latest pics of my tank!!


Active Member
o man...i need to take my computer with me all the time cause i do too much wrong...i need to check with you before i do everything..hahah!!!


Active Member
naw..... it is a learning process.... and I ask Millions of QUESTIONS!!! My LFS hated me prior to me finding this place!!! I would ask this one employee all my questions and he hates me now!!!
But he was the best they have!!! You haven't killed any thing yet..... you are like me when I first got in to fish in the first place...... it was fresh water.... but I bought an 80 G and 6 fish the same day.... boy did I learn!!!!


Active Member
i will check out some threads i am sure there is one somewhere on here explaing drip u think my star could b dead already?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i will check out some threads i am sure there is one somewhere on here explaing drip u think my star could b dead already?
yeah but the best way to know is to go grab him and move him out...... and see if he moves back in...... did you not go to the link I sent for acclimating ??? here it is agian!!!


Active Member
i really never use it...i just used to have aol and i have tons of friends on there so i transferred my buddy list on aol to aim and canceled my rip off aol account a year or two ago...


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
haha...i went right to the top and started with a salt water...but i am enjoying it!
I wish I would of too, but I got into freshies when I was 8 yo so..... that would probably of blown me away!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i really never use it...i just used to have aol and i have tons of friends on there so i transferred my buddy list on aol to aim and canceled my rip off aol account a year or two ago...
glad to hear that you cancled that garbage!!!!


Active Member
i guess i should plan to acclimate around water changes so that i can just take out a little extra after i acclimate and then just replenish


Active Member
The acclimation process???? YES!!!! Go to Home depot and get air line tubing 1/4 inch, and run it from your tank to a bucket..... also get from home dopot, I have a 3 1/2 gallon bucket.... tie a knot in the tubing (loose at this point) suck on the other end, when it starts flowing, tighten the knot till you have like 4-6 drips a second going in to the bucket, with the thing you are acclimating below!!!


Active Member
so i dump in the fish or what ever it may be as well as the water that it comes in? and then i start dripping for an hour or so? so i need to have a heater in that bucket?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i guess i should plan to acclimate around water changes so that i can just take out a little extra after i acclimate and then just replenish
if you get some fish or coral around that time.... it is a good time, but usualy you will use less than a half gallon to acclimate the fish/coral...... so you would have to take alot more than nessacary. Witch actually could cause your new inhabitant more undue stress than is nessacary!!!As I think of it, I would do them seprate.... sorry to tired to reword the top.... I understand that I switched what I said from the top..... but eyes are heavy!!! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
so i dump in the fish or what ever it may be as well as the water that it comes in? and then i start dripping for an hour or so? so i need to have a heater in that bucket?
no heater .... the water will already be heated from your tank that is going in to the bucket...... make sure you temp acclimated the bag for 20 min prior to starting the drip acclimation!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i hear yah its turnin five am here
LOL you have over 300 posts here now.... you are moving up in this forum!!!


Active Member
gotcha well i am gonna head to bed...if that star still hasn't moved by the morning i will move him and see if i get a response...i will keep my fingers crossed!! i have my rally cap to u later man