but she was a trooper even tough I could tell she wanted to leave.. It just not my cup of tea, too each his own.. I will never go again even though I had free tickets and was invited. I love all sports, FB,BB,BaseB, MMA, EVEN World Cup Soccer, Im not a Nascar or Hockey fan.. What? people can't like one sport and not like another sport without being judged? Ridiculous.


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Ive been to homestead Raceway here in 05, had a better time drinking the beer.. but hey thats just me.. Thank god I took a date, but she was a trooper even tough I could tell she wanted to leave.. It just not my cup of tea, too each his own.. I will never go again even though I had free tickets and was invited. I love all sports, FB,BB,BaseB, MMA, EVEN World Cup Soccer, Im not a Nascar or Hockey fan.. What? people can't like one sport and not like another sport without being judged? Ridiculous.

What was this thread about again

Who likes the better sport....


Active Member
Whatever you want to call it. People say Golf isn't a sport, but I can tell you from having played at a high level and having taught it for 12+ years, the better athelete you are the quicker you will learn, the further you will hit the ball, and better you will be with practice.
Driving a race car is the same....Natural ability goes a long way.
Tony Stewart and Phil Mickelson may be occasionally a little "overweight", but they have more god given ability in their pinkies than most people have in their whole body.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Whatever you want to call it. People say Golf isn't a sport, but I can tell you from having played at a high level and having taught it for 12+ years, the better athelete you are the quicker you will learn, the further you will hit the ball, and better you will be with practice.
Driving a race car is the same....Natural ability goes a long way.
Tony Stewart and Phil Mickelson may be occasionally a little "overweight", but they have more god given ability in their pinkies than most people have in their whole body.
I like to play golf and respect what the pros do because it takes alot of skill.. Yes I look the part and have the nice outfit and clubs but that doesnt help at all with my 20+ handicap
So when it comes to golf, I am for sure a "poser" but I still respect the rules and move along and rake the sand trap, keep quiet,, etc etc.. Thats why ill keep KJR around..he he lol


Come on guys, we all know what the fastest growing true "sport" is.....
RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS (the closest thing I could find to a dancing smiley
I do have to say I agree with heatlvr, I've never understood how people could sit on their couch and watch nascar. To each his own though...right?