lets here it for bush


Staff member
You know, I've just started watching BBC, and its pretty cool to "get out of the box" so to speak, and see the news from Europe's view. In many ways, we are rather isolated, just due to geography, I believe, so watching the BBC puts another perspective on things. I understand that Aljzzeera is going to try and setup shop in the USA. I know many here will hate my saying this, but I'd like to see their news as well [not propaganda]. As far as I'm concerned there is no "pure" news on TV, so its up to us to get as many views as possible and then come to our opinion.
I just really hate that politics has to play such a role in news reporting, and that media personalities have the ability to shape our opinions and thinking.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
You know, I've just started watching BBC, and its pretty cool to "get out of the box" so to speak, and see the news from Europe's view. In many ways, we are rather isolated, just due to geography, I believe, so watching the BBC puts another perspective on things. I understand that Aljzzeera is going to try and setup shop in the USA. I know many here will hate my saying this, but I'd like to see their news as well [not propaganda]. As far as I'm concerned there is no "pure" news on TV, so its up to us to get as many views as possible and then come to our opinion.
I just really hate that politics has to play such a role in news reporting, and that media personalities have the ability to shape our opinions and thinking.
i agree 100 percent on this, i think whatever station your watching its very one sided


Active Member
Heres my final thought on this thread. I just want to thank Mr. Bush for the things he has done for us.
Thank you Mr. Bush for having thousands killed for a cause to be determined at a later date.
Thank you Mr. Bush for the increasing prices of oil which everybody depends so much on to get aroung day after day.
Thank you Mr. Bush for fixing the fallen economy that Bill Clinton left you with .
Thank you Mr. Bush for sealing our Borders so that illegal immagrants are unable to get into our country.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of the Hurricane Katrina victims so well in their time of need.
Thank you Mr. Bush for considering to fix America and the homeless people here before stepping into foreign land and helping to execute the man that just so happened to be the person that tried to have you father killed.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of Saddam , now that he is gone I can sleep well at night knowing that Iraq isnt a threat to us. I only laugh in the face of North Korea and all of the terrorist nations because how will they ever get through their days without Saddam.
Thank you Mr. Bush for creating so many worthless jobs while good jobs are outsourced to other countries. Because if I ever lost my job I know that Mcdonalds would deffinatly be on the top of my list to take care of my family and bills.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Heres my final thought on this thread. I just want to thank Mr. Bush for the things he has done for us.
Thank you Mr. Bush for having thousands killed for a cause to be determined at a later date.
Thank you Mr. Bush for the increasing prices of oil which everybody depends so much on to get aroung day after day.
Thank you Mr. Bush for fixing the fallen economy that Bill Clinton left you with .
Thank you Mr. Bush for sealing our Borders so that illegal immagrants are unable to get into our country.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of the Hurricane Katrina victims so well in their time of need.
Thank you Mr. Bush for considering to fix America and the homeless people here before stepping into foreign land and helping to execute the man that just so happened to be the person that tried to have you father killed.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of Saddam , now that he is gone I can sleep well at night knowing that Iraq isnt a threat to us. I only laugh in the face of North Korea and all of the terrorist nations because how will they ever get through their days without Saddam.
Thank you Mr. Bush for creating so many worthless jobs while good jobs are outsourced to other countries. Because if I ever lost my job I know that Mcdonalds would deffinatly be on the top of my list to take care of my family and bills.
it sounds like u have some very disturbing issues with life, and a distorted view of what goes on in this country


Staff member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
it sounds like u have some very disturbing issues with life, and a distorted view of what goes on in this country

Lets keep the personal attacks out of thread. Politicians are up for attacks as public figures, but there is no point in us dragging each other down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
it sounds like u have some very disturbing issues with life, and a distorted view of what goes on in this country
What's so distorted about his take on Bush and our country? Instead of insulting him why don't you give us your take on it?

nano guy

New Member
bush SUCKS!!!! we are fighting a war that daddy bush started and never finished!!!!!! we have spent enough money on this war and lost enough of our boys lives to this war!!!!!!!!!!!!
enough is enough!!!!!!!!!WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THERE !!!!let them fend for there selves over there.our country is a mess do to BUSH!!!!! we need to help our own people.lots of americans out of work,do not have health care,living on the streets!!WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!!! IMPEACH BUSH,they did president clinton, all he did was have --- with another and lied about it.this guy lies,takes care of the rich,and has our country a MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK GOD HE HAS ONLY TWO MORE YEARS!!!!! i am counting down the days till we have a new president.i feel sorry for the next president he or she will have big mess on there hands!!!!


