Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
Yup, I sure will! I am hoping that by the end of the week I will be at 1000 which will be easy when I have that camera!! My fish will prolly be blind from all the pics I will be taking.


Active Member
I am confused. Show? sorry I am tired and nothing is making sense right now so u cant be too sarcastic right now with me...


Active Member
Jenn is her name, and JDRAGUNAS is her user name on swf.com. Make sense? JK. Didnt mean to sound rude there I just think its funny!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
I'm so stupid!!!!!!!!!!! I thought u were talking about a TV show! LoL
Dont be so hard on yourself-I think it is hilarious...


Active Member
Wow!! I think I am really really really high on Dew now!!! I am practically bouncing up and down in the computer chair!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
I know I just cant hardly keep up with everyone's names and everything.
Thats okay....