Latest Obama Spin



Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Mexico does the same thing. Siestas, yet they don't have the money to have a decent quality of living and come here. Germany, you are wrong on. I lived there 6 years. Do they drink? Yes, but not to the degree americans do. The have one or 2 a day...while americans sit back and have a 6 pack to a case a beer when they drink. Greasy food? where do you get that? We fry more food than any other country....for christ's sake we now fry cheesecake. Their healthcare system has nothing to do with it.
Life expectancy in Germany is 78.95.
European Union 78.7
USA 78.06.
Those countries are NOT years ahead of us.....
Stop making statements that are not factual and just opinions.
Also you don't factor in natural disasters. When was the last time Germany had a tornado, earthquake, typhoon, or hurricane?
See you see one thing and assume that has to be it. Look at the whole picture.
Still waiting for you to address your statements about unemployment.
Germans consume more beer and stronger beer than any other counrty per person, thats a fact not an opinion. every country has natural disasters idiot! most of the countries that lead in life expectancy are in southeast asia you think they dont have typhoons, earthquakes, etc.. the Germans French and Italians all have poor diets. sausages, cheeses, pasta, and all accompianed by alcohol! in Germany there are beer machines in factories! like we have pop machines! you can get a bottle of beer in the cafeteria or hallway at work. fact! same in Holland, Switzerland, etc..
Unemployment were not in the top 50, fact! doesnt matter about the wage it's irrelevant. you wanna mention mexican migrant workers who take jobs no american would do. they come across the border work corporate fields and then go home ( mostly) the money they make in a season can take care of thier families for a year. and for them 14 hours a day in the field is easy work. India, China, and Pakistan has seen there economy boom, job growth in those countries have grown while ours has declined, fact! outsourcing alone has created thousands of jobs in Pakistan and India. the facts are that American businesses manufacturing facilities are in Mexico, Tiawan, Vietnam, or other 3rd world country and thier customer service is in Pakistan or India.
you 40 year old plus question. I can think of 6 that I know really quicfk...what is your point?


Active Member
Also, why does the liberal left allways bring up jobs going to other countries??
Did that just start in 2000 with GW Bush??


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Also, why does the liberal left allways bring up jobs going to other countries??
Did that just start in 2000 with GW Bush??
Clinton gave China Most Favored Nation status....


Active Member
It is just completely asinine arguments, based on nothing. Clearly this person, whoever they are has a limited world view. Never been into a foreign hospital, never tried to travel in a foreign country. And just has no clue on how good he really has it.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
It is just completely asinine arguments, based on nothing. Clearly this person, whoever they are has a limited world view. Never been into a foreign hospital, never tried to travel in a foreign country. And just has no clue on how good he really has it.

Anyone who reads the newspaper, watches nightly news or surfs the web knows how good we have it here. We have inherited the greatest country in the world, we should have high expectations of our government (local and federal). I do have to ask, do you use the statement above anytime someone questions or complains about our country...seems like I've read the same thing from you at least 30 times

Did you do missionary work or humanitarian work in 3rd world countries?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Anyone who reads the newspaper, watches nightly news or surfs the web knows how good we have it here. We have inherited the greatest country in the world, we should have high expectations of our government (local and federal). I do have to ask, do you use the statement above anytime someone questions or complains about our country...seems like I've read the same thing from you at least 30 times

Did you do missionary work or humanitarian work in 3rd world countries?
1 time or 30 times, it is still right, ever notice I've used the same argument to combat the same gripe from numerous people?
We aren't perfect, there are faults, but I'm a second gen american, and I've seen with my own eyes and heard my grandparents hard stories, and plain and simple the people who run out and say how "hard" it is here in he united states, need a reality check.
And yes, I've worked overseas with a few different organizations christian and secular in humanitarian efforts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Anyone who reads the newspaper, watches nightly news or surfs the web knows how good we have it here.
I disagree, last week obama went off saying how China has a better infrastructure than the USA. Then went on to say in (with a ruben translation) if only we were like china...

Watching the news is like watching an argument about how bad it really is in the USA.
Remember the saying, No news is Good news...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I disagree, last week obama went off saying how China has a better infrastructure than the USA. Then went on to say in (with a ruben translation) if only we were like china...

