latest pics of my tank!!


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That is one thing I am not very knowledgeable about, but from what everyone tells me and says on here they are worth their weitht in gold!!!!


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for some reason my tanks temp is going through the roof...i don't know what it is...i just got a new powerhead that is the only thing i could think of that would make it climb like this i never had a problem before....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
for some reason my tanks temp is going through the roof...i don't know what it is...i just got a new powerhead that is the only thing i could think of that would make it climb like this i never had a problem before....
what temp would GOING THROUGH THE ROOF be?


Active Member
i turned my thermo off and then back on and now it is reading right again...scared me for a second there


Active Member
is it that way when you turn off your lights? Is it a constant temp up like that? When you put all that stuff in, and rearranged and rearranged and rearranged and rearranged and rearranged and rearranged and rearranged and ect .......
.... did you ever hit or bump the heater? Cause sometimes heaters go out of wack!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i turned my thermo off and then back on and now it is reading right again...scared me for a second there
ohh ok got ya


Active Member
my lights have a fan so i usually during the day time just turn the temp on my heater down two degrees and it equals out


Active Member
so you manualy fluxuate your temp? that would be a pain!!!
I personaly wouldn't change it manualy, cause if it goes above the 77 you want it ..... It will not turn on any ways..... and fish don't like quick changes in water temps!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
so what do u suggest? just let it fluctuate slightly?
yeah shouldnt be a huge prob during winter....


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i only had him out from the lfs to my house for a half hour and i floated him for about fourty five minutes....he just got into some rockand is just chillen he hasn't moved much


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
no....should i have?
YEAH with stars they are very intolerant to sudden ph/salinity changes.... So to not drip acclimate them, can cause death! Always drip acclimate fish/corals/inverts........ even if like for an hour..... any is better than none, and longer is better than that!!!! It just gives them a fighting chance to not just be riped from one place, and thrown in another..... with out some warning (acclimation) as to where they are going!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
he was sitting on front seat floor and i had the floor heater on most of the ride home
I am sorry I have to tell you NO so much, but do not stick them in the heat/cold..... where they could fluctuate there too much.... it is better to have them gradualy move up or down than trying to keep them the same during transit, with a heater or airconditioner! It will change the water temp to quickly!!!