Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Originally Posted by TeresaQ1
ok here are a few of mine
Teresa...what is this in your tank...? I have one that arrived on a small piece of Rock the other day. At least I think It's what you have pictured.
Hope you get this message... :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by vejomatic
Teresa...what is this in your tank...? I have one that arrived on a small piece of Rock the other day. At least I think It's what you have pictured.
Hope you get this message... :joy:

that is a picture of a small toadstool leather


thanks Oceana, im working on getting a pic uploaded of my specimen...just not turning out very good cause im using a cellphone camera....stand by....


I actually read up on the decorator crab.. on this site and elsewhere, and asked questions about it before purchasing it.. and it does say monitor with corals, that they don't intentionally harm corals, but sometimes pick at the polyps to decorate their backs.. any other input about this ?


Originally Posted by oceana
that is a picture of a small toadstool leather

Sorry, this is the best I can do...im going to post this for ID as well in another thread.



Active Member
is everything else small or is that damsel just huge
if it is small, then whats with the yellow tang


He's (she?) is over a year old and the elder of the tank (along with a blue damsel).. so I assume full grown to about the size of a 1/2 dollar. (Yes.. but I didn't know about the raw shrimp method and it was the old school method.)


Active Member
Awesome pics everyone!! Yeah, Misty, I know page 7 seems like a lot but we still have a LONG way to go. JayC, your tank is incredible!! What all are you planning on putting in there and what do you have in there now?


Active Member
Thanks alot pitbull01 I'm trying! Heres a list.
55gal tank
oak stand and canopy
4 110 watt VHO's ( 2 actinic's, and 2 aquasun's)
1 fan in the canopy blowing out
Excalibur HOB skimmer
magnum canister filter- use for carbon
2 maxijet 1200's power heads
1 rio 400 power head
Around 60lbs of LR
around 50lbs of LS
Fish: foxface Lo, ocellaris clown, and royal gramma
inverts: Tons of crabs, snails, and a sand sifter starfish
corals: one little colony of brown button polyp.
I'm always changing my mind about what fish I'm going to get. But heres some that I'm purty sure I will get. Another clown to go with the one I have now. A lawnmower blenny, maybe a goby of some sort. Lots more snails, a couple emerald crabs,and a pair of cleaner shrimp. Then I'm going to fill it up with all different kinds corals, and maybe a couple clams.
Thanks again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Thanks alot pitbull01 I'm trying! Heres a list.
55gal tank
oak stand and canopy
4 110 watt VHO's ( 2 actinic's, and 2 aquasun's)
1 fan in the canopy blowing out
Excalibur HOB skimmer
magnum canister filter- use for carbon
2 maxijet 1200's power heads
1 rio 400 power head
Around 60lbs of LR
around 50lbs of LS
Fish: foxface Lo, ocellaris clown, and royal gramma
inverts: Tons of crabs, snails, and a sand sifter starfish
corals: one little colony of brown button polyp.
I'm always changing my mind about what fish I'm going to get. But heres some that I'm purty sure I will get. Another clown to go with the one I have now. A lawnmower blenny, maybe a goby of some sort. Lots more snails, a couple emerald crabs,and a pair of cleaner shrimp. Then I'm going to fill it up with all different kinds corals, and maybe a couple clams.
Thanks again!
Awesome!!!!!!! Hot diggity dog!! Keep up the GREAT work. Sounds like u got ur self a pretty good system!