LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Active Member
the hole is half ways down and the tank is on its stand in place!!!

we just have to do the hole on the inside


Wow!!! When you called me this afternoon it didn't sound like you got that much done! Sorry I didn't get a change to make it down that way, I was to busy picking up MY NEW 400GALLON TANK! lol.

Wall looks great, I also didn't notice you where going to take down the drywall down all the way to the top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
Wow!!! When you called me this afternoon it didn't sound like you got that much done! Sorry I didn't get a change to make it down that way, I was to busy picking up MY NEW 400GALLON TANK! lol.

Wall looks great, I also didn't notice you where going to take down the drywall down all the way to the top.
lol, we got tons done, had to move a few more electrical parts then thought...i'm very tired, but it was sweet to get almost done..we had to take the drywall down to put up the header beam at the top to help any support.
Originally Posted by spanko


Now time for a drink!!!

lol, thanks, not done yet, but i'm happy to have the tank on the stand, that was extremely hard with the people we had at the time of trying to get it on the stand...but thats ok, it worked out wonderfully!!!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I have a question for you Bronco,how come you used such a small header?Why not a 2x12 or 14 ?Just curious on why.
And BTW so far it looks fantastic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I have a question for you Bronco,how come you used such a small header?Why not a 2x12 or 14 ?Just curious on why.
And BTW so far it looks fantastic.
i was told a 2x6 would be plenty for this...and as i was looking last night i was corrected when i found this wall does not actually do straight up to the upstairs ceiling, the one upstairs is off from this one...and only half ways/
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
It took just 4 of you to put that tank up there?
well it took 3 of us, the other 2 just stood side to make sure it was stable...basically we just took it up cinder block by cinder block until we got it at the stand height...and then put a 2x4x12 under it and slide it up...was kind of scary at some points, but worked wonderful.
Originally Posted by nwdyr

sorry don't have any cool animations like spanko
But LOOKING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha, thanks

Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm

Very cool!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brandan
Have anything set in stone yet for the sumps?
no nothing yet, trying to see about prices on acrylic and whether or not equipment sells, but i'm leaning towards the custom made sumps we talked about
Originally Posted by sman

Looks great so far man! Keep up the great work and keep the pictures comeing.


I might have missed it but i was reading through most of the pages (like an hr or so lol), what are you using for the front viewing section?


Active Member
the front panel is glass
here are more pictures...we got more done today, the hole on the inside, the wall studs back up...I have no canopy approved by the boss which i think will bite me...but we'll are pics:



That's awsome man! How did you get the glass to stay in did you fiberglass/epoxy it into place also? If you don't mind me askin how much did that payne cost ya? What is it about 3/4" ?


Active Member
I don't know where you live, but a guy around here, has a large tank set up in wall and the tank is in the garage, and he has MAJOR heat problems. Another thing you might want to consider is some sort of opening so you can work on the tank from the front. If not you'll be doing a lot of running back and forth moving stuff then running up front and looking then back again...


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoalover34
That's awsome man! How did you get the glass to stay in did you fiberglass/epoxy it into place also? If you don't mind me askin how much did that payne cost ya? What is it about 3/4" ?
no, i used a ton of silicone to seal it is 1/2", and cost a bit under 200
Originally Posted by stdreb27

I don't know where you live, but a guy around here, has a large tank set up in wall and the tank is in the garage, and he has MAJOR heat problems. Another thing you might want to consider is some sort of opening so you can work on the tank from the front. If not you'll be doing a lot of running back and forth moving stuff then running up front and looking then back again...
well indiana would be a bit different than tx...but yea, as i said the boss denied me on the opening..but i think its going to be a pain


i apologize if this has already been addressed but that current wall opening looks way slimmer than the actual height of the tank. is that just a hole to mock up and your going to actually be cutting to the blue tape or are you going with the slim viewing window?

btw, build looks great! any plans yet for the rest of the plumbing like a two valve water change system?