Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Originally Posted by pitbull01
Awesome pics everyone!! Yeah, Misty, I know page 7 seems like a lot but we still have a LONG way to go. JayC, your tank is incredible!! What all are you planning on putting in there and what do you have in there now?
yah, at least 32 more.. maybe there's an even larger thread out there than "getting to know the people behind the posts


Active Member
exile, i assume youre talkin to me, no they are not, they're yellow belly sliders i believe,what i was told at least...so they better be! but cooters and sliders are close cousins.


Active Member
could this be a pipe organ coral? it was sold to me as green star polyps. but all gsp i've seen have a mat they grow from, not hardened tubes like in the picture.


Active Member
yeah tell me about it-there are about a trillion people out there who COULD POST but choose not to. Oceana-where are all the pics of your new tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
PRAISE THE LORD!! Someone posted!! By the way hot883, your tank looks really good.
Thats right. Praise the Lord. Thanks for the comments pitbull


Active Member
Originally Posted by BGriff
Bgriff, you need to enter this shot in the contest if you haven'y already. Thas pretty cool


Originally Posted by hot883
Bgriff, you need to enter this shot in the contest if you haven'y already. Thas pretty cool
I knew there was a thread I wanted to revisit!! thanks!!