Less then a day old 8 Gallon


Tap water= the devil.

I let the water cycle for a couple hours before anything went in
I have been placing fully cured live Rock from my maturing 2.5 gallon in this one to help the bio-filters. I will be removing the bio ballz and placing Live rock in its place, with some filter floss on top.


Tank cycled, added 5 lbs of LR, Took out bio-balls for LR rubble, removed stock filter for LR and Purgien, Replaced stock pump for a maxi jet 900, added Hydor Flo. Everything is good adding corals soon!



Can you post a picture of the top of your tank with the lid up?? Also dont LR need light?? how does that work in place of your bio balls?? I also have a BioCube 14 and Iam looking for as much advice as I can get. Thanks


here you go...

LR doesn't need light to thrive. Everything has been going great in the back chambers, I have about 3 lbs of rubble LR in two chambers. I also widened the over flow from chamber 1 to 2. And added filter floss to the top of chamber 2, removed the blue sponge from the bottom!!


OK- Iam new at this. Just to clearify:
1. What is in the bag in the most right hand chamber?
2. I assume that the middle chamber is filled to the top with LV, then you placed the filter floss on top.
3. And you got rid of the blue sponge all together with nothing in its place??
Thanks for the quick responce. Your tank looks great. Did you see the thread I started about my tank? What do you think? Iam scared to hear.


1 Purgien
2. LR up to the drip tray, Then filter floss on top
3. took out the sponge all together. It would be too much of a pain to rinse each week.
Next would be to add some chaeto to the 2nd chamber and a small light. Moving some of the LR to the third chamber.


tell me about it..... going to place in a heater again. when I first put it in the temp was way to high, now that its cold out the temps in the low 70's. More $$$$$ in the the bottomless tank


Just ousted the coral banded shrimp and put the candy canes back in the 2.5. Picked up a peppermint shrimp, xenias, and a toadstool.



I was wondering what the scientific name was of the "pipe organs." I was having trouble figuring out where to find them. Tank looks great! Thanks for the help.


hey nice tank love the lr and corals are looking real cool. just one quik question i noticed u got a boxer shrimp and im considering getting one for my 24g but for some weird reason i always thought they werent reef friendly and theyd be harmful to corals, is that true or am i wrong, and what other cool things should i know about it.


Thought Pipe organ was the name :thinking:
I ousted that

coral banded shrimp, it was eating my hermits, being a butthole to my clown, and didn;t do much for the tank. I was afraid it was going to start ripping into my softies so I got rid of it!!


I really like the tank and the rockwork. Just a quick question: How many watts of light do you have? I am wanting to do the same thing sort of.