Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Well, my biggest pet peeve began last year in math class. My teacher said "add them up" but it sounded like "adam up" and I was half asleep because my sister had had her baby the night before. And I stood up and it was the most embarrassing thing EVER!! Then everyone was giving me a hard time about it...so its kind of a pet peeve of mine when people give me a hard time about that.
Years ago I was lettering a truck at this guys house and his wife's name was Euness (I doubt if I spelled it right, it's pronounce you-ness) and he called her "You" for short. So all day whenever he needed his wife he would call "hey You!"and me thinking he could'nt remember my name would answer "what do want?" this went on all day.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
In defense of girls who ask what kind of car you drive.....I grew up around cars and as a kid my father owned an auto body shop. I spent the first half of my 20's running around car shows with my Dad, as he showed his 1931 Chevy street rod. It was a complete blast and probably some of the best times of my life.
All of my life I have been really into cars, and one of my hobbies is my 1996 Trans Am WS6 with just over 30,000 miles on the odometer. When I am in it, I really feel alive and free, and all of my daily stresses melt away. I have owned muscle cars, SUVs, and a Benz, along with the ho-hum everyday commuters.
When I was single it was a common conversation starter for me to talk about cars. I'm not sure if I ever asked what kind of car a guy drove though...I think I just asked what he was into. If the guy wasn't into cars, it was pretty clear that we didn't have a whole lot in common. In my experiences, most fun guys enjoy cars.
So, maybe you shouldn't have written them off so quickly as being superficial until you learned more about why they were asking.

I think I'm in love :joy: :joy:

my way

Active Member
People who don't put on a new roll of toilet paper when they use the last of the old one, or better yet when they leave one sheet on the roll. :mad:


Active Member
How about people who

and moan about people bitching and moaning...
Basically people complaining about something and then proceeding to do it themselves..
Like most people who complain about bad driving...they are the ones making the mistakes causing the other peson to do what ever it is they are complaining about...Like they'll be like "that dumbass just cut me off, what and idiot!" Real story was they weren't paying attention drifted over into the lane causeing that person to go into the breakdown and almost crashing, they got pissed and cut you off!
or people complamining bout people mispeling things and doing it themsselves (lol)
Clueless people....even worse is the people who think they have a clue, when in fact they are a few corals short of a reef...
People that forget there are always 3 sides to a story....each persons side and the truth...So someone will go and say something and people will automatically be like OOOOOOOO. And everyone is on their side...I'm always like "wait a min...what about the other sides?"
Like "oh my fish died and i think my mandarin killed my shark!!" everyones like BAD MANDARIN...
Like "hmm maybe it could be you? and your lack of skill with a tank?"
It's always someone elses fault...Few people take the blame first.
Ex of things that get blamed for everything..in reefing anyways but this holds true for everything in life
Green brittle stars
Very rarely does your nitrates kill your fish...on occassion a GB star will go after something IF YO DONT FEED IT, SG and PH, temp unless it's Waaay off or moves fast won't kill your fish. And no Your Fire shrimp didn't kill your Trigger....

my way

Active Member
I gotta remember that "Few corals short of a reef" that is to damn funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, the fact that there is no spell checker to find my bad typing mistakes, I'm tired of editing every post 3 times because I can't type and don't want people to think I'm a moron. Well actually I am but not for that reason. :hilarious

michelle l

You know, I'm one of those people who griped about bad spelling, and I have to clarify my post...I don't mind some spelling errors, it's the ones that make a post impossible to read that drive me NUTS!!
Yu nowe its thu wons thhat mayke yu goh, wat thu hel is this purson seying????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
You know, I'm one of those people who griped about bad spelling, and I have to clarify my post...I don't mind some spelling errors, it's the ones that make a post impossible to read that drive me NUTS!!
Yu nowe its thu wons thhat mayke yu goh, wat thu hel is this purson seying????

sometimes people drink, and those = ;aolijhdsfpoiamjsdoifjhas;kdjnfakjs fkjhads;lkfj;lkasj see?!? :)

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by Michelle L
You know, I'm one of those people who griped about bad spelling, and I have to clarify my post...I don't mind some spelling errors, it's the ones that make a post impossible to read that drive me NUTS!!
Yu nowe its thu wons thhat mayke yu goh, wat thu hel is this purson seying????