Active Member
8 pages full of peple that think bush woke up one day and said well lets get 'em boys.... lol
but hey since the media doesnt like hime lets all blame him.
let make sure we dont have a opinion based on things we see and hear first hand.
let's not have a conversation with a soldier who has been there and saw that this war is justified.
off box "tired of argument"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What's so distorted about his take on Bush and our country? Instead of insulting him why don't you give us your take on it?
non of it made sense , i didnt think i was insulting him it just sounded very distorded to me


Active Member
Originally Posted by nano guy
bush SUCKS!!!! we are fighting a war that daddy bush started and never finished!!!!!! we have spent enough money on this war and lost enough of our boys lives to this war!!!!!!!!!!!!
enough is enough!!!!!!!!!WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THERE !!!!let them fend for there selves over there.our country is a mess do to BUSH!!!!! we need to help our own people.lots of americans out of work,do not have health care,living on the streets!!WE NEED A CHANGE!!!!!! IMPEACH BUSH,they did president clinton, all he did was have --- with another and lied about it.this guy lies,takes care of the rich,and has our country a MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK GOD HE HAS ONLY TWO MORE YEARS!!!!! i am counting down the days till we have a new president.i feel sorry for the next president he or she will have big mess on there hands!!!!
Switch to decaf, it may help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What's so distorted about his take on Bush and our country? Instead of insulting him why don't you give us your take on it?
Some people like to church up a nice lists and blame the president and the government for their own shortfalls of intuition and personal responsiblity. Each one of those points is very easy to dismantle upon further examination. Will try to keep it short so lets start with two for now.
Lets see... blame Bush for 1000s killed. :thinking: How can you blame the president when the military is currently an all volunteer force? :notsure: Why not blame the insurgents?
People die when wars are fought.
The fix... either run for President or join up and do something about it?
Hmm... The cost of Oil. Ever heard of a free market or capitalism? Dont like the high cost of Oil or gasoline, stop whining and blaming the government. Do someting about it. Do your homework and switch to ethanol or convert your vehicle like I did. Ethanol can be made from damn near anything, not just corn. Nobody is forcing you to drive a gasoline powered vehicle. Dont like the cost of gas, then stop making yourself so dependant upon it.
Whos fault is that?
Dead on correct about the border. Our economy will be ruined by illeagal immigration before we ever run out of oil. We need a fence and people with guns and courage to defend it.
It's is not big governments responsibilty to fix many of the current issues. These problems need to be resolved at much lower state levels by voting. If we want more government control we will have to live under more government laws and more taxes to pay for it all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
non of it made sense , i didnt think i was insulting him it just sounded very distorded to me

Just as your "Lets hear it for Bush" attitude seemas distorted to me... ... ... I calls em hows I sees em... ... ... and I see a big mess.... I did speak to a Marine first hand .... my brother in law and the political parts of the war has made him so frustrated that he has opted not to enlist in the Marines. He did his 2 grueling tours in Iraq and now he is done. He doesnt speak much of it because he keeps his opinions to himself and I respect him for that but he doesnt hide that he is frustrated as well


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Just as your "Lets hear it for Bush" attitude seemas distorted to me... ... ... I calls em hows I sees em... ... ... and I see a big mess.... I did speak to a Marine first hand .... my brother in law and the political parts of the war has made him so frustrated that he has opted not to enlist in the Marines. He did his 2 grueling tours in Iraq and now he is done. He doesnt speak much of it because he keeps his opinions to himself and I respect him for that but he doesnt hide that he is frustrated as well
i understand some (a small percentage) of troops feel that way but for the most part they know there doing a good thing


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i understand some (a small percentage) of troops feel that way but for the most part they know there doing a good thing
Where does your insight come from? How would you know what most of our troops think and feel?
Other then ousting Saddams regime what good have they done? Seem like every step they take towards any progress results in 10 steps back...has to be very frustrating and demoralizing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Just as your "Lets hear it for Bush" attitude seemas distorted to me... ... ... I calls em hows I sees em... ... ... and I see a big mess.... I did speak to a Marine first hand .... my brother in law and the political parts of the war has made him so frustrated that he has opted not to enlist in the Marines. He did his 2 grueling tours in Iraq and now he is done. He doesnt speak much of it because he keeps his opinions to himself and I respect him for that but he doesnt hide that he is frustrated as well
Dont get me wrong, I disagree with the President on many issues, especially the border chaos. But when it comes to erradicating terrorism I believer that it must be hunted down wherever that may take us. This is a war that will never end and many more lives will be lost. If we do not aggressively hunt them down they will return. We can suppress it only temporarily. I think the rest of the world needs to get on board and send more troops over since terrorism is now a global problem.
Your friend deserves gratitude for his sacrifice and unless we get more support over there many more like him will have to bear the brunt of the work and will face continuous back to back tours. It's not fair for one nation to carry the load for a global problem.


