Less then a day old 8 Gallon


Oh and I just realized that you said that was 4 1/2 pounds of live rock...nice. Was it all one piece, I need to figure out how to do something like that in my tank


Thanks all!!!!
It is one large piece I have added a bunch of branch rocks around it to keep the theme. I am looking to get either a frogspawn or hammer next for the Clown, I tried to have it host the Toadstool with no luck. I am running with about 10 lbs of LR now. The fuge in the back is really helping things. Demartini your tank kicks ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltyVT
Thanks all!!!!
It is one large piece I have added a bunch of branch rocks around it to keep the theme. I am looking to get either a frogspawn or hammer next for the Clown, I tried to have it host the Toadstool with no luck. I am running with about 10 lbs of LR now. The fuge in the back is really helping things. Demartini your tank kicks ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did you add a light in the bak chambers to make a fuge?


wasn't to hard. The back of the tank is all glass with black paint on it. I measured out a spot and scraped it away with a razor. With my fine craftsmenship I constructed a box out of wood to fit over the "jole" I just made. I lined it with tinfoil and added a 9w PC light. It was meant for under cabinet light but works great for growin chaeto. Next I lined the box face and the tank with velco and attached it. I took out most of my LR rubble left a few inches of it dumped in a bunch of chaeto adjusted my water level so that It was fully submerged and bingo fuge completed. Now heres some pic to help out!!



Active Member
Is sushi a false perc? And if so will he/she really host a hammer coral? Mine sure don't.


sure is and they might. haven't tried. I just added a mini carpet anemone, a shroom, and some mean greens!!! pics when they settle in!!!!


Thanks found that main rock sorta by accident. Hold out for that perfect rock though!!!
My fav pic lately