latest pics of my tank!!


Active Member
I love that x mas tree rock, do you do anything special with it?
I have one and lately the dusters haven't been coming out as much


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I love that x mas tree rock, do you do anything special with it?
I have one and lately the dusters haven't been coming out as much
nope, I just feed it phytoplanton.... the porites goes nuts when I feed that!


Active Member
Do you know what type of lighting it requires? I have heard the dusters prefer shade but the porites need bright lighting :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Do you know what type of lighting it requires? I have heard the dusters prefer shade but the porites need bright lighting :thinking:
oppsite way around, is what I have been told and read!


Active Member
whats up guys....i got two colored feather dusters today...that is what your talking about right?? you say they need a lot of light?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
whats up guys....i got two colored feather dusters today...that is what your talking about right?? you say they need a lot of light?
I am talking about my Christmas tree worm..... it is diffrent than feather dusters..... feather dusters like less light situations!


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
IDK I'm confused.
Jerth, what kind of lighting do you have?
currently I have the power compact that comes on the 24 JBJ nano, it is a 72 w pc light!


Active Member
Do you have your x mas worm in the full lighting or kind of hidden? I'm trying to figure out the best spot for mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Do you have your x mas worm in the full lighting or kind of hidden? I'm trying to figure out the best spot for mine.
I have mine on the bottom of the tank in full lighting! did you see the thread that I started for my xmas tree?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932
I have mine on the bottom of the tank in full lighting! did you see the thread that I started for my xmas tree?

yep, hopefully I will be able to post a pic of mine tomorrow.
thanks for your help, I have had trouble finding anyone that knows anything about the xmas worm


Active Member

Originally Posted by alyssia
yep, hopefully I will be able to post a pic of mine tomorrow.
thanks for your help, I have had trouble finding anyone that knows anything about the xmas worm


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
remember the name jerth6932 he knows all....he is the godfather to my tank! :help:
Well..... if I dont know I will look it up!!!