Leaving the hobby

bang guy

I'm downsizing my life. After keeping reef tanks for over 30 years I've made the difficult decision to reduce my impact on the environent. This means growing more of my own food, living more off the land, and reducing my energy consumption. A reef tank doesn't fit into this change of lifestyle. I will probably keep an aquarium, just not anything requiring intense lighting and massive waterflow.
If anyone still has an interest in the 30+ years of reefkeeping experience I have accumulated I'm still always available for advice.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'm downsizing my life. After keeping reef tanks for over 30 years I've made the difficult decision to reduce my impact on the environent. This means growing more of my own food, living more off the land, and reducing my energy consumption. A reef tank doesn't fit into this change of lifestyle. I will probably keep an aquarium, just not anything requiring intense lighting and massive waterflow.
If anyone still has an interest in the 30+ years of reefkeeping experience I have accumulated I'm still always available for advice.

Don’t sell your stuff for 1 year and give yourself some cool off time to be absolutely sure you can be happy without a Reef. I’m glad to hear you will be around because if you want to help the environment, keeping us nubes on the right track is the key..


Active Member
I respect your decision bang. Everyone should be grateful that you've still offered your advice and knowledge for anyone who asks. I would personally like to say thank you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'm downsizing my life. After keeping reef tanks for over 30 years I've made the difficult decision to reduce my impact on the environent.
Anything in specific that put you over the edge? Water consumption, you get electricity from a dirty power station, etc?


Active Member
Well.. I don't really understand your environmental impact theory and specificially how YOU are causing a ripple.. but I know that as humans, we all do our part to 'mess things up'.
I guess we'd all like to really hear your side of why you''ve come to your decision-if you want to tell it.
I started feeling awful when I would take home fish and they'd die; go back to the store, get another, and it would die. I thought how awful it was to remove a fish from it's beautiful home on the reef and take it back to my house and kill it. I really try to buy as much 'tank raised' stuff as possible. I also feel that if I can buy only frags, and grow them and offer them out, expanding the hobby, that I'll in some way be doing a very small part at actually helping the environment while enjoying my hobby.
I know that you've done a lot of tank raised clowns/bangais. I'm sure you've done your share of fragging as well... I'd say that you've helped the environment by offering your tank raised babies to those in the hobby and have stopped at least some amount of reef-collecting.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I left the hobby. Im not looking back. It was such a relief over daily annoyance. I may go back later on down the road but having a nice tank is a job not a hobby. I dont blame you. I praise you for what you are doing.


Active Member
Well damn! I respect your decision but glad you will be staying around to give advice.
SO will we be seeing you on CNN soon as the guy who won't come out of a tree that is about to be cut down!

Hey, keep us updated on what changes you are making in life.


Staff member
Guy, there is life after fish tanks, but after spending most of my adult life with some sort of tank or another, its still in my blood even though I'm not actively a tank-keeper anymore.
Hope you remain with SWF as I did. You will be sorely missed, especially by me, if you don't.
I clearly see you as the best organic gardener around!


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
This means growing more of my own food, living more off the land, and reducing my energy consumption.
If anyone still has an interest in the 30+ years of reefkeeping experience I have accumulated I'm still always available for advice.
Bang - Bravo on moving back to the basics. Sounds like you have a little land. Have you gone geothermal yet? Last year for the huge tax credits
... I understand the downsize, I have thought about dropping from just the two tanks to one. However, a 900 gallon lagoon isn't one of them -lol. keep us up to date with some of your back to the basic plans. I love gardening, it is the most relaxing thing to do outside of fishing. The fish hobby gets neglected in spring and summer... Glad to hear your staying on!


Active Member
I am building an LED fixture to light the new tank and planning on low wattage pumps and stuff. Still doesn't take away the time involved keeping things up and running.


Active Member
Reading this makes me want to puke.
I ask myself if I am in the right forum. I'm really not a forum/internet/chat room kind of guy, but I chose this one (swf). And all too often, I see people come/go. Most of the time it's jackass's who leave (Crimzy comes to mind), but I have seen numerous "serious" reefers bail out as well from time to time. No, this post isn't going anywhere, just scratching my head wondering about myself...............................................................................................................................................................................................................


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Reading this makes me want to puke.
I ask myself if I am in the right forum. I'm really not a forum/internet/chat room kind of guy, but I chose this one (swf). And all too often, I see people come/go. Most of the time it's jackass's who leave (Crimzy comes to mind), but I have seen numerous "serious" reefers bail out as well from time to time. No, this post isn't going anywhere, just scratching my head wondering about myself...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
but it is definately not as interesting without Crimzy...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
but it is definately not as interesting without Crimzy...

Originally Posted by reefraff

+1 RU and Cowfish too
RU and bacon man aside, Crimzy was a disgrace to the forum, as well his own self proclaimed religion. He made you laugh a time or two, but his heart (shown thru his post) had much do be desired. I apologize if you were friends with him, but no loss here.
Bang on the other hand, would be a serious blow to us all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Guy, there is life after fish tanks, but after spending most of my adult life with some sort of tank or another, its still in my blood even though I'm not actively a tank-keeper anymore.
This panics me..... when I see anyone over a decade give up the hobby, I start to feel my own "Hobby Mortality". I honestly do not know who I'd be without THIS.
I actually felt relief Bang, when I saw the reasons for the departure. It makes me less nervous when I can't associate myself with a situation. Growing my own foods is nowhere in my future... I hate bugs too much. I wish you all the luck. The solar route is a good suggestion and one we will be looking into when we find our new house.


Active Member
say what????
That had to be one tough decision. Actually starting your own garden is probably something perfect for you. We all know you are great at reef /lagoon keeping. That alone is very difficult and requires time, knowledge, and lots of patience. I think the same of gardening, seems like a good transition to me. Although all those deer you have in your yard, may have different plans for your new grocery store.

good luck and don't go far.....


Active Member
Wow...Hope you stick around Bang....always looking for your advice. I have seen some good ones go and you'd be sorely missed....