I didn't mean you, I usually like to check my posts after posting and ALWAYS find mistakes, usually due to the fact that I'm a two finger typer. I don't want people to think I'm stupid and can't spell. now that I look at it is "typer" a real word?


Originally Posted by Speg
When my girlfriend is too lazy to shave her armpits.. no longer my girlfriend though.. so I dont gotta deal with her being too lazy to do something so friggin simple.
thats just gross....................................
:notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
jcrim said:
Sorry if this bothers anyone but I want to get it off my chest. I hate to be a fish snob but NEMO AND DORY ARE CARTOON CHARACTERS!!! Do you refer to your dog as a beagle or "a snoopy"? Do you call your cat "a garfield"?
Most people study and read a lot about these fish to keep them. It isn't that tough to learn the names percula clown and blue tang. Just a pet peeve of mine.
I don't know if you have children or not but i think if you did this wouldn't bother you so much. My children recognize them through the movie and call them that. Big deal.
If this is coming from an adult i would hope it would be one who has children

michelle l

Originally Posted by My Way
I didn't mean you, I usually like to check my posts after posting and ALWAYS find mistakes, usually due to the fact that I'm a two finger typer. I don't want people to think I'm stupid and can't spell. now that I look at it is "typer" a real word?
Yeah I knew you didn't mean me specifically...I just started reading your post and I thought, gee, I wasn't very clear in my original post. Pretty much as long as I can read a post without a spelling translator I am happy!! There is a really nice lady on another board I visit, and she is so darn nice... but her posts take forever to read because they make no sense! Aaaack!
I vote that yes, "typer" is a real word. Or, would that be "typee?"


Active Member
posters with over 20post a day average, 90% of which they could just edit instead. also going into a potentially exciting thread of 5 pages and finding out it's a chatroom for 2 people with no pics or useful information.

take that crap to emails and pms!!!!

honestly you may get excited and think you're posting popularity due to your views count, but in reality you are wasting our time and making legit readers mad. if you have 1000 posts since november, you know there's a problem...


Originally Posted by Michelle L
Yu nowe its thu wons thhat mayke yu goh, wat thu hel is this purson seying????

tats prety god


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
My biggest pet peeve is stupid people. aka customers anyone who asks me a retarted question. More importantly i think stupid people should have there own island where they can kill themselves off, not by murder or anything of that nature; just out of there own stupidity..aka falling ...etc ...
also people who dont like taco johns. It is amazing; to deny it is punishment by death ;)
oh yes...also my noisy ass neighbors who wont shut up!!!!!!! its 3:24AM .... shoot them. PLEASE
TACO JOHNS IS THE BEST WAY BETTER THEN Taco smell but I have to say DEL TACO would be up there if they gave you more food.
But my pet peve thats killing me today is Parnets. NO ,I'm not a whiney teenager. I'm 31.
I'm talking about when they are grandparents and try to tell you what your doing wrong. Like when my daughter is throwing a temper tantrum in the resturant because her grandparents don't make her go to bed or take a nap and then take her shopping all day even though she's sick. then when I won't let her climb on the table and scream like a murrder victim I'm the bad guy. Or when I say to grandma No she can't have desert she ate no dinner . OH then I'm a real dirty dog . Then they say things like I never would have done that I don't belive in punishment. WHOA YOu sure did when I was little. then they say I never hit you. WHOAAAAA what? Want me to cover the ten page list of the times you never HIT me. :mad: GRRRRR I wanna punch somebody.


when your drinking with your wife or some people have girlfriend and they ask you do u love me ? and if you answer yes the smart choice you get the next question, why?


Okay here are mine:
1) AT LEAST not atleast
2)A LOT not alot
3)Feet.... dear god do I hate feet even typing the word feet it freaking me out. Do not ever ever ever ever ever touch me with your smelly, dirty feet or death shall come quickly and painfully.
4)My roommates that think that magical fairies come down and clean the house
5)My roommate that doesn't know how to replace a toilet paper roll
6)My roommate that ask me stupid questions such as these all very true:
roommie- "Suzi what type of liquid do dogs require?"
me-"Ummm... water"
roommie-"Suzi are those things that run around New York City Chinchillas?"
me-"No those are rats"
roommie-"Suzi what are those things running around outside? Are they raccoons?"
me-"You mean squirrels?"
7)I roommates that are too stupid to divide up the bills, dividing what are concept!
8)All other drivers
hmmm that is all I got for now... but stay tuned