Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!


Active Member
Yep Jenn now your a TV show!!
I still cant believe I thought u were talking about tv show Adam!


Active Member
So jenn, what channel are you on?
Well a couple of weeks ago me and a bunch of my friends decided to play a joke on my friend Alex after he spilled ink all over my shirt-LONG STORY. So we maple syruped his locker..we got in trouble but he thought it was funny. We cleaned it up though...it still smells like maple syrup though!! And he must have thought that it would be funny to get me back so he ganged up most of my friends-himself, Joe, Zach, Erica, and a bunch of other people to give me the TOTAL cold shoulder. All day they were giving me the evil eye and they wouldn't talk to me and when they did they were like, "How could you say such a thing?!?!" and I didnt know what I had said and they did this all day until they could tell I was really upset and then they said, "Joke is on you!!" and then we decided that that meaned war. So who knows what will happen next...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
youuuu booger.. i haven't done that since like page 17...
Josh what did I tell you about switching back and forth between being a human and being a booger? Go to your room young man!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Ha! I want to know what your going to do to get them back?
I haven't decided yet, got any ideas?


lol, no i meant what they did to you was mean.... those meanie-heads... ooohhh no, they're booger-eating nose goblins...