Want to Talk Bad Goverment.... talk to a Native American/Indigenous Person.
I wanna know why this is never brought up on talk shows. The issues of Native people still go on to this day. They didn't die with John Waynes last movie or Dances with Wolves.
"Kudos" to our Native Brother and Sister Soldiers who statistically out number any other race inlisted in the US Military.
Fighting Terrorism Since 1492
Nickole Fox
Since the 9/11 attacks, there has been uproar of patriotism and fear in the minds of many Americans. To many, this is a new fear, a fear that stems from being powerless at the hands of the enemy, that we no longer have control over our own destinies, and that at any given moment the terrorists could come in and challenge our sovereignty. With this fear, founded or unfounded, we fight the enemy, we defend the land. However, this fear and resistance is far from new to many people in the United States. The indigenous Nations and people of this continent have been fighting to regain control of our destinies and for an end to terrorism on our communities and identities for many years. The beginning of terrorism in America for us, Native American People, was 1492.
This terrorism has taken many forms throughout the last 500 years on this continent. From slavery and physical genocide to land theft and cultural genocide, colonial powers would stop at nothing to eliminate Native people, and to exploit the resources of this continent. The Allotment Act sectioned off Native communities and led to significant land loss to white farmers. During removal, thousands of Native people died while being taken away from their ancestral homelands, where their traditions are based. Smallpox blankets were just one of the many attempts to plague communities with deadly diseases. extermination allowed the federal government to renege on its treaty responsibilities to Native nations and to remove tribal rights to self-govern. Relocation policies promised economic opportunities in urban areas instead of supporting sovereignty by promoting economic self-sufficiency. Native American women have been sterilized against their will, a form of eugenics and population control. Currently, Uranium mines, weapons testing sites, and dumping contaminate our communities. By marginalizing the indigenous people of this nation through genocidal and assimilationist policy the United States has attempted to eradicate us through the destruction of our identities by killing us or "making us like them."
Christian boarding schools were another one of the genocidal methods used. Assimilation policy sought to "Kill the Indian, save the man" and make Indian people hate everything Indian, including themselves. Children were often stolen from their families at very young ages to attend schools across the country, far from their families and communities. Christianizing practices taught Indian children that they were sinful and that their traditions were heathen. Native languages were forbidden; children who dared to speak their language were scolded, beaten or had pins stuck into their tongues. Sexual and physical abuse also plagued these Christian run government sanctioned boarding schools. The detrimental effects of boarding schools continue today; it is rare to find a Native person today whose family has not been affected by these schools. There is still much healing to be done.
conitnue next post


