LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Active Member
here are pics from last night on the bottom final coat....
both epoxies mixed together

adding color

all mixed up

last coat on bottom for now



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now i have turned it on the next side, the back corner...did the layer there, and did the first layer in the wavebox...i should have done the bottom but for some reason didn't:




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this morning i turned it on the front corner and did a layer there...will do the last coat tonight and probably take it back outside tomorrow or late tonight if the cloud are clear for a couple days to do the other side...going to save the back for last i think


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coat again on front corner and front corner of the wavebox: had my first wondering neighbor over today too,lol...didnt think i was too crazy, or so he said,haha



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well i flipped it over...and decided to try painters tape and it stuck fine...but i do NOT recommend once the epoxy was poured...98% was fine, but in 3 corners it started leaking just a drip drip drip...i stopped two easy...but one the tape got wet it made it much harder to stop...didnt lose a ton of epoxy but hey, any is a loss with the expense it are pictures:



Active Member
On the light rail subject. Think it would be possible to put a light rail on one of those 15min. timers, the ones that you can pull the tabs out and the timer switches the power on and off every 15 min, and run a light rail across the length of a tank once, like the sun moving across the sky from one end to the other say over 12 hours?
Cool build BTW.


your carpentry skills are great....looks good...........BUT IM CONFUSED.....what exactly is this? is the tank gona sit inside it? or is this a tank? im so lost


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
On the light rail subject. Think it would be possible to put a light rail on one of those 15min. timers, the ones that you can pull the tabs out and the timer switches the power on and off every 15 min, and run a light rail across the length of a tank once, like the sun moving across the sky from one end to the other say over 12 hours?
Cool build BTW.
i wish, but unfortunately the motor run too would be able to run the length of the bar twice in 15 minutes most likely, you'd have to do a very fast 5 second run, 15 min off, etc...but not sure how thats possible to get a time like that.


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Originally Posted by hrdfrntr95
your carpentry skills are great....looks good...........BUT IM CONFUSED.....what exactly is this? is the tank gona sit inside it? or is this a tank? im so lost

thanks, I got them from my dad is a an avid woodworker
this IS THEEE tank...if you read the whole thing it'll explain everything, but basically plywood with epoxy resin poured inside to make it strong and waterproof


Active Member
here is the second coat, a couple leaks i had to fix, but worked much better this time...i also put a coat in the wavebox but no pictures of that since its just clear this round and probably couldn't see much



Active Member
WOW...i was out of town for a while and i missed was fun catching up...great work bronco...
...looking forward to more updates...


Active Member
Bronco, I may have missed this during the thread, but I assume that this is going to be an in-wall setup. After you finish the tank, are you going to have to tear down a wall and go through all that? How long do you think it will be before this bad boy is running? What are you doing for filtration? How many gallons is this thing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
WOW...i was out of town for a while and i missed was fun catching up...great work bronco...
...looking forward to more updates...
haha, thanks!

Originally Posted by crimzy

Bronco, I may have missed this during the thread, but I assume that this is going to be an in-wall setup. After you finish the tank, are you going to have to tear down a wall and go through all that? How long do you think it will be before this bad boy is running? What are you doing for filtration? How many gallons is this thing?
you are correct, it will be in wall..i will have to cut a hole in the wall and do some reinforcing i imagine, I dont know the construction part....i'm having my dad come down to do the cutting, i dont trust myself,lol....anyone know about that to reassure myself i can cut a hole this big in my wall? i was told yes but can always use some reassurance,haha. Timefram I'm thinking 20-25more days of epoxying if i can keep up like i have and then a small curing process after the glass is put in and everything sealed...then 2weeks of water testing with freshwater on the ground, while that i can be working on the wall...THEN if that passes i'll put it up and fill it up with i'm guessing 2 months best to be able to afford my oceansmotions 8 way first,haha. This tank is somewhere between 450-500 gallons...have to get exact measurements but close around there. Filtration will be at this time a 75gal refuge below...but i may change it as the tank doesnt fit under the stand quite right..we'll see, so i may switch to two rubbermaid containers....i will not be having a skimmer unless i decide to go overboard with fish...i may try a couple homemade skimmers though....I'm not a hightech person and think sometimes can be way i'm not rich!
It makes it so much more affordable when you can purchase little at a time...I may get a UV sterilizer...thats one thing i had been thinking I wouldn't mind having...otherwise i'm gonna pack it out with macro algaes.


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here is a picture that gives you an idea of how thick the epoxy coats will be...right now i'm at basically 1/8" which is great...i like a little thick for myself to feel at i put on the third coat tonight


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right now its not that heavy...i've luckily been able to move it where i've needed by tomorrow i'm going to take it outside so make sure i can lift it on the otherside before it gets to heavy for me.


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here is how thick the coat is there after my last coat:

put on another coat for the wavebox this morning, then tonight i'll take it back outside to display the monster! :mrgreen:


Active Member
7/32 of an inch... thats a thick finish, you ought to be able to bounce rocks off that for many years before doing any real harm.