Lets see those Clams


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
nice clams everyone, anyone have any which arent blue but something that is more rare to see? i dont know like orange, pink, do they come in such colors?
you can find green or more gold squamosas. and all different colored maximas anywhere from oranges to gold.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
if you suggest croceas in the rock work then why is yours in the sand?

Because that pic was taken when I first got it and was acclimating him to the tank smarty.



Active Member
LETS SEE MOREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i shouldnt have to tell you people this
.Lets make this a thread to remember!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Because that pic was taken when I first got it and was acclimating him to the tank smarty.

What is the green thing in the bottom right that the clown is in? Looks like some sort of shroom or montipora. I would like to put something in like that for my clown.


Active Member
Those are frilly shrooms.Most people think it's a carpet anemone.
They grow very well over there.I have taken some out about 4-5 times.The clowns adore them,and lay their eggs on the glass just above them.I just got a pic of the eggs the other day.They are about to hatch,and you can see their little eyes.


Wouldn't T-5's work with any clams? My wife has been bugging me to get a clam, but I can't afford more lights right now and I have heard clams are a b%^&# to keep. Help me!


Active Member
it depends on the depth of the tank, the type of clam, and how many T5s you have. how long the bulbs are, ect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Those are frilly shrooms.Most people think it's a carpet anemone.
They grow very well over there.I have taken some out about 4-5 times.The clowns adore them,and lay their eggs on the glass just above them.I just got a pic of the eggs the other day.They are about to hatch,and you can see their little eyes.

Thanks. One of my LFS is going out of business and had something similar. I may go back and get some to try out. I've been wanting my clown to take to something besides an anemone. He doesn't venture to the top much so I need to place something on the bottome like you have. Going back to the LFS tomorrow. They gave me some (well $3.00 each) shrooms and I will post some pics of them later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
Thanks. One of my LFS is going out of business and had something similar. I may go back and get some to try out. I've been wanting my clown to take to something besides an anemone. He doesn't venture to the top much so I need to place something on the bottome like you have. Going back to the LFS tomorrow. They gave me some (well $3.00 each) shrooms and I will post some pics of them later.
Id rather have my clowns host my BTA, or hairy mushrooms, or hammer, or frogspawn, but now.... they want to host my macro algae


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
Id rather have my clowns host my BTA, or hairy mushrooms, or hammer, or frogspawn, but now.... they want to host my macro algae

Well mine hosts the overflow box and pods


Active Member
they host pods? that must not last long before they all scatter. lol. my moroon just eats all the pods. but my ocellarus pair just begs all the time