Native people also face problems of cultural appropriation, misappropriation, representation and misrepresentation: terrorism on our identities. Stereotypes haunt our daily lives. I can hardly watch television anymore without some stereotypical reference to Native Americans. Applebees has the lone Indian figure at its entrance; the party store down the street has a red-faced Indian with a nose larger than his entire face. Outkast ends the Grammy Awards with a performance that begins with a stolen Navajo song and a "red-face" performance, while Beyonce coins the phrase "Imagine me an Indian princess, dominate this" in her song "Baby Boy". Peter Pan makes a comeback, equating Indian people with fairies, pirates and mermaids. Even at the University of Michigan, an organization previously called "the Tribe of Michigamua" has, since 1902, based its organization on pseudo-Indian practices. This organization has given each member an "Indian Name" and had initiation practices that called for members to paint themselves red, to wear loin clothes and "duck walk" through the diag. Now, when someone tells me, my family or friends, "Oh, you don't look like a Native American,", "Do you live in a teepee?", "If your hair was black, I could see you as a Native American,", "I thought all Indians were dead", "you wanna go smoke the peace pipe?", I know what they are thinking and I know what is wrong with this country. Value is placed on being the stereotypical Indian in order to reinforce the symbolic death of Native Americans. If wHowever, Native American People are not a fairy tale; our past, present and future are very real and we have been and will be fighting the many forms of terrorism that DESTROY our communities and families. Whether by asserting tribal sovereignty or forming pan-tribal coalitions, Native Americans do not accept the theft of their lands or sovereignty. Women of All Red Nations (WARN), since its inception, has been fighting for sovereignty, treaty rights, proper representation, environmental justice, restoration of traditional women's roles in Native Communities and has been fighting against the effects of colonialism such as poverty, alcoholism and violence. It is estimated that during the 70s, 40% of Native women were sterilized without informed consent. WARN has been fighting against sterilization abuse and the many other forms of genocide that plague our people. The men and women of the American Indian Movement have been combating racism, racial profiling, police brutality, disproportionate incarceration rates, and threats to Native American Sovereignty. Today, we remember the stands at Alcatraz, the trail of broken treaties and the occupation at Wounded Knee, but the struggle did not start nor end there. In every instance that has challenged our sovereignty - arrival, removal, extermination, relocation, allotment, boarding schools, assimilation, and sterilization - Native Americans have stood shoulder to shoulder with their allies in protest. Many others have fought against the atrocities of racism, genocide and threats to sovereignty including each individual tribe, early pan-Indian movements, National Congress of the American Indian, Indigenous Women's Network, Indigenous Environmental Network, college organizations, community organizations and individuals.
Today, the fighting body sent by the United States to fight in Iraq is overrepresented by people of color and the poor, including Native Americans who are the most overrepresented in the services. We are torturing people, killing innocent men, women and children, and exposing our soldiers and Iraqi citizens to an experience that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. So, as the United States continues to invade the Iraq, bringing democracy and Christianity, "making them like us," terrorism runs rampant in our own country. Genocide, racism, classism, heterosexism and many more inequalities continue to exist here, IN AMERICA. But Native people will not sit back and endure these threats, this terrorism. We have been fighting for justice, sovereignty and representation and will continue to do so. This is not just a fight for Native people; it is each person's responsibility to fight for justice, Native or not. As Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. explains: "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Become an allye are not real, the past and present of Native America is nothing but a fairy tale.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
...Thank you Mr. Bush for having thousands killed for a cause to be determined at a later date.
Thank you Mr. Bush for the increasing prices of oil which everybody depends so much on to get aroung day after day.
Thank you Mr. Bush for fixing the fallen economy that Bill Clinton left you with .
Thank you Mr. Bush for sealing our Borders so that illegal immagrants are unable to get into our country.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of the Hurricane Katrina victims so well in their time of need.
Thank you Mr. Bush for considering to fix America and the homeless people here before stepping into foreign land and helping to execute the man that just so happened to be the person that tried to have you father killed.
Thank you Mr. Bush for taking care of Saddam , now that he is gone I can sleep well at night knowing that Iraq isnt a threat to us. I only laugh in the face of North Korea and all of the terrorist nations because how will they ever get through their days without Saddam.
Thank you Mr. Bush for creating so many worthless jobs while good jobs are outsourced to other countries. Because if I ever lost my job I know that Mcdonalds would deffinatly be on the top of my list to take care of my family and bills.
1. Incorrect. We went to war because he refused to adhere to UN resolutions.
2. Incorect. World demand influences oil prices. Iraq is exporting more oil today than 5 years ago.
3. Incorrect. Clinton left the country in a recession....
4. Agreed. The border needs to be fixed. I think you'll find, however, that more Republicans than Democrats want this addressed.
5. When did it become the Fedral Government's responsibility to aid hurricane victims? The folks had FIVE days warning to leave. Their governor and their mayor did nothing...
6. No idea how the "homeless" issue is a President's responsibility.
7. Clinton's regime gave aid to Korea. The current administration is having to clean up the mess.
8. Worthless jobs? So, is your argument that we should be more socialist? Should we take tests and have the government tell us which jobs we should have?


4. Agreed. The border needs to be fixed. I think you'll find, however, that more Republicans than Democrats want this addressed.
Doesn't matter, Once again ask a Native American about poor Immigration laws.
Are we afraid of what started in 1492 might happen to your family. The only difference being is they are Hispanic this time. And they aren't going to leave. You can't shot them once they get inside the boarder.
I guess you can blame that on the librals. I mean in the old days you call them dirty lazy heathen's and than erradicate them. Only the majority of Mexican and south americans are catholic so we can't call them heathen's this time.