Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mdog30001
this is my 6 gallon fuge

Would i need one of those for a FO tank, if so what size would be the max without one


u wouldnt need one for any sized tank, unless u really wanted to have it. Basically wat a fuge does is convert ammonia and nitrites to nitrates. THen the macro algae uses these nitrates. SO this means that the tank is more stable now and that the bioload has been decreased so that u can add more things. Another think that it does is let copepods and other small creatures breed safely without teh worry of other fish to eat them. So it is not a neccesity, but its better to have it then not have it. SO to answer ur question, go get any sized tank that ur heart desires.


Active Member
thanks mdog
and to help this thread keep going...
If any of you had to mix 2 fish to make your ultimate favorite fish, what 2 fish would it be?


New Member
oceana, what kind of camera do you have....it is great....i am in the market for a new one and would really like one that can take close up one like yours....my email is lizfrog@ earthlink.net.....i love it.....your tank is awsome....hope to be there one day.....


Active Member
Dougai, I think if I had to mix two fish to make the ultimate fish, I would mix an adult emperor angel and a volitan lion. Crazy huh? It would be AWESOME though.


New Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Well here is a wonderful picture of my wonderful Aiptaisa Anemone and one of my favorate and only yellow tang.
Aren't aptaisia bad? Or do I detect sarcasm