Originally Posted by Jmick
I agree that is a parent’s responsibility to raise their kids. I think your statement that a person shouldn't have kids till they can afford to put them in a better district is borderline elitist. Why not take it a step further and say we should enact legislation banning anyone who makes under 45k a year from having kids?
Will also throw this out there. There are many people who have kids who are terrible parents (for what ever reason) and as a society it is our duty to make sure these kids don't fall through the cracks. These kids are the future of our country and we need to make sure they get the education, health care and well being they deserve.
I don't agree with this at all. If you chose to have kids raise them right. Do the right things, don't be a loser and ignore their needs. I've got a really good parent and a really bad parent. And YES, it is their fault. My good parent walked through fire to make sure I knew right from wrong, the bad one just disappeared. IT IS NOT the responsibility of everyone else to make up for shortcomings of others.
I agree that is a parent’s responsibility to raise their kids. I think your statement that a person shouldn't have kids till they can afford to put them in a better district is borderline elitist. Why not take it a step further and say we should enact legislation banning anyone who makes under 45k a year from having kids?
Will also throw this out there. There are many people who have kids who are terrible parents (for what ever reason) and as a society it is our duty to make sure these kids don't fall through the cracks. These kids are the future of our country and we need to make sure they get the education, health care and well being they deserve.
I don't agree with this at all. If you chose to have kids raise them right. Do the right things, don't be a loser and ignore their needs. I've got a really good parent and a really bad parent. And YES, it is their fault. My good parent walked through fire to make sure I knew right from wrong, the bad one just disappeared. IT IS NOT the responsibility of everyone else to make up for shortcomings of others.