Lets see those Clams


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
they host pods? that must not last long before they all scatter. lol. my moroon just eats all the pods. but my ocellarus pair just begs all the time

I was joking

He just swims against the overflow box all night and there are pods on the overflow. Maybe it will host an Amplexidiscus....


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
Id rather have my clowns host my BTA, or hairy mushrooms, or hammer, or frogspawn, but now.... they want to host my macro algae

My clowns won't host anything


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCBruce
Wouldn't T-5's work with any clams? My wife has been bugging me to get a clam, but I can't afford more lights right now and I have heard clams are a b%^&# to keep. Help me!

What are T-5's?


The LFS I go to has had success keeping low light clams (I think Squamosa ans Derasa) under PCs. Some of the most knowledgable guys who work there have them under PCs and have had them for quite a while. I really trust these guys and they are always concerned for the animals well being.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
I was joking

He just swims against the overflow box all night and there are pods on the overflow. Maybe it will host an Amplexidiscus....

so was i


Originally Posted by nofish4U!!
Man, my fiance' won't let me get any clams because they gross him out. He thinks they look like private parts... LMAO

When I saw the title of the thread I thought it was another Girls Gone Wild video.


Actually I keep two croceas under PCs in my nano cube. They are on the rocks about halfway up the tank and seem to be doing fine. One has been in there since august. I know everyone states that they need MH lighting, but I have also read that that topic is still under debate.
Alyssia, T5s are fluorescent tubes that are thinner (I believe) than standard tubes, but are more intense and higher wattage. Four footers I believe are 110w. They require a different ballast too since they are higher wattage. I don't have any but have read a little about them in catalogs and such.
As for colors, I find that my clams are actually iridescent and the color depends on the angle you view them from.
Oh and back to my lighting, I have been told by a lfs guy that my clam will need more light later on. Not so much a problem as eventually I am switching to MH over my 75-soon-to-be-110 gal tank. So don't start screaming and flaming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Firedog
Alyssia, T5s are fluorescent tubes that are thinner (I believe) than standard tubes, but are more intense and higher wattage. Four footers I believe are 110w. They require a different ballast too since they are higher wattage. I don't have any but have read a little about them in catalogs and such.
Oh and back to my lighting, I have been told by a lfs guy that my clam will need more light later on. Not so much a problem as eventually I am switching to MH over my 75-soon-to-be-110 gal tank. So don't start screaming and flaming.
you are thinking of 4' VHO. 4' T5s HO bulbs are 54 watt.
and yes, your clam definatly will need more light. i doubt it will last for an extended period of time.
nice clams everyone, i wish i had a good pic of mine to share


ive been thinkin of adding a clam for a while now. how hardy are they in general?
i have 2 250watt 20,000 k mh's and my tank is 24'' deep. you think im ready?


Active Member
Originally Posted by corbin1234
ive been thinkin of adding a clam for a while now. how hardy are they in general?
i have 2 250watt 20,000 k mh's and my tank is 24'' deep. you think im ready?
they are not hardy at all. if you have perfect water, enough light, and they are big enough for them to not have to be fed, then they are pretty easy. but you just have to make sure your water is very good. how old is your tank?


My stupid LFS sold my mom a crocea clam and I only have PC's someone trade me or buy it from me please so it doesnt die! They wont give me anything for it if I take it back so eff them.. its in the corals/trading forum so check it out! Its a beautiful clam!


3-4" pretty small, he's going to be placed lower in the tank now though.. i just worry about my pistol shrimp burying him.