LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Looks good. I am jealous... I want to do a big tank. I won't do one until I buy another house and do a big in-wall, though.


Active Member
here's what plumbing for a four-way under the tank looks like, not that bad, except for all the leaks I had at first



Active Member
Originally Posted by Hocky
Looks good. I am jealous... I want to do a big tank. I won't do one until I buy another house and do a big in-wall, though.
thanks! get started on another house--you'll have to drop by and see it sometime...
Originally Posted by ameno

here's what plumbing for a four-way under the tank looks like, not that bad, except for all the leaks I had at first

haha, that looks not to much fun, but hopefully with a tall stand it won't be too hard to get in there


Active Member
It will get kinda crazy but I like pvc it's easy to work with, just be sure on the big pieces say over 1" to glue both the male and female ends of the fittings and use lots of glue or it will leak. I learned that the hard way and it was easier to redo the piping the second time after I did the first time practice run

I still have nightmares about that.
another lesson learned, try and put a block valve at each outlet or you will have to drain the water down to get the om out or work on it.


Active Member
lol, you're telling me! BUT it may be a month before i start...first has to be warm enough because the first part i want is the sides, which means i am putting it ON the side.....but also this week i have to travel to do some wedding plans....then next weekend i may have to again...then a weekend break..then have to go up again, and then get married the next weekend, i have 1...MAYBE 2 weekends within the next month to get it outside and start the sides....if i can do that then i can at least do the other parts in the garage...if not then i just have to wait....which means you all have to wait,lol


Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, you're telling me! BUT it may be a month before i start...first has to be warm enough because the first part i want is the sides, which means i am putting it ON the side.....but also this week i have to travel to do some wedding plans....then next weekend i may have to again...then a weekend break..then have to go up again, and then get married the next weekend, i have 1...MAYBE 2 weekends within the next month to get it outside and start the sides....if i can do that then i can at least do the other parts in the garage...if not then i just have to wait....which means you all have to wait,lol
!! Don't get married until after it gets finished. It will all come crashing down on you. Before you know it you'll be looking at a beta in a clear plastic dixie cup asking yourself where it all went wrong.

just kidding. Best of luck with the wedding.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by justkris9
!! Don't get married until after it gets finished. It will all come crashing down on you. Before you know it you'll be looking at a beta in a clear plastic dixie cup asking yourself where it all went wrong.

just kidding. Best of luck with the wedding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, you're telling me! BUT it may be a month before i start...first has to be warm enough because the first part i want is the sides, which means i am putting it ON the side.....but also this week i have to travel to do some wedding plans....then next weekend i may have to again...then a weekend break..then have to go up again, and then get married the next weekend, i have 1...MAYBE 2 weekends within the next month to get it outside and start the sides....if i can do that then i can at least do the other parts in the garage...if not then i just have to wait....which means you all have to wait,lol
Sccrreeeeeeechhhhh........hit the brakes on this project.

Jus' kiddin'. Wasn't that Mrs. Bronco laying in the tank a few pages back?


Active Member
Originally Posted by justkris9
!! Don't get married until after it gets finished. It will all come crashing down on you. Before you know it you'll be looking at a beta in a clear plastic dixie cup asking yourself where it all went wrong.

just kidding. Best of luck with the wedding.
lol..she isnt too bad with my tanks as long as i give her attention too,lol
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius

Sccrreeeeeeechhhhh........hit the brakes on this project.

Jus' kiddin'. Wasn't that Mrs. Bronco laying in the tank a few pages back?

yep that was her! i had to force her out there,lol


Active Member
thats right! haha, we're going to Jamaica in June...hopefully going scuba diving or at least snorkeling ALOT...


Active Member
Are ya'll certified? If not, you should really look into it. It's a FANTATSTIC activity for couples. Really can help to strengthen your relationship. My son got his C-card a week after his 10th B-day. He's still a little skiddish, but a great dive buddy!


Active Member
not yet, if we do scuba diving...then we will get certified at the actual resort for just $ reason to spend 500 if this is the one time we'll be doing it.


Active Member
Not trying to get off topic here. The course that they will give you is considered a "Discover Diving" It is meant only to give you the basics to be able to complete the dive(s) that you plan with them. It wont offer any real certification. But is a great way to see if diving is right for you. Be careful and follow what they teach you to a T. Really though, from what I know about you, your gonna be hooked, just like a big ole marlin.
There is a huge difference between being down there with time to look around and interact and snorkelling. It does strengthen things with couples as you rely on each other for life suport. Communication is minimal with hand signals, maybe some simple notes on a tablet etc. Plus your experience is individual to the two of you, and is different with each dive. Regardless of how many times you've dove the same site. You'll see things that many people dont ever get to see I suggest that you look into it, it really doesn't cost that much and is a great activity, for saltwater junkies especially. My son will be 12 this year, he gets his jr. removed from his cert. so he can go to 60 ft. now with me. We are planing on going to Destin Fl. right after for some sand sun and salt. The Oriskany is down that way, it's a sunken carrier, the only one in the world you can dive. Hopefully one of these days we'll both get nitrox certified so we can go down to the deck of it. We have a slide in truck camper and a 20' pontoon, makes for a great cheap vacation. If I can just get him over the fear of sharks....
Damn JAWS, who let him watch that show anyway?

I'll stop rantin' now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Not trying to get off topic here. The course that they will give you is considered a "Discover Diving" It is meant only to give you the basics to be able to complete the dive(s) that you plan with them. It wont offer any real certification. But is a great way to see if diving is right for you. Be careful and follow what they teach you to a T. Really though, from what I know about you, your gonna be hooked, just like a big ole marlin.
There is a huge difference between being down there with time to look around and interact and snorkelling. It does strengthen things with couples as you rely on each other for life suport. Communication is minimal with hand signals, maybe some simple notes on a tablet etc. Plus your experience is individual to the two of you, and is different with each dive. Regardless of how many times you've dove the same site. You'll see things that many people dont ever get to see I suggest that you look into it, it really doesn't cost that much and is a great activity, for saltwater junkies especially. My son will be 12 this year, he gets his jr. removed from his cert. so he can go to 60 ft. now with me. We are planing on going to Destin Fl. right after for some sand sun and salt. The Oriskany is down that way, it's a sunken carrier, the only one in the world you can dive. Hopefully one of these days we'll both get nitrox certified so we can go down to the deck of it. We have a slide in truck camper and a 20' pontoon, makes for a great cheap vacation. If I can just get him over the fear of sharks....
Damn JAWS, who let him watch that show anyway?

I'll stop rantin' now.

well i would LOVE it in reality, and i could have taken it in college but didnt have the time for it...which sucks...but being in Indiana, where am I going to go...the lake next door? lol...i don't have money to fly to florida and go then as well...spending all that money on this tank,lol
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool

im going through picture withdraws...need more...feeling week...

I have a new pictures i'll post after a bit