Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!



Originally Posted by Bronco300
exile, i assume youre talkin to me, no they are not, they're yellow belly sliders i believe,what i was told at least...so they better be! but cooters and sliders are close cousins.
bronco .. i've read that if they are less that 4" then they're illegal .. shHHh I have one thats .. 3 1/2"


Active Member
well i think that is technically if you are keeping them specifically as pets....not sure about all turtles though, especially sliders because they are sooo common...or at least that has been what ive read and been told before...i mean you can adopt em at tons of places, i dont know..guess that is different somewhat, who knows though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
pitbull .. how old are you??? j/w cuz i saw u talking about hw!! : ( im 15
I am turning 13 on the 13th!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Yea!! U going to be on tomarrow afternoon?
yup, sorry for the late response---I woke up with my head on the keyboard at like midnight...I guess I fell asleep at the computer!! lol.


heeeellllllloooooo!!! i'm back.
LMFAO, i'm a TV show, now... lol!!!
I had the beeest dinner last night ever!!!! It was amazing!!! I had brushetta as an appetiser, a salad with onions, olives, tomatos, romaine lettuce, fetta cheese, and the house italian. For my entre, i had a strip steak with shrimp, green beans, and "tuscan style potatoes"... mmmmm, it was amazing!!!


Active Member
thats a lot of food, and Im a guy 6'3'' and that would fill me up for a week!! its amazing what little women can put down...we have a bravo cucina here too, its my second fav place. the GF and I eat there probably once a month, while we eat at cheesecake factory every friday!!


AUHHGHTHHDISHHLSDFH!!!!! CHEEEEESSSSEEEEEEE CCAAAAAAKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEE!!!!! *drools*... I love cheese cake! My fav. food ever!!!.
Yeah, i can eat more than the hubby... i have a large appetite... lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
heeeellllllloooooo!!! i'm back.
LMFAO, i'm a TV show, now... lol!!!
I had the beeest dinner last night ever!!!! It was amazing!!! I had brushetta as an appetiser, a salad with onions, olives, tomatos, romaine lettuce, fetta cheese, and the house italian. For my entre, i had a strip steak with shrimp, green beans, and "tuscan style potatoes"... mmmmm, it was amazing!!!

did u really have to make us drool? lol. jk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
heeeellllllloooooo!!! i'm back.
LMFAO, i'm a TV show, now... lol!!!
I had the beeest dinner last night ever!!!! It was amazing!!! I had brushetta as an appetiser, a salad with onions, olives, tomatos, romaine lettuce, fetta cheese, and the house italian. For my entre, i had a strip steak with shrimp, green beans, and "tuscan style potatoes"... mmmmm, it was amazing!!!

you're on a tv show?


remember, josh asked what time i was on or something like that, you said "i hope jenn comes on", and he was like "what time's that on?" lol


Active Member
OH YEAH!!! right...man, can you tell I had a loooonnnnggg day at school today? We started out MEAP testing today-sucky with extra sucky on the side!!


suke it to me baby, yeah... a little austin powers impression there. Sorry to hear you had the bad day. Hope the rest of your night goes a little better!!!


Active Member
Thanks Jenn!! That made me feel a lot better. Had a bunch of tests and friends played a sick joke on me...its pretty funny though. Why do I have to be so serious all the time?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
suke it to me baby, yeah... a little austin powers impression there. Sorry to hear you had the bad day. Hope the rest of your night goes a little better!!!
I got a lot of homework today...but I am working on it while I am typing. I CAN multitask believe it or not!!!