LARGE Plywood Tank Build


Active Member
GREAT news.....I have everything to start EPOXYING!!! The epoxy got here quicker somehow and now i have the epoxy i need, the hardener, and the now once it warms up
i'm all set to go!!!



The resort I stayed at in Jamaica--Beaches--didn't care what kind if outside certification you had. You had to pay them to get "resort certified" aka pay up sucka.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to spray it on or paint it on? I honestly would go with a spray gun, rather then painting. It would give you the best coating, and you can go back over it three to four times without wasting much epoxy.


Active Member
would something that thick even work in a spray painter?? only thing i'd be worried about is how even i would get it....i am planning on pouring it and using a v-notched spreader.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Are you going to spray it on or paint it on? I honestly would go with a spray gun, rather then painting. It would give you the best coating, and you can go back over it three to four times without wasting much epoxy.
I am assuming this is going to be too thick also. I have never heard of anyone spraying on epoxy. If it would work though, it would be more consistent however.


Active Member
thanks...this week is supposed to get in the i'm hoping i can get an evening after work to get at least one side done or more if possible


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
would something that thick even work in a spray painter?? only thing i'd be worried about is how even i would get it....i am planning on pouring it and using a v-notched spreader.
If you have any fiberglass boat builders around, they know that epoxy pretty good.
Actually I'm going to Dorado Boats tomorrow. I'll see what they say about spreading that mas epoxy.


Active Member
thanks, most likely i think pouring it is going to be the best option...i see spraying it be to easy for air pockets and it not being level across the board.


Active Member
well i started putting up insulation in the garage, need one more bag of it and some for the garage door...can't upload pictures for some reason.


go rent a spray gun from a rental shop, it will be fine, I work in a cabinent shop and we spray glue (thick glue) for laminent, you should deff. spray, easier cleaner and you get better coverage and will look 100 times better.


Active Member
What is the purpose of the notches? wouldnt you want the epoxy smooth? (please forgive me...i know nothing about building tanks...)


Active Member
no, if i'm correct you spread WITH the notched side...after spreading everything around it levels all out and away you go


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
no, if i'm correct you...........
Its phrases like this that really show the die hard DIYer in action.
Been gone a while, but did tune right into your build upon returning.
So giving you a howdy, and also props for the adventure you have bitten into.