Watching the news is like watching an argument about how bad it really is in the USA.
Remember the saying, No news is Good news...
I think we'd both agree that if you believe everything you hear on TV you'd be fairly misinformed. I think most people are smart enough to filter the good from the bad and watch, read and listen to a variety of outlets to hear different views. When I am on the road I listen to both right and left wing radio.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
1 time or 30 times, it is still right, ever notice I've used the same argument to combat the same gripe from numerous people?
We aren't perfect, there are faults, but I'm a second gen american, and I've seen with my own eyes and heard my grandparents hard stories, and plain and simple the people who run out and say how "hard" it is here in he united states, need a reality check.
And yes, I've worked overseas with a few different organizations christian and secular in humanitarian efforts.
I am really curious if you've done missionary work and if so, how are you viewed/greeted overseas?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I am really curious if you've done missionary work and if so, how are you viewed/greeted overseas?
I'm not sure what you are asking about, if their was anti-american sentiment or if you think I'm particularly abrasive.
It always helps when you know the language. But it was fine, I've made lifelong friends. It was VERY redeeming and satisfying. And a very life changing in my world views. I've never had a problem, but then I am brown, speak spanish, and except for my clothes you'd have never known I was an american. Even though spanish is a second language, most people thought I learned it as a second language from Portuguese. I never saw ANY anti-american sentiment. If anything, it was very pro-american. I heard, if only I could go the United States, I could really be something.
The lasting impression it has left me is the money here. When I lived and worked their I saw absolute poverty. The cars are all junkers, the people live off of dollars a week or month. I was in towns with no roads, literally no one with hot water sporadic electricity at best. Some of the place I went got totally washed away by mudslides a couple years ago. Their diets sucked, one trip I lived at a school for the nationals there. Ate in their lunch room. (I lost 40 pounds in 4 months too) When I got back to the states, and looked around and been amazed at what we have and take for granted.
That is why it really does bother me when I hear about how "hard" life is here in the USA. Or how much the USA sucks. There are over a billion people living with less than $1 a day. And they literally cannot no matter what they do get out of their situation. Then I hear people in the usa say oh I'm stuck, I can't succeed, or there is no good work here. And it really does annoy me because imo the only thing holding you down is your I can'ts. I'm a second gen american, my grandparents survived driving a truck then working a second job as a butcher. He got all four of his daughters into and through college. When I graduated last year, you know what he told me? (in spanish) Son you have a degree, and you speak the language of the successful, there is nothing you can't do.
But I do hope this answers your question if I didn't answer what you were wondering just lmk.


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Take it from someone that is 32 SEVERLY HANDICAPPED due to EPLEPSY and on Social Security that has been raided by the Goverment since the Johnson Administration. I also live in Obamaland aka Illinois and I WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR THIS FREAKING IDIOT FOR PRESIDENT WE ONLY SENT HIS BUTT TO WASHINGTON TO GET HIM OUT OF OUR HAIR. We had no clue however he was going to run for President however.
Here is his record in the State Senate our State Senate President Emil Jones forced other State Senators to give Obama bills that would pass so he would have a record to run on for the US Senate. Obama served on had fundraisers with the USA version of Osama Bin Laden aka Willam Ayers the head of the Weather Underground that in the 60-70's bombed the Pentagon and several other Federal buildings plus a NYC Police Station killing 10. We all know about his former Church.
His Economic policies alone would cause the collaspe of the worlds economy and make the Great Depression look like nothing. His forgien policies would make us the traget of mroe attacks.
This man has never worked a DAY IN HIS LIFE in the private sector everything he has done has been goverment funded. His house while bought by him he needed the help of a now Convicted Felon Tony rezko to finalize the Purchase in one of Illinois Pay for Play deals I have EVER SEEN. His wife after he was elected to the State Senate got a 150K raise from the hospital board she was on since he doubled the Medicaid funding to the hospital I wonder why she cut him off til that happened.


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Originally Posted by reefraff
The problem with the education system will never be solved with money. Parenting is the biggest problem.
Its part of the problem..
Problem areas I see are:
1. Parenting
2. Absence of positive role models
3. Early childhood education - Vastly different in better schools vs poorer
- this sets standards for preparation and work habits
4. Lack of alternative/advanced educational programs such as Robotics, Theatre, Broadcast, among the many other options avail in better schools.
5. Better teachers go where there is better pay-- suburbs
6. lack of after school programs
7. Inner-city schools are behind pace of suburban schools in cirriculum.
- doesn't prepare kids for college.
8. the concentration on standardized tests
9. inadequate facilities and lack of modern books and computers.
10. Money


Active Member
Here's a novel concept; How about not having kids until you can afford to move to a better school district?
We keep dumping more money every year into a black hole. Even more money isn't the answer. Parental responsibility is the answer. Adults need to realize it is their responsibility to raise their kids; Not the Governments


Active Member
If you dump the teacher's union and start making parents show up of teacher conferences most of the problems would be solved.



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Here's a novel concept; How about not having kids until you can afford to move to a better school district?
We keep dumping more money every year into a black hole. Even more money isn't the answer. Parental responsibility is the answer. Adults need to realize it is their responsibility to raise their kids; Not the Governments
You know Journeyman, I don't agree with your veiws a lot but if you lived by me I'd buy you a drink for this statement. AMEN.
I also like the previous statement about parental responsiblity. THAT ALONE could fix most of the problems in this country. If you raise good kids MOST of the time you're going to get good adults, it's cyclical....


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Here's a novel concept; How about not having kids until you can afford to move to a better school district?
We keep dumping more money every year into a black hole. Even more money isn't the answer. Parental responsibility is the answer. Adults need to realize it is their responsibility to raise their kids; Not the Governments
I agree that is a parent’s responsibility to raise their kids. I think your statement that a person shouldn't have kids till they can afford to put them in a better district is borderline elitist. Why not take it a step further and say we should enact legislation banning anyone who makes under 45k a year from having kids?
Will also throw this out there. There are many people who have kids who are terrible parents (for what ever reason) and as a society it is our duty to make sure these kids don't fall through the cracks. These kids are the future of our country and we need to make sure they get the education, health care and well being they deserve.